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The Theory of proper Management - Luiza Akzholova




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Analytical skills:

Solve problems and participate in projects that require information analysis and search for optimal solutions.

Participate in simulation games and business simulations to develop your analytical skills.

Insight and foresight:

Study and analyze historical data and trends to predict possible developments in the future.

Discuss your ideas and predictions with other students and mentors to develop your insight.

Healthy thinking and rationality:

Develop critical thinking and the ability to analyze information in order to make informed decisions.

Study the principles of logic and argumentation to develop your rationality.

Decision-making speed and courage:

Participate in training situations that require quick decision-making in order to develop your reaction and thinking speed.

Overcome your fears and take risks in unknown situations to develop courage and willingness to act.

These exercises and recommendations will help university students develop and improve their management skills and achieve success in their future professional activities.

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