Стелла Крамриш, Присутствие Шивы - Стелла Крамриш
— Translated by R.E. Hume in The Thirteen Principal Upanishads. See Brhadaranyaha Upanisad (BrUp).
X Harivamsa. Edited by Parashuram Lakshman Vaidya. Vol. 1, Text. Poona,
XB Haravijaya of Rajanaka Ratnakara. With the commentary of Rajanaka
Alaka. Edited by Durgaprasad and Kasinath Pan-durang Parab. KM 22. Bombay, 1890.
ХГр Hiranyakesi Grhyasutra. With extracts from the commentary of Matrdatta. Edited by J. Kirste. Vienna, 1889.
ХЙП Hathayogapradlpika of Svatmarama. With two commentaries. Reprint of 1st ed. Bombay, 1962.
ЧхУп Chandogya Upanisad. With the commentary of Madhva. Edited and translated by Srisa Chandra Vasu. SBH 3, The Upanisads Part II, Reprint of 1st ed. New York, 1974.
ШБр Satapatha Brahmana. In the Madhyandina Sakha. With extracts from the commentaries of Sayaria Harisvamin, and Dvivedaganga (Part II of the White Yajurveda) Edited by Albrecht Weber. London, 1855. — Translated by Julius Eggeling. 5 vols. SBE 12, 26, 41,43,44. Reprint of 1st ed. Delhi. 1963.
ШвУп Svetasvatara Upanisad. Edited and translated by Siddheshvar Varma Shastri. SBH 18.2. Reprint of 1st ed. New York, 1974.
— Translated by R.E. Hume in The Thirteen Principal Upanishads. See Brhadaranyaka Upanisad (BrUp).
ШГр Sankhayana Grhyasutra. Edited by Hermann Oldenberg Indische Studien 15.1878, pp. 1-166.
Шилп Silpaiatna of Sri Kumara. Edited by T. Ganapati Sastri (Vol. 1) and R. Sambasiva Sastri(Vol. II) TSS 75. 98. Trivamdrum. 1922-1929.
ШП Siva Purana. Edited by Jvalaprasada Mis'ra. Bombay, 1965.
— Translated by “A. Board of Scholars” and edited by J L Shastri. 4 vols. Ancient Indian Tradition and Mvthology Series 1-4. Delhi, 1973.
ШП, ДжС Siva Purana. With the commentary of Pandita Rajaram Sastri. Containing the Jnanasamhita (JS) and Dharmasamhita (DhS).Edited by Ganapata Krishnaji. Bombay, 1884.
ШС Sivasamhita. Edited and translated by Srisa Chandra Vasa. 2nd ed. New Delhi, 1975.
ШШС Sankhayana Srautasutra. With the commentaries of Varadattasata Anartiya and Govinda. Edited by Alfred Hillebrandt. 4 vols. Bi 99. Calcutta, 1888-1899.
ЯджДхШ Yajnavalkya Dharmasastra. Edited and translated into German by Adolf Friedrich Stenzler. London, 1849.
Sankhyakarika of Tsvara Krsna. Edited and translated by S. S. Saryanarayana Sastri. Madras University Philosophical Series 3. Repnnt of 2nd ed. Madras, 1973.
Saradatilaka of Laksmanadesikendra. With the commentary Padartha-darsa ofRaghavabhatta. Edited by MakandaJha Bakshi. KSS 107.
Varanasi, 1963.
In Subodhastotrasamgraha. Edited by P, Pandaranga Ganesa Gosvami. Poona, 1962.
Вторичная литература
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