📚 Hub Books: Онлайн-чтение книгНаучная фантастикаLupo at the edge of the galaxy - Александр Александрович Чечитов

Lupo at the edge of the galaxy - Александр Александрович Чечитов




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led her inside the ship. We have to leave, — Lupo answered out of breath; the Gentrians have found me, and we will postpone the sale of the spaceship for now.

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on!" Six angry eyes leaned against the central porthole of the head compartment, and pointed fangs rotated inside the gray-green mouth. The small, fragile Bibiena was just next to the glass and saw better than her husband, a sprawled, wheezing creature.

However, I didn't really want to know — she screamed in fright, covering her eyes with her elegant palms — let's takes off already! The straps clicked on Bibi's full chest, and then Lupo buckled himself in. The micro turbines flared with a bluish light, and at the exit from the cave, there was sand fused in places. The difference in gravity made Bibiena's head spin a little, and at the same time, a pure blue planet lay on the left side of the ship. The paintings, the ones that Bibiena had only seen on the Internet before, were now right in front of her eyes. The ship was moving away quickly, and the girl wanted to get closer to the porthole by unbuckling the locking straps. Having done this, she rose up like a balloon, helplessly hovering near the ceiling.

"Oh, yes," Lupo recalled, "now. He quickly typed in the right combination of taps, turning on the increasing artificial gravity. A minute later, the gravitational field inside the spaceship corresponded to the earth's gravity. From one to the other, Bibiena stuck to the portholes, unable to tear herself away from the enchanting, cosmic landscapes.

"Hey, Lupe, — Bibi called warily, "there seems to be someone there."

Where is it? Lupo chuckled. "I saw with my own eyes how the Gentrians were left writhing in the sand.

And I say there is — Bibiena repeated angrily, pointing to the corridor — and it seems to growl. Armed with a bottle of leftover champagne. Lupo headed in the indicated direction, with Bibi following him. They carefully searched the nearest cabins and all the nooks and crannies, but could not find anything special.

Maybe you imagined it? He turned to Lupo's wife and hugged her affectionately. At this time, a loud, prolonged sound was heard somewhere at Lupo's feet, which made him jump on the spot. A triumphant expression spread across Bibi's face, and she pointed to a small piece of tie sticking out of a narrow crack in the wall.

And what should we do with them? Bibiena asked when Lupo took out two snoring bodies from a secret niche, "And they look exactly like those jerks from the cave.

Well, we won't drink champagne; otherwise, they will take on their usual appearance, and it will be much more difficult to cope with them. Besides, we have to keep at least some of the holiday booze for ourselves. Let's start by tying them up with whatever comes to hand. Before he could finish with the prisoners, Lupo felt the floor tilt under his feet, and it became almost impossible to stand upright. "There's some kind of spider web clinging to our ship outside," Bibiena shouted from the head compartment.

"And we're popular today," Lupo said, sweating and throwing the massive bodies into the nearest vacant cabin. Closing the door, he ran to his wife, knocking over a bottle of champagne on the way, so that the fragrant liquid slowly spread across the smooth, shiny floor. By this point, their ship was almost joined by the same spaceship. The hull cracked, and warning signals rang, warning of a forced approach. Having tried all known combinations of operations in vain attempts to break away from the steel embrace, Lupo froze. He thought for only a second and then accelerated forward, towards the approach. The invaders, who did not expect this, loosened their grip for a moment, and Lupe was able to turn on acceleration, ramming the alien ship. Twenty ships raced after Lupo's spaceship, deftly maneuvering among clusters of angular, sharp-nosed asteroids. The Gentrians' energy cannons fired the most powerful charges, only miraculously missing the final target. This continued until the ships emerged from the stony fog of asteroids, finding themselves in open space in front of a gaping, oval-shaped black hole. Lupo's ship picked up speed and instantly dissolved inside a dark, cosmic spot.

Hurry up after him! "This idiot Lupo is not familiar with the law of black holes," the chief of the Gentry, who led the revenge operation, shouted over the video link. We have to catch up with him before he disappears into space and time. In fact, Lupo did not know that black holes changed the so-called hyper potential of matter every millisecond. In simple terms, this meant that the cosmic bodies absorbed by the black hole were ejected each time to a new place in the universe. The end result of such a journey was not known even to the Gentrians. The bluish-green glow of a dozen fused stars illuminated the suddenly appearing hull of a silver spaceship. The slightly battered car glided smoothly through the airless space. Out of control and alone. Lupo was the first to regain consciousness. Lying on the floor, the guy slowly remembered who he was and why he was here. Having regained his memory to the end, Lupo was wildly afraid for Bibi and jumped up, screaming. Young Bibiena was lying unconscious, curled up in a ball.

"Hey, baby, — Lupe called after kissing his wife, "are you okay?" Bibi's sleepy eyes barely opened, and she smiled back. The space orientation program showed that the ship was on the edge of the galaxy, which belonged to the solar system, where Lupo was from. Turning on the controls, Lupe started back. All the way to earth, he hardly left Bibiena's side, catering to all her little requests. Already at home, Bibi burst into tears from the surging feelings, and at the same time,

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