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3. A. Ohman and S. Mineka, «Fears, phobias, and preparedness: To -ward an evolved module of fear and fear learning», Psychological Review, 2001, vol. 108, no. 3, pp. 483 – 522; C. Scott, «It’s Friday the 13th: Do you know where your phobias come from?», The San Francisco Chronicle, 13 August 2010, p. A8; L. Ost, «One-session group treatment of spider phobia», Behaviour Research and Therapy, 1996, vol. 34, no. 9, pp. 707 – 715; «Celebri-ty Phobias – What They Fear Most», www.popeater. com/2008/10/29/celebrity-phobia-what-they (retrieved 18 – 11 – 2009); R. Doctor and A. Kahn, The Encyclopedia of Phobias, Fears, and Anxieties, Facts on File, New York, 1989, p. 382; «Celebrity Phobias – WhatRumors – The Celebrity Gossip Wi-ki», www.whatrumors.com/Celebrity_Phobias (retrieved 24 – 11 – 2009); P. Hastings, «Remove Phobias, Hypnosis, and NLP», www.realsmart-hypnosis.com/phobias2.html (retrieved 08 – 12 – 2009); R. Fulton, «I’m a Celebrity: I’ll be showing off my body in the jungle shower, promises Sam Fox», The Daily Record (Glasgow), www.dailyrecord.co.uk/showbiz/television-news/2009/11/12 (retrieved 05 – 12 – 2009); P. Jones, «I’m a Celebrity … line-up revealed – Blogs – Radio Times», www.ra-diotimes.com/blogs/469-news-im-a-celebrity-get-me (retrieved 05 – 12 – 2009); N. Christensen, «A view on what scares us», The Daily Telegraph (Sydney), 9 August 2010, p. 8.

4. М. К. Джоунз и Р. Г. Мензис – сотрудники Школы поведения и общественного здравоохранения Сиднейского университета; M. Jones and R. Menzies, «Danger expectancies, self-effi cacy and insight in spider phobia», Behaviour Research and Therapy, 2000, vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 585 – 600.

5. В исследовании принимали участие доктора Хантер Хоффман, Альберт Карлин и Томас Фернесс из Технологической

лаборатории «Человеческий интерфейс» при университете Вашингтона, вместе с докторами Асусеной Гарсия-Паласьос и Кристиной Ботелья-Арбона из Университета Хайме I в Испании; «Touch doubles the power of virtual reality therapy for spider phobia», Science Daily, 31 October 2003, p. 1.

6. «Celebrity Phobias – WhatRumors – The Celebrity Gossip Wi-ki», www.whatrumors.com/Celebrity_Phobias (retrieved 24 – 11 – 2009).

7. I. Marks, Fears and Phobias, Heinemann Medical Books, London, 1969, p. 9; «Famous People with Animal Phobias», www. bukisa.com/articles/195989famous-people-with animals (retrieved 09 – 12 – 2009)

8. P. Jones, «I’m a Celebrity … line-up revealed – Blogs – Radio Times», www.radiotimes.com/blogs/469-news-im-a-celebrity-get-me (retrieved 05 – 12 – 2009).

9. «Cheryl Cole Reveals Strange Phobia: Cotton Wool», http://fam-etastic.co.uk/active/20081002/cheryl-cole-reveal (retrieved 28 – 11 – 2009).

10. Сцелерофобия не была включена в первое издание «Психиатрического словаря» (Psychiatric Dictionary, 1940), но добавлена в четвертое издание 1970 года; R. Campbell, Psychiatric Dictionary (8th edition), Oxford University Press, London, 2004, pp. 486; O. James, They F*** Yo u Up: How to Survive Family Life, Bloomsbury, London, 2002, p. 221; «Speck», www.unusualphobias.com/speck.html (retrieved 19 – 02 – 2006).

11. «Famous People with Phobias – Public Spark», www.public-spark.com/2008/11/24/famous-people-with-phobias (retrieved 09 – 12 – 2009); P. Hastings, «Remove Phobias, Hypnosis, and NLP», www. realsmart-hypnosis.com/phobias2.html (retrieved 08 – 12 – 2009); «10 Famous People and Their Phobias», www.toptenz.net/10-famous-people-and-their-phobias.php (retrieved 08 – 12 – 2009).

12. R. Doctor and A. Kahn, The Encyclopedia of Phobias, Fears, and Anxieties, Facts on File, New York, 1989, pp. 191, 356.

