Сталин и Гитлер - Ричард Овери
76. Beitel and Nötzold, Deutsch-sowjetische Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, pp. 208, 210, 217.
77. E. von Mickwitz (ed.) Aussenhandel unter Zwang (Hamburg, 1938), pp. 5, 41; on Hitler’s conversion to autarky E. Syring Hitler: seine politische Utopie (Frankfurt am Main, 1994), pp. 173–4.
78. See in general S. Lurie Private Investment in a Controlled Economy: Germany 1933–1939 (London, 1947); N. Forbes ‘London Banks, the German Standstill Agreement and Economic Appeasement in the 1930s’, Economic History Review, 40 (1987).
79. On the control offi ces BA-B R3101/8445 Economics Ministry ‘Bekanntmachung über die Reichsstellen zur Überwachung und
Regelung des Warenverkehrs’; on the operation of the system G. R. von Radiis Die deutsche Aussenhandelspolitik unter dem Einfl uss der Devisenbewirtschaftung con 1931 bis 1938 (Vienna, 1939). See too W. A. Boelcke Deutschland als Welthandelsmacht 1930–1945 (Stuttgart, 1994), pp. 13–43.
80. Petzina, Autarkiepolitik, p. 95.
81. L. Zumpe Wirtschaft und Staat in Deutschland 1933 bis 1945 (Berlin, 1979), p. 221; H.-E. Volkmann ‘Die NS-Wirtschaft in Vorbereitung des Krieges’, in W. Deist et ah (eds) Das Deutsche Reich und der Zweite Weltkrieg: Band I (Stuttgart, 1979), p. 262.; W. Jungermann and H. Krafft Roh stoffreich – turn aus deutscher Erde (Berlin, 1939), p. 69 on oil.
82. Details in R. J. Overy ‘The Four Year Plan’, in T. Gourvish (ed.) European Yearbook of Business History: Number 3 (Aldershot, 2000), pp. 101–2.
83. R. W. Davies and M. Harrison ‘Defence spending and defence industry in the 1930s’, in J. Barber and M. Harrison (eds) The Soviet Defence-Industry Complex from Stalin to Khrushchev (London, 2000), p. 73; German fi gures in National Archives, Microcopy T178, Roll 15, Reich fi nance ministry ‘Statistische Übersichten zu den Reichshaushaltsrechnungen 1938 bis 1943’, November 1944.
84. IWM FD 3056/49 ‘Statistical Material on the German Manpower Position during the war period 1939–1944’, 31 July 1945, table 7.
85. B. H. Klein Germany’s Economic Preparations for War (Cambridge, Mass., 1959), p. 14; Davies and Harrison, ‘Defence spending’, pp. 87–8.
86. J. Sapir Les fl uctuations economiques en URSS 1941–1945 (Paris, 1989), p. 47.
87. N. Simonov ‘The “war scare” of 1927 and the birth of the defence-industry complex’, in Barber and Harrison, Soviet Defence-Industry Complex, p. 44.
88. In May 1939 1 in 8 German workers in the consumer industries worked directly on military orders. See R. J. Overy War and Economy in the Third Reich (Oxford, 1994), pp. 27–9 on the conversion of consumer sectors.
89. United States Strategic Bombing Survey, Report 20 ‘Light Metal Industry in Germany’, Part I Aluminium, p. 2.
90. BA-B Reichsamt für Wirtschaftsausbau, New Production Plan, 12 July 1938, ‘Finanzbedarf der Projekte des Vierjahresplan’.
91. R. J. Overy ‘The Reichs werke Hermann Goring: a Study in German Economic Imperialism’, in Overy, War and Economy, pp. 144–74.
92. This excludes investment in areas such as the railways, whose overhaul in the late 1930s also had a strategic purpose; so too the expansion of basic electric power.
93. This view was formulated in United States Strategic Bombing Survey Overall Report, September 1945, p. 31: The Germans did not plan, nor were they prepared for, a long war’. See too N. Kaldor ‘The German War Economy’, Review of Economic Statistics,
13 (1946); A. S. Milward ‘Hitlers Konzept des Blitzkrieges’, in A. Hillgruber (ed.) Probleme des Zweiten Weltkrieges (Cologne, 1967), pp. 19–40.
