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/ ed. by B. Randell. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1973. P. 330–331.

Sherrington C. S. Man on His Nature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1942. P. 178.

Neary T., Woods D. Four Small Universal Turing Machines // Fundamenta Informaticae. 2009. № 91. P. 120–123; Shannon C. E. A Universal Turing Machine with Two Internal States // Automata Studies / ed. by C. E. Shannon, J. McCarthy. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1956. P. 157–165.

Dyson G. Op. cit. P. 225–242.

Ходжес Э. Указ. соч.

Woolf V. Virginia Woolf: The Complete Collection. The Diary. 5 vols. 1977–1984. Amazon.com Kindle edition, AtoZ Classics, 2018.

Newman W. Married to a Mathematician: Lyn Newman’s Life in Letters // The Eagle. St. John’s College. Cambridge, 2002. P. 47–56. URL: http://www.mdnpress.com/wmn/pdfs/MarriedToaMathematician.pdf.

Turing S. Op. cit. P. xxi.

4. Заря цифрового света: Ускорение

Manchester Baby. URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cozcXiSSkwE.


Colossus. P. 301; Copeland B. J. Turing: Pioneer… P. 104, 107.

Ibid. P. 64, 113–116.

Copeland B. J. The Manchester Computer: A Revised History. Part 1: The Memory // IEEE Annals of the History of Computing. 2011. № 33. P. 4–21; Kilburn T. From Cathode-Ray Tube to Ferranti Mark I // Resurrection: The Bulletin of the Computer Conservation Society. 1990. № 1 (2). P. 16–20; Williams F. C. URL: http://curation.cs.manchester.ac.uk/computer50/www.computer50.org/mark1/williams.html; Williams F. C., Kilburn T. A Storage System for Use with Binary-Digital Computing Machines // Proceedings of the IEE 1949. March. № 40 (96). Ch. 3. P. 100.

Copeland B. J. The Manchester Computer: Part 1.

Kilburn T. A Storage System for Use with Binary Digital Computing Machines. A report to the Telecommunications Research Establishment. Great Malvern, England, section 2. 1947. December 1; Williams F. C., Kilburn T. A Storage System… P. 82.

Edwards D. Email. 2013. July 16; Kilburn T. A Storage System… Sect. 1.4, 1.5, 4.2, 6; Lean T. David Beverley George (Dai) Edwards Interview // An Oral History of British Science. London: The British Library Board, 2010. P. 68–69; Williams F. C. Early Computers at Manchester University // The Radio and Electronic Engineer. 1975. № 45. P. 327–328; Williams F. C., Kilburn T. A Storage System…

Burton C. Email. 2013. June 24; Edwards D. Email. 2013. July 16; Lean T. Op. cit. P. 87.

Burton C. Email. 2013. June 24, September 13.

Элиот Т. С. Полые люди. СПб.: Кристалл, 2000.

The Essential Turing. P. 378–379, 383; Alan Turing’s Electronic Brain: The Struggle to Build the ACE, the World’s Fastest Computer / ed. by B. J. Copeland. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2005. P. 455–456; Dyson G. Op. cit. P. 136ff; Randell B. On Alan Turing and the Origins of Digital Computers // Machine Intelligence. 1972. № 7. P. 3–20; Dai Edwards: The First Stored Program Computer. URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8JEexHSh1U.

Carpenter B. E. Turing and ACE: Lessons from a 1946 Computer Design // 15th CERN School of Computing. L’Aquila, Italy. 1992. August — september. № 12. P. 230–234. Geneva: CERN, 1993. P. 231.

Alan Turing’s Electronic Brain. P. 369; Ходжес Э. Указ. соч.; Lavington S. Email. 2013. September; AlanTuring.net: The Turing Archive for the History of Computing. URL: http://www.alanturing.net/index.htm.

Alan Turing’s Electronic Brain. P. 114; Ходжес Э. Указ. соч.; Alan Turing and His Contemporaries… P. 13, 80.

The Essential Turing. P. 368–369, 388.

Williams F. C., Kilburn T. Electronic Digital Computers // Nature. 1948. № 162. P. 487; Copeland B. J. The Manchester Computer. Part 2. P. 22–37.

Burton C. Email. 2013. September 9; Lavington S. A History of Manchester Computers. Swindon, Wiltshire: The British Computer Society, 1998. P. 17.

Anderson D. Was the Manchester Baby… P. 39; Kilburn T. The University of Manchester Universal High-Speed Digital Computing Machine // Nature. 1949. № 164. P. 684; Lean T. Op. cit. P. 58, 60; Williams F. C. Early Computers… P. 328.

