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112. M. Ellman The Soviet 1937 Provincial Show Trials: Carnival or Terror?’, Europe – Asia Studies, 53 (2001), pp. 1221, 1223–33.

113. I. Zbarsky and S. Hutchinson Lenin’s Embalmers (London, 1998), pp. 108–9.

114. Connelly, ‘Uses of Volksgemeinschaff, p. 917.

115. I. Gutkin The Magic of Words: Symbolism, Futurism, Socialist Realism’, in B. G. Rosenthal (ed.) The Occult in Russian and Soviet Culture (Ithaca, NY, 1997), pp. 241–4.

116. E. Lyons Assignment Utopia (London, 1937), p. 372.

117. R. Rhodes Masters of Death: the SS Einsatzgruppen and the Invention of the Holocaust (New York, 2002), p. 219.

118. Kaden and Nestler, Dokumente des Verbrechens, vol. i., pp. 245, 247, Rede Heinrich Himmlers in Posen, 4 October 1943.

119. Resis, Molotov Remembers, pp. 265, 270.

Глава 6

1. J. Thies ‘Nazi Architecture – a Blueprint for World Domination: the Last Aims of Adolf Hitler’, in D. Welch (ed.) Nazi Propaganda (London, 1983), pp. 46–7.

2. T. J. Colton Moscow: Governing the Socialist Metropolis (Cambridge, Mass., 1995), p. 280.

3. Colton, Socialist Metropolis, p. 218.

4. K. Berton Moscow: an Architectural History (London, 1977), pp. 222–4.

5. Colton, Socialist Metropolis, p. 332; Berton, Moscow, p. 224.

6. R. Eaton Ideal Cities: Utopianism and the (Un) Built Environment (London, 2001), pp. 183–96 on Soviet utopianism; Colton, Socialist Metropolis, p. 333.

7. A. Speer Inside the Third Reich: Memoirs (London, 1970), pp. 74, 132–3.

8. D. Münk Die Organisation des Raumes im Nationalsozialismus (Bonn, 1993), p. 304; A. Scobie Hitler’s State Architecture: the Impact of Classical Antiquity (London, 1990), pp. 110–12; H. Weihsmann Bauen unterm Hakenkreuz: Architektur des Untergangs (Vienna, 1998), pp. 19–20.

9. Weihsmann, Bauen unterm Hakenkreuz, p. 272; Scobie, Hitler’s State Architecture, p. 112.

10. W. C. Brumfi eld A History of Russian Architecture (Cambridge, 1993), p. 486; Colton, Socialist Metropolis, p. 332.

11. E. Forndran Die Stadt-und Industriegründungen Wolfsburg und Salzgitter (Frankfurt am Main, 1984), pp. 67–8.

12. L. E. Blomquist ‘Some Utopian Elements in Stalinist Art’, Russian Review, 11 (1984), pp. 298–301; Colton, Socialist Metropolis, p. 223. See too A. J. Klinghoffer Red Apocalypse: the Religious Evolution of Soviet Communism (Lanham, Md, 1996), pp. 48 ff.

13. Scobie, Hitler’s State Architecture, p. 97.

14. Forndran, Die Stadt-und Industriegründungen, pp. 67–8.

15. Colton, Socialist Metropolis, p. 200.

16. S. F. Starr ‘Visionary Town Planning during the Cultural Revolution’, in S. Fitzpatrick (ed.) Cultural Revolution in Russia, 1928–1931 (Bloomington, Ind., 1978), p. 218.

17. R. Stites Revolutionary Dreams: Utopian Vision and Experimental Life in the Russian Revolution (Oxford, 1989), p. 202.

18. M. Droste Bauhaus, 1919–1933 (Cologne, 1998), pp. 227–8, 233–5.

19. H. Giesler Ein anderer Hitler: Bericht seines Architekten Hermann Giesler (Leoni, 1977), pp. 199, 206; G. Troost (ed.) Das Bauen im neuen Reich (Bayreuth, 1939), p. 131.

