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141. B. Bonwetsch ‘Stalin, the Red Army, and the “Great Patriotic War”’ in Kershaw and Lewin, Stalinism and Nazism, pp. 203–6; Overy, Russia’s War, pp. 187–90.

142. National Archives, College Park, MD, RG332 USSBS, interview 62, Col-Gen. A. Jodl, 29 June 1945, pp. 6–7.

143. H. Trevor-Roper (ed.) Hitler’s Table Talk, 1941–1944 (London, 1973), p. 340, 26–27 February 1942.

144. NA, RG332, Jodl interview p. 3.

145. Trevor-Roper, Hitler’s Table Talk, p. 82, 21–22 October 1941. See too the remark recalled in T. Junge Until the fi nal Hour: Hitler’s Last Secretary (London, 2003), p. 83. Hitler wanted to’never see any more offi cers’ after the war: They’re all stubborn and thick-headed, prejudiced and set in their ways.’

146. Bonwetsch, ‘Stalin, the Red Army’, p. 203; E. O’Ballance The Red Army (London, 1964), p. 179.

147. M. Fainsod How Russia is Ruled (Cambridge, Mass., 1967), pp. 269, 480–1; T. H. Rigby Communist Party Membership in the USSR 1917–1967 (Princeton, NJ, 1968), pp. 249–6.

148. A. W. Zoepf Wehrmacht zwischen Tradition und Ideologie: Der NS Führungsoffi zier im Zweiten Weltkrieg (Frankfurt am Main, 1988), pp. 35–9.

149. H. Heiber and D. M. Glantz (eds) Hitler and his Generals: Military Conferences 1942–1945 (London, 2002), p. 386; J. Förster ‘Ludendorff and Hitler in Perspective: The Battle for the German Soldier’s Mind, 1917–1944’, War in History, 10 (2003), pp. 329–31.

150. Heiber and Glantz, Hitler and his Generals, pp. 393, 396, meeting of 7 January 1944.

151. Koschorrek, Blood Red Snow, pp. 275–6, 278–9.

152. Förster, ‘Ludendorff and Hitler’, p. 333.

153. Koschorrek, Blood Red Snow, pp. 305–6.

154. Koschorrek, Blood Red Snow, p. 311.

155. Stalin, War of Liberation, p. 23, speech of 7 November 1941.

156. See the many examples of popular enthusiasm in D. Loza (ed.) Fighting for the Soviet Motherland: Recollections from the Eastern Front (Lincoln, Nebr., 1998); on propaganda J. Barber ‘The Image of Stalin in Soviet Propaganda and Public Opinion during World War 2’, in J. Garrard and C. Garrard (eds) World War 2 and the Soviet People (London, 1993), pp. 38–48; J. Brooks Thank You, Comrade Stalin: Soviet Public Culture from Revolution to Cold War (Princeton, NJ, 2000), pp. 165–84; D. Brandenberger National Bolshevism: Stalinist Mass Culture and the Formation of Modern Russian National Identity (Cambridge, Mass., 2002), pp. 161–80.

157. Loza, Fighting for the Soviet Motherland, pp. 220–21, appdx B. ‘Order of the People’s Commissar of Defense, no. 227’, 28 July 1942.

158. Erickson, ‘Soviet Losses’, p. 262. Figure of those condemned to death in review by E. Mawdsley, War in History, 4 (1997), p. 230.

159. Gorinov, ‘Muscovites’ Moods’, p. 126.

160. A. R. Dzeniskevich ‘The Social and Political Situation in Leningrad in the First Months of the German Invasion: the Social Psychology of the Workers’, in Thurston and Bonwetsch, Peopled War, pp. 77–9.

161. Bordiugov, ‘Popular Mood’, pp. 59–60.

162. Bordiugov, ‘Popular Mood’, p. 68.

163. B. Bonwetsch ‘War as a “Breathing Space”: Soviet Intellectuals and the “Great Patriotic War”’, in Thurston and Bonwetsch, People’s War, p. 146.

