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Счастье вместе. Нескучное руководство по семейной жизни - Белинда Ласкомб




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23. D. J. Hruschka and J. Henrich. Friendship, cliquishness, and the emergence of cooperation. Journal of Theoretical Biology 239 (2006): 1–15.

24. Первое послание к коринфянам. 13:5.

25. McCullough, Root Luna, Berry, et al. On the Form and Function of Forgiving. Emotion 10, no. 3 (2010): 358–376, https://­doi.org/­10.1037/­a001­9349.

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27. M. E. McCullough, L. M. Root, and A. D. Cohen. Writing about the Personal Benefits of a Transgression Facilitates Forgiveness. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 74, (2006): 887–897, https://­doi.org/­10.1037/­0022-006X.74.5.887.

Глава 3. Финансы

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