20. Weihsmann, Bauen unterm, Hakenkreuz, pp. 274–5.

21. Thies, ‘Nazi Architecture’, pp. 45–6.

22. Colton, Socialist Metropolis, p. 254.

23. Colton, Socialist Metropolis, pp. 277–8.

24. Berton, Moscow, p. 226.

25. Berton, Moscow, pp. 228–9; V. Paperny ‘Moscow in the 1930s and the Emergence of a New City’, in H. Günther The Culture of the Stalin Period (London, 1990), pp. 233–4.

26. Colton, Socialist Metropolis, pp. 257–9.

27. Colton, Socialist Metropolis, p. 327.

28. Brumfi eld, History of Russian Architecture, p. 49.

29. Münk, Die Organisation des Raumes, p. 304.

30. Forndran, Die Stadt-und Industrigründungen, pp. 88–9; M. Cluet L’Architecture du Hie Reich: Origines intellectuelles et visées idéologiques (Bern, 1987), pp. 201–4.

31. Weihsmann, Bauen unterm Hakenkreuz, p. 28.

32. Münk, Die Organisation des Raumes, pp. 306–7; on Wolfsburg see C. Schneider Stadtgründung im Dritten Reich: Wolfsburg und Salzgitter (Munich, 1979).

33. Weihsmann, Bauen unterm Hakenkreuz, p. 22.

34. Speer, Inside the Third Reich, p. 140. The calculation was in current (1960s) marks.

35. T. Harlander and G. Fehl (eds) Hitlers sozialer Wohnungsbau 1940–1945: Wohnungs politik, Baugestaltung und Siedlungsplanung (Hamburg, 1986), p. 111: Memorandum of D AF ‘Die sozialen Aufgaben nach dem Kriege’, 1941.

36. Harlander and Fehl, Hitlers sozialer Wohnungsbau, p. 116: DAF Homesteads Offi ce Totale Planung und Gestaltung’, 1940.

37. Harlander and Fehl Hitlers sozialer Wohnungsbau, pp. 131–2: Hitler Decree ‘Das Grundgesetz des sozialen Wohnungsbau’, 25 November 1940.

38. On the plans for the new economy area see for example H. Kahrs ‘Von der “Grossraumwirtschaft” zur “Neuen Ordnung”’, in H. Kahrs (ed.) Modelle für ein deutsches Europa: Ökonomie und Herrschaft im Grosswirtschaftsraum (Berlin, 1992), pp. 9–26.

39. Thies, ‘Nazi Architecture’, pp. 54–8.

40. S. Steinbacher ‘Musterstadt Auschwitz’: Germanisierungspolitik und Judenmord in Ostoberschlesien (Munich, 2000), pp. 223–4, 238.

41. D. Dwork and R. J. van Pelt Auschwitz: 1270 to the Present (New York, 1996), p. 156.

42. Dwork and van Pelt, Auschwitz, pp. 241–4.

43. Steinbacher, ‘Musterstadt Auschwitz’, p. 224; G. Aly and S. Heim Architects of Annihilation: Auschwitz and the Logic of Destruction (London, 2002), pp. 106–12.

44. Colton, Socialist Metropolis, p. 284.

45. Starr, ‘Visionary Town Planning’, pp. 208, 210; Stites, Revolutionary Dreams, pp. 197–8.

46. Starr, ‘Visionary Town Planning’, p. 238; Stites, Revolutionary Dreams, pp. 97–8.

47. Blomquist, ‘Utopian Elements in Stalinist Art’, p. 298; on the ambiguity between modernity and progress see C. Caldenby The Vision of a Rational Architecture’, Russian Review, 11 (1984), pp. 269–82.

48. Brumfi eld, History of Russian Architecture, pp. 486–7.

49. Colton, Socialist Metropolis, p. 223.

50. S. Kotkin Magnetic Mountain: Stalinism as Civilization (Berkeley, Calif., 1995), pp. 34, 397.

51. Kotkin, Magnetic Mountain, pp. 116–17, 120; see too Caldenby, ‘Rational Architecture’, pp. 270–71.

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