Красота физики. Постигая устройство природы - Фрэнк Вильчек
Илл. 38–39. Created by Betsy Devine.
Илл. 40. Courtesy of the author.
Илл. 41. Courtesy of the author.
Илл. 42. Wikimedia.
Илл. 43. NASA Mars Rover image, NASA/JPL–Caltech/MSSS/TAMU.
A: Printed by permission of He Shuifa.
B: Detail of Pythagoras from Raphael, Scuola di Atene, fresco at Apostolic Palace, Vatican City, 1509–11.
C: Courtesy of the author.
D: RASMOL image of 1AYN PBD by Dr. J.-Y. Sgro, UW-Madison, USA. RASMOL: Roger Sayle and E. James Milner-White. «RasMol: Biomolecular Graphics for All,» Trends in Biochemical Sciences (TIBS), September 1995, vol. 20, no. 9, p. 374.
E: Salvador Dalí, The Sacrament of the Last Supper. Image courtesy of the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
F: Camille Flammarion, L'atmosphère: météorologie populaire, 1888.
G: Pietro Perugino, Giving of the Keys to St. Peter, fresco in Sistine Chapel, 1481–82.
H: Courtesy of the author.
I: Fra Angelico, The Transfiguration, fresco, c. 1437–46.
J: © Molecular Expressions.
K: William Blake, Newton, pen, ink, and watercolor on paper, 1795.
L: William Blake, Europe a Prophecy, handcolored etching, 1794.
M: «Phoenix Galactic Ammonite,» © Weed 2012.
N: Courtesy of the author.
O: Courtesy of the author.
P: Spectrum image by Dr. Alana Edwards, Climate Science Investigations project, NASA. Reproduced by permission.
Q: Courtesy of the author.
R: R. Gopakumar, «The Birth of the Son of God,» digital painting print on canvas, 2011. Via Wikimedia Commons.
S: William Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, title page, 1790.
T: Courtesy of the author.
U: Courtesy of the author.
V: Claude Monet, Grainstack (Sunset), oil on canvas, 1891. Juliana Cheney Edwards Collection, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
W: Courtesy of the author.
X: Photographs by Jill Morton, reproduced by permission.
Y: Image created by Michael Bok.
Z: Mantis shrimp by Jacopo Werther, 2010.
AA: Image created by Michael Bok.
BB: Courtesy of the author.
CC: Courtesy of the author.
DD: Via Wikimedia Commons.
EE: Printed by permission of István Orosz.
FF: Via Wikimedia Commons. Created by Michael Ströck, 2006.
GG: Photograph by Betsy Devine; effects by the author.
HH: Winter Prayer Hall, Nasir Al-Mulk Mosque, Shiraz, Iran.
II: Courtesy of the author.
JJ: Courtesy of the author.
KK: Amity Wilczek photographed by Betsy Devine; effects by the author.
LL: Photograph by Mohammad Reza Domiri Ganji.
MM: Typoform, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
NN: © CERN image library.
OO: © Derek Leinweber, used by permission.
PP: © Derek Leinweber, used by permission.
QQ: Courtesy of the author.
RR: Courtesy of the author.
SS: Courtesy of the author.
TT: Courtesy of the author.
UU: Courtesy of the author.
VV: Courtesy of the author.
WW: Courtesy of the author.
XX: © Derek Leinweber, used by permission.
YY: Caravaggio, The Incredulity of St. Thomas, oil on canvas, 1601–2.
ZZ: Leonardo da Vinci, Vitruvian Man, ink and wash on paper, c. 1492.

Илл. A. Фигура тайцзи кисти Хэ Шуйфа, использованная также в начале этой книги

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