📚 Hub Books: Онлайн-чтение книгДомашняяТезаурус вкусов. Словарь сочетания вкусов, рецепты и идеи для креативного приготовления еды - Ники Сегнит

Тезаурус вкусов. Словарь сочетания вкусов, рецепты и идеи для креативного приготовления еды - Ники Сегнит




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Fisher M. F. K. Consider the Oyster. Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1941. P. 152.

Floyd Keith. Floyd on Britain and Ireland. BBC, 1988. P. 102.

Gill A. A. The Ivy: The Restaurant and its Recipes. Hodder & Stoughton, 1997. P. 116, 339.

Gladwin Peter. The City of London Cook Book. Accent, 2006. P. 31.

Glass Leonie. Fine Cheese. Duncan Petersen, 2005. P. 65.

Glasse Hannah. The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy. 1747. P. 51, 96, 145, 156, 158, 163.

Graham Peter. Classic Cheese Cookery. Penguin, 1988. P. 61, 274.

Graves Tomás. Bread and Oil: Majorcan Culture’s Last Stand. Prospect, 2001. P. 282.

Grigson Jane. English Food. Macmillan, 1974.

Grigson Jane. Fish Cookery. Penguin, 1975. P. 144.

Grigson Jane. Jane Grigson’s Fruit Book. Michael Joseph, 1982. P. 249, 272, 341.

Grigson Jane. Jane Grigson’s Vegetable Book. Michael Joseph, 1978. P. 131, 266.

Grigson Sophie. Sophie Grigson’s Herbs. BBC, 1999. P. 338.

Harbutt Juliet. Cheese: A Complete Guide to over 300 Cheeses of Distinction. Mitchell Beazley, 1999. P. 306.

Hay Donna. Flavours. Murdoch, 2000. P. 313.

Hay Donna. Marie Claire Cooking. Murdoch, 1997. P. 183.

Henderson Fergus & Gellatly Justin Piers. Beyond Nose to Tail. Bloomsbury, 2007. P. 41, 48.

Henderson Fergus. Nose to Tail Eating. Macmillan, 1999. P. 47, 134.

Hieatt Constance B., Hosington Brenda & Butler Sharon. Pleyn Delit: Medieval Cookery for Modern Cooks. University of Toronto, 1996. P. 143.

Hill Tony. The Spice Lover’s Guide to Herbs and Spices. Wiley, 2005. P. 218.

Hirsch Dr Alan. Scentsational Sex. Element, 1998. P. 186, 231.

Hollingworth H. L. & Poffenberger A. D. The Sense of Taste. Moffat Yard & Co., 1917. P. 30.

Hom Ken. A Taste of China. Pavilion, 1990. P. 113.

Hooper Edward James. Western Fruit Book. Moore, Wilstach, Keys & Co., 1857. P. 268.

Hopkinson Simon & Bareham Lindsey. Roast Chicken and Other Stories. Ebury, 1994. P. 89.

Hopkinson Simon & Bareham Lindsey. The Prawn Cocktail Years. Macmillan, 1997. P. 200.

Jaffrey Madhur. Madhur Jaffrey’s Quick and Easy Indian Cookery. BBC, 1993. P. 314.

Jaffrey Madhur. Madhur Jaffrey’s Ultimate Curry Bible. Ebury, 2003. P. 330.

James Kenneth. Escoffier: The King of Chefs. Continuum, 2002. P. 285.

Kamp David. The United States of Arugula. Broadway, 2006. P. 156.

Kapoor Sybil. Taste: A New Way to Cook. Mitchell Beazley, 2003. P. 84, 165.

Katzen Mollie. Still Life with Menu Cookbook. Ten Speed Press, 1994. P. 135.

Kaufelt Rob & Thorpe Liz. The Murray’s Cheese Handbook. Broadway, 2006. P. 57.

Keller Thomas. The French Laundry Cookbook. Workman, 1999. P. 21, 154.

Kennedy Diana. Recipes from the Regional Cooks of Mexico. Harper & Row, 1978. P. Kitchen, Leanne. Grower’s Market: Cooking with Seasonal Produce. Murdoch, 2006. P. 266.