164. Wehrmachtsverbrechen, p. 20.

165. Lochner, Goebbels Diaries, pp. 4–5, entry for 22 January 1942.

166. Lochner, Goebbels Diaries, p. 320, entry for 25 July 1943.

167. Z. Zeman Nazi Propaganda (Oxford, 1968), pp. 165–6.

168. J. Hermand Der alte Traum von neuen Reich: Völkische Utopien und NS (Frankfurt am Main, 1988), p. 341.

169. Hermand, alte Traum von Reich, p. 342.

170. Genoud, Hitlefs Testament, p. 89.

171. P. Winterton Report on Russia (London, 1945), pp. 108–12.

172. Weiner, Making Sense of War, p. 37.

Глава 13

1. A. Hitler Mein Kampf’(ed. D. C. Watt, London, 1969), pp. 353–4.

2. F. Hirsch ‘Race without the Practice of Racial Polities’, Slavic Review, 61 (2002), pp. 30–31.

3. J. O. Pohl Ethnic Cleansing in the USSR, 1937–1949 (Westport, Conn., 2002), p. 33; M. Parrish The Lesser Terror: Soviet State Security 1939–1953 (Westport, Conn., 1996), pp. 100–03.

4. I. Fleischhauer ‘“Operation Barbarossa” and the Deportation’, in I. Fleischhauer and B. Pinkus The Soviet Germans: Past and Present (London, 1986), pp. 78–80.

5. Fleischhauer, ‘Deportation’, p. 80.

6. Pohl, Ethnic Cleansing, pp. 42–4; V. Tolz ‘New Information about the Deportations of Ethnic Groups in the USSR during World War 2’, in J. Garrard and C. Garrard (eds) World War 2 and the Soviet People (London, 1993), pp. 161–5.

7. Pohl, Ethnic Cleansing, pp. 29–30; T. Martin ‘The Origins of Soviet Ethnic Cleansing’, Journal of Modern History, 70 (1998), pp. 853–5.

8. Fleischhauer, ‘Deportation’, pp. 78–9; Martin, ‘Soviet Ethnic Cleansing’, p. 853.

9. Pohl, Ethnic Cleansing, p. 56.

10. M. Burleigh Germany Turns Eastwards: a Study of Ostforschung in the Third Reich (Cambridge, 1988), pp. 16–17; Martin, ‘Soviet Ethnic Cleansing’, p. 836.

11. I. Heinemann ‘Rasse, Siedlung, deutsches Blut’: Das Rasse– & Siedlungshauptamt der SS und die rassenpolitische Neuordnung Europas (Göttingen, 2003), pp. 1909–91, 449.

12. Fleischhauer, ‘Deportation’, p. 83.

13. Pohl, Ethnic Cleansing, p. 44; Fleischhauer, ‘Deportation’, pp. 86–7.

14. Heinemann, ‘Rasse, Siedlung’, pp. 260–61; I. Fleischauer ‘The Ethnic Germans under Nazi Rule’, in Fleischhauer and Pinkus, The Soviet Germans, pp. 95–6; J. Connelly ‘Nazis and Slavs: From Racial Theory to Racist Practice’, Central European History, 32 (1999), pp. 15–19.

15. Heinemann, ‘Rasse, Siedlung, pp. 449–50.

16. Pohl, Ethnic Cleansing, p. 60.

17. T. R. Weeks ‘National Minorities in the Russian Empire, 1897–1917’, in A. Geifman (ed.) Russia under the Last Tsar: Opposition and Subversion 1894–1917 (Oxford, 1999), pp. 112–14, 117–21; A. Renner ‘Defi ning a Russian Nation: Mikhail Katkov and the “Invention” of National Polities’, Slavonic and East European Review, 81 (2003), pp. 661–5; G. Hosking and R. Service (eds) Russian Nationalism Past and Present (London, 1998), pp. 2–3; A. N. Sakharov ‘The Main Phases and Distinctive Features of Russian Nationalism’, in Hosking and Service, Russian Nationalism, pp. 14–15; D. G. Rowley ‘Imperial versus national discourse: the case of Russia’, Nations and Nationalism, 6 (2000), pp. 23–35.

18. S. Avineri ‘Marxism and Nationalism’, Journal of Contemporary History, 26 (1991), pp. 630–39.

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