13. Эниссофобия не была включена в первое издание «Психиатрического словаря» (Psychiatric Dictionary, 1940), но добавлена в девятое издание 2009 года.

14. Авиафобия не была включена в первое издание «Психиатрического словаря» (Psychiatric Dictionary, 1940), но добавлена в шестое издание 1989 го да; J. Forrester and T. Forrester, Three Stooges: The Triumphs and Tragedies of the

Most Popular Comedy Team of All Time, Donaldson Books, Los Angeles, 2002, pp. 151 – 152; B. Wolf, «Wolf Files: Celebrity Phobias», ABC News (New York), http://abcnews.go.com/En-tertainment/WolfFiles/story?id=73034&page=1-2 (retrieved 21 – 11 – 2009); D. Zagata, «Famous Phobics – Associated Content – associatedcontent.com»,www.associatedcontent. com/article/369515/famous_phobias.html (retrieved 12 – 09 – 2009); V. McClure, «Phobias of the Rich and Famous», Cool Quiz!, www.coolquiz.com/trivia/entertainment/entertain-ment.asp?ci (retrieved 05 – 12 – 2009); «Celebrity Phobias – Jennifer Aniston, 8 Jennifer Aniston, Michael Jackson, Joaquin Phoenix, and Colin Farrell», www.hollyscoop.com/jennifer-aniston/celebrity-phobia_13 (retrieved 17 – 11 – 2009); «Ce-lebrity Phobias – What They Fear Most», www.popeater. com/2008/10/29/celebrity-phobia-what-they (retrieved 18 – 11 – 2009); «High anxiety», OK! Magazine, www.ok.co.uk/ body/view/13891/High-anxiety (retrieved 05 – 12 – 2009); C. Felsenthal, «Phobias: really nothing to fear», The Prescott Courier (Prescott, Arizona), 19 March 1978, p. 5; «Celebrity Pho-bias», www.funtrivia.com.submitquiz.cfm?quiz=114126 (retrieved 18 – 11 – 2009); «Celebrity Phobias – WhatRumors – The Celebrity Gossip Wiki», www.whatrumors.com/ Celebrity_Phobias (retrieved 24 – 11 – 2009); «Celebrities and Their Phobias», www.femalefi rst.co.uk/celebrity/ Cheryl+Cole-23101.html (retrieved 27 – 11 – 2009); «Cheryl Cole Reveals Strange Phobia: Cotton Wool», http://fametastic. co.uk/active/20081002/cheryl-cole-reveal (retrieved 28 – 11 – 2009); R. Fulton, «I’m a Celebrity: I’ll be showing off my body in the jungle shower, promises Sam Fox», The Daily Record (Glasgow), www.dailyrecord.co.uk/showbiz/television-news/2009/11/12 (retrieved 05 – 12 – 2009); «Samanda’s Fishy Phobia», http://showbiz.sky.com/celebrity-phobias (retrieved 06 – 12 – 2009).

15. C. Walder, J. McCraken, M. Herbert, P. James and N. Brewitt, «Psy-chological intervention in civilian fl ying phobias. Evaluation and a three-year follow-up», British Journal of Psychiatry, 1987, vol. 151, no. 10, pp. 494 – 498; I. Marks, Fears and Phobias, Heinemann Medical Books, London, 1969, p. 11.

16. Исследование возглавляли психологи Саманта Смит из госпиталя Уолтер-Рид и Барбара О. Ротман из университета Эмори.; «New virtual reality technique helps conquer fear of flying, say researchers», Science Daily, 11 August 2000, p. 1.

17. C. Felsenthal, «Phobias: Really nothing to fear», The Prescott Courier (Prescott, Arizona), 19 March 1978, p. 5

18. Мастигофобия не была включена в первое издание «Психиатрического словаря» (Psychiatric Dictionary, 1940), но была добавлена в шестое издание в 1989 году.

19. Батмофобия не была включена в первое издание «Психиатрического словаря» (Psychiatric Dic tionary, 1940), но добавлена в восьмое издание 2004 года.

20. «Celebrity Phobias – WhatRumors – The Celebrity Gossip Wi-ki», www.whatrumors.com/Celebrity_Phobias (retrieved 24 – 11 – 2009).

21. N. Botham, The Best Book of Useless Information Ever, John Blake, London, 2005, p. 143; «Celebrity Phobias – WhatRu-mors – The Celebrity Gossip Wiki», www.whatrumors.com/Ce-lebrity_Phobias (retrieved 24 – 11 – 2009).

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