📚 Hub Books: Онлайн-чтение книгНаучная фантастикаThe Before Short Story Series. Part 1 - Иван Перепелятник

The Before Short Story Series. Part 1 - Иван Перепелятник




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you. At least someone can be happy nowadays,’ Antonio finished his coffee and, put the cup on the saucer excessively loudly.

‘What’s wrong with you? What’s bothering you, my faithful associate?’ Robert smiled, putting his hand on Antonio’s shoulder. ‘Everything is going exactly according to the plan. We’re on schedule. We are geared-up to do the job. We have everything we need to win. Why are you so unhappy?’

‘I’m worried… worried about the confidentiality of the approach we take in our campaign…about what we rely on…’

‘This is what I say—we need expensive buffoons to provide us with an alibi. Don’t you think I was going to listen to their wise advice. To be fair, I have to admit that sometimes their crazy suggestions make sense. But in any case, we have a roadmap which we follow step by step. We understand clearly what to do and how to do it, what to say, what tune to use and in which circumstances. We know how to dress, what accents to make and the sequence to follow. We know which souvenirs to order. We even know what sort of cover rag has to be on the table, where my program will sit, and what colour this rag should be. We, Antonio, are now looking at the world as Newton looked at light through a glass prism. It’s not just a ray of light we see. We see all its components, the whole spectrum. We see what others don’t see. We know everything. Almost all of it. Of course, one shouldn’t be lost in a fit of obsession,’ Robert held up his index finger. ‘And those…people will serve as a screen for us. Everything will be fine. Don’t get nervous, Antonio. Maybe you need a day off? Go to see your folks in Perugia?’

‘Now? In the midst of a campaign! I don’t think it’s appropriate.’

‘Your twitching is also inappropriate.’

‘Listen, Robert, I’m also worried about our Russian friends.’

‘What’s wrong with them?’

‘They can put everything we do like a puzzle together, easy peasy.’

‘I think they’ve put everything together for some time already. What are you so worried about?’

Antonio looked at Robert confused:

‘And it doesn’t bother you that the Russians may know that we are using the analytical capabilities of the quantum system to plan an election campaign?’

‘D’you think they use the system themselves only to develop a plan for planting hydrangeas in their gardens? Or do you think that our Cabinet has not figured out how to use the AI in their work?’

‘I don’t know, Robert.’

‘I know. That’s why I’m sitting here with you, Antonio. I know, Robert paused for a moment, looking in the direction of the PR people. ‘I think you’ve heard about the forty-fifth President of America, Donald Trump?’

‘Of course I have!’ Antonio responded indignantly. ‘An odious guy.’

‘Well, then you probably know that he was accused of being actively assisted by Russian special services during his election campaign. Besides, they say that it was for the first time during his campaign that extensive database analytics of social networks was applied at large-scale.

Based on a deep analysis of user profile information, adjustments were made to the campaign. What’s the result? The results of the investigation indicated that all the allegations were unfounded. No facts have been discovered, nothing has been confirmed. That’s it, Antonio.’

‘Well, you’re not Trump yet, Robert.’

‘That’s right,’ he smiled. ‘But only for now. Listen, you and I are in a business where, all is fair in love and war, as they say. The way things used to be, the way they are now, or tens of thousands of years ago—nothing has changed. Human nature is the same as well as the possibilities of manipulation are. The only question is, which side of the barrier you will settle in—on the receiving side, or you have something to say. That’s it with the moment of reflection, enough, my friend. We are sprinting towards the deadline, and the outcome is close. Leave all your doubts aside!’

Robert slapped the assistant on the knee:

‘I want you to go to see your family for a couple of days. Get some rest. And don’t worry about the campaign. If we act in a competent and an intelligent way, everything will be according to the plan. Do you understand?’

‘All right, Robert. Point taken.’

‘Well done! Go home and get ready. And remember, we have obligations to the people!’ Getting up from the sofa and heading to the consultants in the kitchen, Robert winked at Antonio.

Uncle Chuck

‘Katerina’s birthday is next week. She’s already invited me. Are you coming?’ Bella asked her friend as she walked out of the school door.

‘I don’t know yet. She didn’t tell me anything,’ Vera was trying hard to put on her backpack. ‘Let me help you,’ Bella said, eager to help. ‘That’s it. Is that your mom standing there or what?’

‘Yes! Mom! Mom!’—the girls ran to the exit from the school grounds.

After hugging her daughter, the mother greeted Bella:

‘Hello, Bella. And who’s meeting you?’

‘Nobody, Mrs. Mennor. I’m on my own.’

‘Well, what d’you mean? Are you going home alone?’

‘I live very close from here. Round the corner and that’s it.’

‘Let’s take you home, Bella.’

‘No, Mrs. Mennor, thank you. Dad tells me to drive in other people’s cars.’

‘Your dad is right, of course. Well, you do know me.’

‘No, I’m on my own. Thanks.’

‘Are you sure? Vera and myself are ready to give you a lift home together.’

‘Well, I’ll do it myself. Bye, Vera. See you tomorrow. Goodbye, Mrs. Mennor.’

When she nearly made it home, Bella recalled that Dad had asked her to buy some bread for dinner and stopped by the store. There she took her time walking through different departments, looking at beautiful dresses, shoes and accessories at first, and then, going up to the second

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