История папства - Джон Джулиус Норвич
9 vols in 15.1926-1950
Döllinger J.J.L Fables Respecting the Popes of the Middle Ages / Transl. A. Plummer. London, 1871
Dudden F.H. Gregory the Great: His Place in History and the Thought. Vol. 1-2. London, 1905
Duffy E. Saints and Sinners: A History of the Popes. New Haven, 1997
Eggenberger D. A Dictionary of Battles. London, 1967 Enciclopedia Italiana. Vol. 1-36. Roma, 1925-1936
Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea. Ecclesiastical History / Transl. С. Е Cruse. London, 1894
Falconi C. The Silence of Pius XII / Transl. B. Wall. London, 1970
Frildlander S. Pius XII and the Third Reich. Transl. Fullman. London, 1966
Gascoigne B. The Christians. London, 1977
Gibbon E. The History of the Decline and the Fall of the Roman Empire / Ed. J. B. Bury. Vol. 1-7. London, 1896
Gilley S. Newman and His Age. London, 1990
Greeley A. The Making of the Popes. London, 1979
Grigorovious F. History of the City of Rome in the Middle Ages. London, 1895
Gregory, Bishop of Tours. The History of the Franks / Transl. О. М. Dalton. Vol. 1-2. Oxford, 1927
Grisar H. History of Rome and the Popes in the Middle Ages. London, 1911-1912
Guicciardini F. History of Italy / Ed. and transl. S. Alexander. New York, 1969
Hale J.R. The Civilization of Europe in the Renaissance. London, 1993
Hales E.E.Y. Pio Nono. London, 1954
Hales E.E.Y. Pope John and His Revolution. London, 1965
Hebblethwaite P. John XXIII, Pope of the Council. London, 1984
Hebblethwaite P. Paul VI: First Modern Pope. London, 1993
Hebblethwaite P. The Year of the Three Popes. London, 1978
Hook J. The Sack of Rome. London, 1972
Hughes P. Pope Pius the Eleventh. London, 1937
Jameson Mrs A. Sacred and Legendary Art. Vol. 1-2. London, 1896
Johnson M. The Borgias. London, 1981
Johnson P. A History of Christianity. London, 1976
Jones A.H.M. The Later Roman Empire, 284-602: A Social Economic and Administrative Survey. Vol. 1-3. Oxford, 1964
Kantorowicz E. Frederick the Second / Transl. E. O. Lorimer. London, 1931
Katz R. Black Sabbath: A Journey through a Crime against Humanity. London, 1969
Kung H. The Catholic Church. London; New York, 2001
Lacey R. The Life and Times of Henry VIII. London, 1972
Le Roy Ladurie E. Montaillou: Cathars and Catholics in a French Village, 1294-1324 / Transl. Barbara Bray. London, 1978
Levillain P. Dictionnaire historique de la papauté. Paris, 1994
Lewy G. The Catholic Church and Nazi Germany. New York, 1964
Liudprand, Bishop of Cremona. Works / Transl. F. A. Wright. London, 1930
Lowe J. Saint Peter. Oxford, 1956
Macnutt F.A. A Papal Chamberlain. London, 1936
Mallett M. The Borgias: The Rise and Fall of a Renaissance Dynasty London, 1969
Mann H.K. Lives of the Popes in the Early Middle Ages. London, 1902
Martines L. April Blood: Florence and the Plot against the Medici. London,1965
Masson G. The Companion Guide to Rome. London, 1965
Masson G. Frederick II of Hohenstaufen: A Life. London, 1957
Maurois A. A History of France / Transl. H. L. Binsse and G. Hopkins. London, 1960
Migne J.F. Patrologia Latina, 587
Mollat G. The Popes at Avignon. London, 1963
Moorhead J. Gregory the Great. London, 2005
Mullins E. Avignon of the Popes: City of Exiles. Oxford, 2007
New Catholic Encyclopedia. Washington, DC, 1967
New Encyclopedia Britannica. 15th ed. Vol. 1-32. Chicago, 1998
Noel G. The Renaissance Popes. London, 2006
Norwich J.J. Byzantine: The Early Centuries. London, 1988;
Norwich J.J. Byzantine: The Apogee. London, 1991
Norwich J.J. Byzantine: The Decline and Fall. London, 1995
Norwich J J. The Normans in the South. London, 1967
Norwich J.J. The Kingdom in the Sun. London, 1970
Norwich J.J. Venice: The Greatness and the Fall. London, 1981
Origo I. The Merchant of Plato: Francesco di Marco Datini. London, 1957 Oxford Dictionary of Popes / Ed. J. N. D. Kelly. Oxford, 1986
Pardoe R. and D. The Female: The Mystery of Pope Joan: The First Complete Documentation of the Facts behind the Legend. Wellingborough, 1988
Pastor L. von. History of Popes from the Close of the Middle Ages. Vol. 1-40. London, 1891-1953
Petrarch F. Petrarch at Vaucluse: Letters in Verse and Prose / Transl. E. H. Wilkins. Chicago, 1968
Pius II, Pope. Memoirs of a Renaissance Pope. The Commentaries of Pius II / Transl. F. A. Gragg. London, 1960
Platina B. The Lives of the Popes / Ed. and transl. W. Benham. London, 1888
Pollard J.F. The Unknown Pope: Benedict XV (1914-1922) and Pursuit of Peace. London, 1999
Pollard J.F. The Vatican and Italian Fascism, 1929-1932: A Study in Conflict. Cambridge, 1985
Pope-Hennessy J. Fra Angelico. London, 1952
Powell J.M. (ed.) Innocent III. Washington, DC, 1994
Ranke L. von. History of the Popes in the 16th and 17th Centuries. London, 1947
Renouard Y. The Avignon Papacy. London, 1970
Rhodes A. The Vatican in the Ages of the Dictators, 1922-1945. London, 1973
Rhoidis E. Pope Joan, a Romantic Biography/Transl. L. Durrell. London, 1954
Richards J. The Popes and the Papacy in the Early Middle Ages. London, 1979
Royal R. The Pope's Army: 500 Years of the Papal Swiss Guard. New York, 2006
Runciman S. The eastern Schism. Oxford, 1955
Runciman S. History of Crusades. Vol. 1-3. Cambridge, 1951-1954
Rustici C.M. The Afterlife of Pope Joan: Deploying the Popess Legend in Early Modern England. Ann Arbor, 2006
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