Творение. История искусства с самого начала - Джон-Пол Стонард
Jonaitis A. From the Land of the Totem Poles: The Northwest Coast Indian Art Collection at the American Museum of Natural History. New York, 1988.
Kjellgren E. Oceania: Art of the Pacific Islands in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York and London, 2007.
Korewori: Magic Art from the Rainforest. Exh. cat., Museum der Kulturen, Basel / ed. C. Kaufmann. Basel, 2003.
Muller-Westermann I. Hilma af Klint: A Pioneer of Abstraction. Ostfildern, 2013.
Pacific Encounters: Art & Divinity in Polynesia, 1760–1860. Exh. cat., Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, Norwich / eds. S. Hooper. London, 2006.
Paradise Remembered: The Noa Noa Prints. Exh. cat., Princeton University Art Museum / eds. A. Wright, C. Brown. Princeton, NJ, 2010.
Rewald J. The Paintings of Paul Cézanne: A Catalogue Raisonné. 2 vols. London, 1996.
Roskill M. Van Gogh, Gauguin and the Impressionist Circle. Greenwich, CT, 1970.
Royal Hawaian Featherwork: Na Hulu Ali’i. Exh. cat., de Young Museum, San Francisco / eds. L. Caldeira, C. Hellmich, A. L. Kaeppler, B. Lou, K. G. Rose. Honolulu, HA, 2015.
Teilhet-Fisk J. Paradise Reviewed: An Interpretation of Gauguin’s Polynesian Symbolism. Ann Arbor, MI, 1983.
Thomas N. Oceanic Art. London, 2018.
Toulouse-Lautrec and Jane Avril: Beyond the Moulin Rouge. Exh. cat., Courtauld Institute, London / ed. N. Ireson. London, 2011.
Toulouse-Lautrec: The Complete Graphic Work. Exh. cat., Royal Academy, London / ed. G. Adriani. London, 1988.
Townsend-Gault C., Kramer J. Ki-ke-in. Native Art of the Northwest Coast: A History of Changing Ideas. Vancouver; Toronto, 2013.
Uhlenbeck C. Tilborgh L., Oikawa S. Japanese Prints: The Collection of Vincent Van Gogh. London, 2018.
Van Gogh & Japan. Exh. cat., Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam / eds. N. Bakker, L. van Tilborgh. New Haven, CT; London, 2018.
Vincent Van Gogh: The Letters. The Complete Illustrated and Annotated Edition / eds. L. Jansen, H. Luijten, N. Bakker. London and New York, 2009.
Watkins N. Bonnard. London, 1994.
Глава 26. Новые миры
Итальянский футуризм: манифесты и программы 1909–1941. В 2 т. / cост. Е. Лазарева. М., 2020.
Фостер Х., Краусс Р., Буа И.-А., Бухло Б. Х. Д., Джослит Д. Искусство с 1900 / пер. А. Фоменко, А. Шестакова и др. М., 2019.
Ades D. Photomontage. London, 1976.
Barr A. H. Matisse: His Art and His Public. New York, 1951.
Bauhaus 1919–1933: Workshops for Modernity. Exh. cat., Museum of Modern Art, New York / eds. B. Bergdoll, L. Dickerman. New York, 2009.
Bowlt J. E. Russian Art of the Avant-Garde: Theory and Criticism 1902–1934. New York, 1976.
Cooper H. Mondrian: The Transatlantic Paintings. Cambridge, MA, 2001.
Cowling E. Picasso: Style and Meaning. London, 2002.
Dada: Zurich, Berlin, Hannover, Cologne, New York, Paris. Exh. cat., National Gallery of Art, Washington DC / eds. L. Dickerman, B. Doherty. Washington, DC, 2005.
Dalí: The Centenary Retrospective. Exh. cat., Palazzo Grassi, Venice / ed. D. Ades. London, 2005.
Dickermann L., Smithgall E. Jacob Lawrence: The Migration Series. New York and Washington, DC, 2015.
Eldredge C. C. Georgia O’Keeffe. New York, 1991.
Flam J. Matisse: The Man and His Art, 1869–1914. London, 1986.
Fry R. Vision and Design. London, 1920.
Futurism. Exh. cat., Centre Pompidou, Paris / ed. D. Otinger. Paris, 2009.
Georgia O’Keeffe: Catalogue Raisonné / ed. B. B. Lynes. New Haven, CT, 1999.
Golding J. Boccioni’s Unique Forms of Continuity in Space. London, 1985.
