Китай. История страны - Рейн Крюгер
Warner M. The Dragon Empress. Wiedenfeld amp; Nicolson, 1972.
Watson W. The Arts of China to AD 1900. Yale U. Press, 1995.
Webb J. An Historical Essay Endeavouring a Probability That the Language of China etc. Nath. Brook, 1669.
Wechsler Н. S. A Mirror to the Son of Heaven. Yale U. Press, 1974.
Welch H., Seidel A. Facets of Taoism. Yale U. Press, 1979.
Wheatley Paul The Pivot of the Four Quarters. Edinburgh U. Press, 1971.
Williams S. W. The Middle Kingdom. London: W. H. Allen amp; Co., 1883.
Wolseley G. J. Narrative of the War with China in 1860. Longman, Green, Longman amp; Roberts, 1862.
Wu Ch’eng-en. Monkey. George Allen amp; Unwin, 1942.
Wu Ching-tzu. The Scholars. Peking: Foreign Languages Press; 1957.
Yang С. K. Religion in Chinese Society. California U. Press, 1970.
ZiircherE. The Buddhist Conquest of China. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1972.
Zheng Shifeng and others. China. London: Frederick Muller, 1980.
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