Позитивные изменения. Том 2, № 3 (2022). Positive changes. Volume 2, Issue 3 (2022) - Редакция журнала «Позитивные изменения»
2. Получена положительная экспертиза Санкт-Петербургского государственного педиатрического медицинского университета (доктор медицинских наук, заведующая кафедры реабилитологии факультета послевузовского и дополнительного профессионального образования Галина Суслова).
3. Проведены успешные апробации приложения в кризисных центрах помощи женщинам в Москве и Санкт-Петербурге.
4. Проведена успешная апробация мобильного приложения BabyApp в центре раннего развития Краснодарского края.
5. Проведен обучающий курс «Методика First.School» и выдан 21 сертификат психологам и педагогам, планирующим работу с диадой «Мать-младенец».
1. Получены положительные экспертизы от профессиональных сообществ.
2. Проведено 870 игровых занятий и отсняты ролики для приложения, по которым сейчас обучают своих младенцев мамы.
3. Проект представлен на «Ананьевских чтениях» — ежегодной международной научной конференции, проводимой факультетом психологии Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета.
5000+ скачиваний мобильного приложения.
1. 350+ мам занимаются с детьми регулярно.
2. Снижение риска отказа от детей у несовершеннолетних мам (по данным опросников в рамках апробации приложения BabyApp в кризисных центрах помощи женщинам).
Планируемое воздействие: активная популяризация мобильного приложения BabyApp в кругах профессионального и родительского сообществ.
Выручка от продажи подписок.
New Life of the Publishing Project “Catalog “Social Entrepreneurship of Russia”
Vladimir Vainer

We have been collecting examples, cases studies and reviews of social enterprises, regardless of their form of ownership or field of activity, since 2014. Why? Because we can see how these phenomena, virtually invisible at the statistics and GDP calculations level, are gradually developing into new elements of the economy. One of their key traits is eagerness to cooperate and get to know each other. It was this trait that triggered a chain of enabling legislation in one of the world’s most advanced economies, the Republic of Korea, making it possible to move from the law on social enterprises to a broader legislation on social cooperation and then to a law on social economy.
Social enterprises are potentially positioned from the start to build ecosystems of positive changes when the time comes to do so. They develop a set of businesses and communities that form part of a unified system working to create and build a human-centered social economy.
In each issue of the Positive Changes Journal, we continue the work that started with the publication of the annual catalog “Social Entrepreneurship in Russia.” We introduce our readers and researchers to the enterprises combining properties of two traditional economic agents — non-profits and commercial entities. This combination makes it possible to create entities carrying positive change models of the future — social enterprises. These, in turn, create, implement and share their experience and practical solutions over all industries. The key today is to view them precisely as drivers of the future, and so the main criteria for social enterprises to be featured in the Journal is to have data on the assessment of social effect and social impact on the life of the community and the public in general.

Vladimir Vainer
Director of Positive Changes Factory
EGO Educational Company. The Company’s Intellectual Innovation Product Is the Healthy EGO Original Social Project

An interactive offline cultural and educational course, aimed at intellectual psychological help to representatives of socially unprotected categories of population: alcohol and drug addicts, people in rehabilitation, in deep depression and frustration, as well as orphaned children and children with disabilities. The course promotes spiritual development, acquisition of confident reasoned speaking skills, removes psychological barriers before the audience, raises interest in literature and history, strengthens patriotic feelings, and facilitates the desire for self-realization, healthy interests in life.
Addicts in rehabilitation:
1. Loss of interest in life and society, fear of people, insecurity.
2. Impaired brain activity, cognitive changes, as a consequence — loss of interest in reading and education in general, difficulties in finding themselves and their place in the society, loss of meaning in life.
3. A psychological barrier to public speaking, formed under the influence of negative events in grown-up life or earlier, at school or university.
4. Lack of knowledge from the school or university, which requires self-education skills, and complete self-realization in the future.
5. Depressive personality state, passive position in life.

1. Development of children’s logical and associative thinking, radiant thinking.
2. Problems with memory and speech development, anxiety, embarrassment in front of other children.
3. Improved morale from successes in understanding literature, painting, and the ability to analyze and construct thought.
4. A passion for self-knowledge through learning spiritual values and the foundations of Christian morality.
5. Patriotic education through taking pride in fellow countrymen — Russian classical authors.
6. Developing goodwill on the issue of caring for the Russian nature by fostering love and a reverent attitude toward it.
The course is based on the Russian classical literature and some fragments from the history of the Russian society. The basic block includes 25 sessions of 90 minutes each in groups of up to 20 students. The project is implemented at the rehabilitation center or an orphanage/shelter with obligatory staff control over homework performance. The course includes meetings between the author/host and the students in the format of creative interaction and reasoned discussion based on the material delivered and personal analysis of the reading. It is a lively interactive process of acquiring public speaking skills and developing logical and associative thinking. An important feature of the course is the subtle interweaving of the group and individual learning format maximizing the engagement of each student.
1. Assistance in preparing to read and analyze in detail the works of Russian classics.
2. Development of independent work skills.
3. Maximum engagement in solving logical problems based on the Russian classical literature.
4. The author’s maximum concentration on the individual problems of each student in the course and the setting up the work with each
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