Gray C. The Great Experiment: Russian Art 1863–1922. London, 1962.
Hills P. Painting Harlem Modern: The Art of Jacob Lawrence. Berkeley, CA, 2009.
Hohl R. Alberto Giacometti. Sculpture, Painting, Drawing. London, 1972.
Klee P. On Modern Art. London, 1945.
Krauss R. Passages in Modern Sculpture. New York, 1977.
Leja M. Reframing Abstract Expressionism: Subjectivity and Painting in the 1940s. New Haven, CT; London, 1993.
Lodder C. Russian Constructivism. New Haven, CT; London, 1983.
Matisse on Art / ed. J. D. Flam. New York, 1978.
Milner J. Mondrian. London, 1992.
Over the Line: The Art and Life of Jacob Lawrence / eds. P. T. Nesbett, M. DuBois. Seattle, WA; London, 2001.
Paul Klee: Catalogue Raisonné / eds. J. Helfenstein, C. Rumelin. New York, 1998–2004.
Paul Klee: Creative Confession and Other Writings / e. M. Gale. London, 2013.
Picasso’s ‘Les Demoiselles d’Avignon’ / ed. C. Green. Cambridge, 2001.
Porter J. A. Modern Negro Art. New York, 1943.
Richardson J. A Life of Picasso, vol. II: 1907–1917. London, 1996.
Schwarz A. The Complete Works of Marcel Duchamp. London, 1997.
Sylvester D. Looking at Giacometti. London, 1994.
The New Art — The New Life: The Collected Writings of Piet Mondrian / eds. and trans. H. Holtzman, M. S. James. London, 1987.
Tomkins C. Duchamp: A Biography. New York, 1996.
Глава 27. После травмы
Розенберг Г. Традиция нового / пер. О. Демидовой. М., 2019.
Сонтаг С. О фотографии / пер. В. Голышева. М., 2013.
Уорхол Э., Хэкетт П. ПОПизм: Уорхоловские 60-е / пер. Л. Речной. М., 2016.
Andrews J. F. Painters and Politics in the People’s Republic of China, 1949–1979. Berkeley, CA, 1994.
Dan Flavin. A Retrospective. Exh. cat., National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC / eds. M. Govan, T. Bell. New Haven, CT, 2005.
Fabian J. Remembering the Present. Painting and Popular History in Zaire. Berkeley, CA, 1996.
Foster H., Francis M. Pop Art. London, 2005.
Gerhard Richter: Doubt and Belief in Painting. Exh. cat., Museum of Modern Art, New York / ed. R. Storr. New York, 2002.
Germany Divided: Baselitz and His Generation, from the Duerckheim Collection. Exh. cat., British Museum, London / ed. J.-P. Stonard. London, 2014.
Greenberg C. Art and Culture. New York, 1961.
It Is What It Is: Writings on Dan Flavin since 1964 / eds. P. Feldman, K. Schubert. London, 2004.
Joseph Beuys: The End of the 20th Century. The Move from the Haus der Kunst to the Pinakothek der Moderne München / eds. B. Heimberg, S. Willisch. Munich, 2007.
Krauss R. Terminal Iron Works: The Sculpture of David Smith. Cambridge, MA, 1971.
Lee Krasner: Living Colour. Exh. cat., Barbican Centre, London / ed. E. Nairne. London, 2019.
Lygia Clark: The Abandonment of Art, 1948–88. Exh. cat., Museum of Modern Art, New York / eds. C. H. Butler, L. Perez-Oramas. New York, 2014.
Moorhouse P. Interpreting Caro. London, 2005.
Newman B. Selected Writings and Interviews. Berkeley, CA, 1990.
Nochlin L. Women, Art and Power: And Other Essays. New York, 1988.
Postwar: Art between the Pacific and the Atlantic, 1945–1965. Exh. cat., Haus der Kunst, Munich / eds. O. Enwezor, K. Siegel, U. Wilmes. Munich, 2016.
Rachel Whiteread: House / ed. J. Lingwood. London, 1995.
Radical Women: Latin American Art, 1960–1985. Exh. cat., Hammer Museum, Los Angeles / eds. C. Fajardo-Hill, A. Giunta. New York, 2017.
Richard Hamilton. Exh. cat., Tate Modern, London / eds. M. Godfrey, P. Schimmel, V. Todoli. London, 2014.
Sherman C. The Complete Untitled Film Stills. New York, 2003.
The Short Century: Independence and Liberation Movements in Africa 1945–1994. Exh. cat., Museum Villa Stuck, Munich /
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