94. For a survey of all these preparations see BA-B R26 I/18 ‘Ergebnisse der Vier jahresplan-Arbeit’, spring 1942, pp. 5–95. ‘He [Hitler] gave economic policy the task of making the economy ready for war in the space of four years…’ (p. 1).
95. Akten zur deutschen auswärtigen Politik Ser. D., vol. i (Baden-Baden, 1950), p. 27, ‘Niederschrift über die Besprechung in der Reichskanzlei’, 5 November 1937.
96. Overy, War and Economy, pp. 148–59.
97. BA-B R26IV/4 ‘Besprechung über die Eingliederung Sudetendeutschlands in die reichsdeutsche Wirtschaft’, 3 October 1938.
98. IWM, EDS AL/1571 Thomas minute, 20 June 1940.
99. BA-B R2501/6585, Reichsbank memorandum 24 August 1939, appdx 1.
100. P. Temin ‘Soviet and Nazi economic planning in the 1930s’, Economic History Review, 44 (1991), p. 585.
101. H. von Kotze and H. Krausnick (eds) ‘Es spricht der Führer’: 7 exemplarische Hitler-Reden (Gütersloh, 1966), pp. 176–7, speech of 24 Febuary 1937 to construction workers.
102. IWM Case XI Pros. Doc. Book 112, Neumann lecture The Four Year Plan’, 29 April 1941, p. 294.
103. Temin, ‘Soviet and Nazi planning’, p. 584; J. Chapman Real Wages in Soviet Russia since 1928 (Cambridge, Mass., 1963), p. 166.
104. Chapman, Real Wages, pp. 144, 146–8. R. di Leo Occupazione e salari neirURSS 1950–1977 (Milan, 1980), p. 122 calculates that average monthly wages rose in money terms by a factor of 10.8 from 1928 to 1950, but prices by a factor of 11.8. D. Filtzer ‘The Standard of Living of Soviet Industrial Workers in the Immediate Postwar Period, 1945–1948’, Europe – Asia Studies, 51 (1999), pp. 1015–16. On German wages G. Bry Wages in Germany 1871–1945 (Princeton, NJ, 1960), pp. 264, 362. On wage policy T. Siegel ‘Wage Policy In Germany’, Politics and Society, 14 (1985), pp, 5–37.
105. See BA-B R2501/6581 Reichsbank ‘Zur Entwicklung des deutschen Preis-und Lohnstandes seit 1933’, appdx 6, which shows a range of increased weekly earnings against 1933 of – o.8 per cent (book production) to 26.0 per cent (metalworking).
106. Filtzer, ‘Standard of Living’, p. 1019.
107. J. Hessler ‘Postwar Normalisation and its Limits in the USSR: the Case of Trade’, Europe – Asia Studies, 53 (2001), pp. 445–8.
108. O. Nathan and M. Fried The Nazi Economic System (London, 1944).
109. On textiles League of Nations World Economic Survey 1936/7 (Geneva, 1937)” p. 150; H. Häuser, Hitler against Germany: a Survey of Present-day Germany from the Inside (London, 1940) p. 109.
110. On the legal framework BA-B R3102/3602, A. Jessen ‘Die gesteuerte Wehrwirtschaft 1933–1939’, pp. 61–2. See too J. Stephenson ‘Propaganda, Autarky and the German Housewife’, in D. Welch (ed.) Nazi Propaganda (London, 1983), pp. 117–38; F. Grube and G. Richter Alltag im ‘Dritten Reich’: so lebten die Deutsche 1933–1945 (Berlin, 1992), pp. 169–71; W. Bayles Postmarked Berlin (London, 1992), pp. 40–41. in. Hessler, ‘Postwar Normalisation’, p. 448.
111. Hessler, ‘Postwar Normalisation’, p. 448.
112. A. Sommariva and G. Tullio German Macroeconomic History, 1880–1979 (London, 1987), p. 59; Hubbard, Soviet Money and Finance, pp. 111–13.
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