Burton C. Email. 2013. September; Alan Turing’s Electronic Brain. Ch. 20; Kilburn T. A Storage System… Bibliography; Alan Turing and His Contemporaries… P. 96; Randell B. Email. 2014. August 8; Williams F. C., Kilburn T. Electronic Digital Computers.

Lavington S. Op. cit. P. 17–18.

Guardian. Manchester. 1951. July 9; Alan Turing and His Contemporaries… P. 38; Turing A. M. URL: http://curation.cs.manchester.ac.uk/computer50/www.computer50.org/mark1/turing.html.

Copeland B. J. Turing: Pioneer… P. 132.

Ходжес Э. Указ. соч.; Alan Turing and His Contemporaries… P. 25, 81–82; Macfarlane А. Film Interviews with Leading Thinkers // Collections, Streaming Media Service, University of Cambridge, interview with David Hartley. 2017. May 2.

Lean T. Op. cit. P. 90; Whirlwind Bi-Weekly Reports. 1947. December 15. № 185. 1951. December 21. № 1361. Servomechanisms Lab, MIT, Cambridge, MA; Wilkes M. V., Wheeler D. J., Gill S. The Preparation of Programs for an Electronic Digital Computer: With Special Reference to the EDSAC and the Use of a Library of Subroutines. Cambridge, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1951.

Alan Turing’s Electronic Brain. P. 115.

Dyson G. Email. 2013. April 22; Neumann-Whitman M. von. Op. cit. P. 50.

Goldstine H. H. Op. cit. P. 233; Neukom H. The Second Life of ENIAC // IEEE Annals of the History of Computing. 2006. April — June. № 3 (28). P. 4–16.

Faster than Thought: A Symposium on Digital Computing Machines / ed. by B. V. Bowden. London: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, 1953. P. 174; Haigh T., Priestley M., Rope C. Engineering «the Miracle of the ENIAC»: Implementing the Modern Code Paradigm // IEEE Annals of the History of Computing. 2014. № 2 (36). P. 41–59; Idem. ENIAC in Action: Making and Remaking the Modern Computer. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2016.

Dyson G. Emails. 2017. August 16. October 25.

Faster than Thought. P. ix; The Essential Turing; Davis M. The Universal Computer. P. 177–183; Dyson G. Op. cit.; Goldstine H. H. Op. cit. P. 324, 349–362; Alan Turing and His Contemporaries… P. 8–9; Whirlwind Bi-Weekly Reports. 1947. December 15. № 185. 1951. December 21 декабря.

Hanley R. From Googol to Google // Stanford Daily. 2003. February 12. URL: http://web.archive.org/web/20100327141327/http://www.stanforddaily.com/2003/02/12/from-googol-to-google.

Dyson G. Op. cit. P. 68–69, 103, 148.

Lavington S. Op. cit. P. 22.

Burton C. Emails. 2014. July; Computer 50: The University of Manchester Celebrates the Birth of the Modern Computer. URL: http://curation.cs.manchester.ac.uk/computer50/www.computer50.org/index.html.

Copeland B. J., Haeff A. A. Andrew V. Haeff: Enigma of the Tube Era and Forgotten Computing Pioneer // IEEE Annals of the History of Computing. № 1 (37). P. 67–74.

Adams C. W. A Batch-Processing Operating System for the Whirlwind I Computer // Proceedings of the National Computer Conference. 1987. P. 787–788.

Gilmore Jr. J. T. Retrospectives II: The Early Years in Computer Graphics at MIT, Lincoln Lab and Harvard // Siggraph ’89 Panel Proceedings. Siggraph ’89, Boston. 1989. July 31 — August 4. P. 40; Murrow E. R. Jay W. Forrester and the Whirlwind Computer // See It Now. 1951. December 16. URL: https://criticalcommons.org/view?m=DTVj10Hz5; Taylor N. H. Retrospectives I: The Early Years in Computer Graphics at MIT, Lincoln Lab and Harvard // Siggraph ’89 Panel Proceedings. Siggraph ’89, Boston. 1989. July 13 — August 4.P. 20.

Whirlwind Bi-Weekly Reports. 1949. September 16. № 899. P. 1.

Филиппо Брунеллески (1377–1446) — итальянский ученый, инженер, математик и геометр, архитектор, скульптор, художник-ювелир и декоратор эпохи Возрождения. Считается одним из создателей новой европейской архитектуры.

Adams C. W. Op. cit. P. 787–788; Computer Graphics: Utility/Production/Art / ed. by F. Gruenberger. Washington, DC: Thompson Book

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