Lanchester John. The Debt to Pleasure. Picador, 1996. P. 6.

Lang Jenifer Harvey. Tastings. Crown, 1986. P. 64.

Larkcom Joy. Oriental Vegetables. John Murray, 1991. P. 125.

Lawson Nigella. Forever Summer. Chatto & Windus, 2002. P. 23.

Lawson Nigella. How to be a Domestic Goddess. Chatto & Windus, 2000. P. 247.

Lawson Nigella. How to Eat. Chatto & Windus, 1998. P. 70.

Levene Peter. Aphrodisiacs. Blandford, 1985. P. 131.

Lewis, Elisha Jarrett. The American Sportsman. Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1855. P. 222.

Leyel Mrs C. F. & Hartley Miss O. The Gentle Art of Cookery. Chatto & Windus, 1925. P. 307.

Locatelli Giorgio. Made in Italy. Fourth Estate, 2006. P. 80, 94, 234, 257, 277, 341.

Luard Elisabeth. Truffles. Frances Lincoln, 2006. P. 116.

Maarse H. Volatile Compounds in Foods and Beverages. CRC Press, 1991.

Mabey Richard. The Full English Cassoulet. Chatto & Windus, 2008. P. 76.

Marinetti. The Futurist Cookbook (1932). Translated by Suzanne Brill. Trefoil, 1989. P. 296.

Marsili Ray. Sensory-Directed Flavor Analysis. CRC Press, 2006. P. 46.

McGee Harold. McGee on Food and Cooking. Hodder & Stoughton, 2004. P. 31, 88, 105, 145, 154, 171, 172, 183, 191, 196, 279, 346.

Michelson Patricia. The Cheese Room. Michael Joseph, 2001. P. 237.

Miller Mark with McLauchlan Andrew. Flavored Breads. Ten Speed Press, 1996. P. 101.

Miller Mark. Coyote Café. Ten Speed Press, 2002. P. 184.

Ojakangas Beatrice A. Scandinavian Feasts. University of Minnesota, 2001. P. 163.

Oliver Jamie. Jamie’s Dinners. Michael Joseph, 2004. P. 277.

Olney Richard. The French Menu Cookbook. Collins, 1975. P. 29, 114, 268.

Parsons Russ. How to Pick a Peach. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2007. P. 185, 322.

Paston-Williams Sara. The National Trust Book of Traditional Puddings. David & Charles, 1983. P. 271.

Pern Andrew. Black Pudding and Foie Gras. Face, 2008. P. 39, 312.

Perry Neil. The Food I Love. Murdoch, 2005. P. 322.

Phillips Henry. History of Cultivated Vegetables. Henry Colburn & Co., 1822. P. 148.

Plath Sylvia. The Bell Jar. Heinemann, 1963. P. 27.

Pomés Leopold. Teoria i pràctica del pa amb tomàquet. Tusquets, 1985. P. 259.

Puck Wolfgang (www.wolfgangpuck.com). P. 165.

Puck Wolfgang. Wolfgang Puck’s Modern French Cooking for the American Kitchen. Houghton Mifflin, 1981. P. 153.

Purner John F. The $100 Hamburger: A Guide to Pilots’ Favorite Fly-in Restaurants. McGraw-Hill, 1998. P. 66.

Raven Sarah. Sarah Raven’s Garden Cookbook. Bloomsbury, 2007. P. 332.

Reboux Paul. Book of New French Cooking. Translated by Elizabeth Lucas Thornton. Butterworth, 1927. P. 229.

Renowden Gareth. The Truffle Book. Limestone Hills, 2005. P. 116.

Robuchon Joel. The Complete Robuchon. Grub Street, 2008. P. 305.

Roden Claudia. A New Book of Middle Eastern Food. Penguin, 1985. P. 293.

Roden Claudia. The Book of Jewish Food. Viking, 1997. P. 51.

Rodgers Judy. The Zuni Café Cookbook. Norton, 2002. P. 171, 173, 323, 338.

Rose Evelyn. The New Complete International Jewish Cookbook. Robson, 2004. P. 82.

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