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Эйзенбергер А. И. Если не выскажусь – задохнусь! – М., 1994.

Эфрон А. С. Мироедиха. Устные рассказы, очерки, письма, из записных книжек. Федерольф А. А. Рядом с Алей. Воспоминания. – М., 1995.

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Andreev-Khomiakov, Gennady. Bitter Waters: Life and Work in Stalin’s Russia. – Boulder, CO, 1997.

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Buca, Edward. Vorkuta, trans. Michael Lisinski and Kennedy Wells. – London, 1976.

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Colonna-Czosnovski, Karol. Beyond the Taiga: Memoirs of a Survivor. – Hove, Sussex, 1998.

Czapski, Joseph. The Inhuman Land, trans. Gerard Hopkins. – London, 1987.

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Darel, Sylva. A Sparrow in the Snow, trans. Barbara Norman. – New York, 1973.

Djilas, Milovan. Conversations with Stalin, trans. Michael Petrovich. – New York, 1962.

Dmitriev, Helen. Surviving the Storms: Memory of Stalin’s Tyranny, trans. Cathleen A. McClintic and George G. Mendez. – Fresno, CA, 1992.

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Gilboa, Yehoshua. Confess! Confess! trans. Dov Ben Aba. – Boston and Toronto, 1968.

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Larina, Anna. This I Cannot Forget: The Memoirs of Nikolai Bukharin’s Widow, trans. Gary Kern. – New York and London, 1993.

Leipman, Flora. The Long Journey Home. – London, 1987.

Levi, Primo. If This Is a Man. – London, 1987.

Lipper, Elinor. Eleven Years in Soviet Prison Camps, trans. Richard and Clara Winston. – London, 1951.

Lockhart, R. Bruce. Memoirs of a British Agent. – London an d New York, 1932.

Mandelstam, Nadezhda. Hope Against Hope, trans. May Hayward. – New York, 1999.

Matlock, Jack. Autopsy of an Empire. – New York, 1995.

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Noble, John. I Was a Slave in Russia. – New York, 1960.

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Ptasnik, Zofia. A Polish Woman’s Daily Struggle to Survive // The Samaritan Review. Vol. XXI. No. 1. January 2002. – P. 846–854.

Ratushinskaya, Irina. Grey Is the Colour of Hope, trans. Alyona Kojevnikov. – London, 1988.

Ravicz, Slavomir. The Long Walk. – New York, 1984.

Reshetovskaya, Natalya. Sanya: My Life with Alexander Solzhenitsyn, trans. Elena Ivanhoff. – Indianapolis, 1975.

Robinson, Robert. Black on Red: My 9 Years Inside the Soviet Union. – Washington, D. C., 1988.

Roeder, Bernard. Katorga: An Aspect of Modern Slavery, trans. Lionel Kochan. – London, 1958.

Rosenberg, Suzanne. A Soviet Odissey. – Toronto, 1988.

Rossi, Jacques. Qu’elle Etait Belle Cette Utopie. – Paris, 1997.

Sadunaite, Nijole. A Radiance in the Gulag, trans. Revd Casimir Pugevicius and Marian Skabeikis. – Manassas, VA, 1987.

Sgovio, Thomas. Dear America. – Kenmore, N Y, 1979.

Sieminski, Janusz. Moja Kolyma. – Warsaw, 1995.

Smith, C. A. Escape from Paradise. – London, 1954.

Stajner, Karlo. Seven Thousand Days in Siberia. – Edinburgh, 1988.

Stypulkowski, Zbigniew. Invitation to Moscow. – London, 1951.

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Vitzhum, Hilda. Torn Out By the Roots, trans. Paul Schach, Lincoln. – NB, and London, 1993.

Vogeler, Robert. I Was Stalin’s Prisoner. – New York, 1951.

Vogelfanger, Isaac. Red Tempest: The Life of a Surgeon in the Gulag. – Montreal, 1996.

War Through Children’s Eyes. Gross, Jan Tomasz, and Grudzinska-Gross, Irena, eds. – Stanford, CA, 1981.

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Waydenfeld, Stefan. The Ice Road. – Edinburgh and London, 1999.

Weissberg, Alexander. Conspiracy of Silence. – London, 1952.

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