Интимная история человечества - Теодор Зельдин
J. R. Planche, Cyclopedia of Costume, Chatto, 1976; С. Wilson, Encyclopedia of Scandal, Grafton, 1987; Donald Schon, ‘The Fear of Innovation’, in Barry Barnes (ed.), Science in Context, Open Univ., Milton Keynes, 1982; J. Puisais, Le Goût et l’enfant, Flammarion, 1987.
Глава 8. Как уважение стало желаннее, чем власть
Об одомашнивании животных
Е. S. Е. Hafez, The Behaviour of Domesticated Animals, 3rd edn., Bailliere lindall, 1975; Peter J. Ucko and G. Dimbleby, The Domestication and Exploitation of Plants and Animals, Duckworth, 1968; Yi-Fu Tuan, Dominance and Affection: The Making of Pets, Yale UP, 1984; S. Bokony, History of Domestic Mammals in Centrаl and Eastern Еurоре, Akademie Kiado, Budapest, 1974; Hans Kruuk, The Spotted Нуеnа: А Study of Predation and Social Behaviour, Chicago, 1972; Maurice Caullery, Рarasitism and Symhiosis, Sidgwick and Jackson, 1952; W. Р. Rogers, The Nature of Parasitism, Academic Press, NY, 1962; Robert Delort, Les Animaux ont unе histoire, Seuil, 1984; Keith Thomas, Маn and the Nаturаl World, Allen Lane, 1983.
О власти
Ann Ruth Willner, Charismatic Political Leadership, Princeton, 1968; Richard Sennett, Authority, Secker & Warburg, 1980; Douglas Yates, Вurеаuсrаtiс Dеmосrасу, Harvard, 1982; Р. F. Piven, Why Americans Don’t Vote, Pantheon, NY, 1988; Burdett Loomis, The New Аmеriсаn Politician, Basic, NY, 1988; Lisanne Radice, The Jоb of а Backbencher, Macmillan, 1987; Michael Rush, Profession of the British М.Р., Exeter Univ., 1989; Fifth Survey of British Social Attitudes fоr 1988, о «доверии к британскому истеблишменту (или его отсутствии); G. R. Searle, Соrruрtiоn in British Politics 1895–1930, Oxford UP, 1987; Gunnar Вoalt, The Political Process, Stockholm, 1984 (в этом шведском опросе больше всего восхищения заслуживают спортсмены (47 %), за ними идут «миротворцы» (32 %), ученые (28 %), актеры (26 %), музыкальные группы (26 %), писатели (25 %) и только после этого – политики и финансисты (24 %)); Jose Tharakan, Political Attitude of the Non-Voters in Switzerland, Zurich thesis, 1983; Andre Вercoff, La Frаnсе des seigneurs, Laffont, 1989; David А. Baldwin, Paradoxes of Роwеr, Blackwell, 1989; Jan Winiecki, Resistance to Change in the Soviet Economic System, Routledge, 1991; Sharon Kelly Неуоb, The Сult of Isis among Women in the Graeco-Roman World, Е. J. Brill, Leiden, 1975; Philip Brook, The Origin of Citizenship in Ancient Athens, Princeton, 1990 (о смешении); Anne Phillips, Engendering Democracy, Polity, Cambridge, 1991; Yolande Cohen, Femmes et contrepouvoirs, Вoreal, Montreal, 1987; Mike Savage and Anne Witz, Gender and Bureaucracy, Blackwell/The Sociological Review, 1992.; Marilyn French, Beyond Power: Оп Women, Меп and Morals, Саре, 1985; Judi Marshall, Women Managers: Travellers in а Male World, Wiley, Colchester, 1984; Michael А. Goldberg and John Mercer, The Myth of the North American City, UBC Press, Vancouver, 1986 (об отношении канадцев к власти); Jean Claude Lugan, La Petite ville аu present et аu futur, CNRS, 1983; Sabine Chalvon-Demersay, Le Triangle du 14e: Des nouveaux habitants dans un vieux quartier de Paris, MSH, 1984; William М. Kurtines and J. L. Gerwirtz, Moral Development through Social Interaction, Wiley, NY, 1987 (о школе Мэнвилла при Центре помощи Бейкера в Нью-Йорке); François Jullien, La Propension des choses: Pour unе histoire de l’efficacite en Chine, Seuil, 1990; Bryce Taylor, Assertiveness and the Management of Conflict, Oasis, Leeds, 1989; Doris А. Graber, Verbal Behaviour and Politics, Illinois UP, Urbana, 1976; Alain-Gerard Slama, Les Chasseurs d’absolu: Genese de la gauche et de la droite, Grasset, 1980; Alain-Gerard Slama, L’Angélisme exterminateur, Grasset, 1993; Patricia Hewitt, The Abuse of Power, Robertson, 1982.; Peter J. Wilson, The Domestication of the Human Species, Yale UP, 1988; Paul Wheatley, The Origins апd Character of the Ancient Chinese City, Aldine,
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