Медиум для масс – сознание через глаз. Фотомонтаж и оптический поворот в раннесоветской России - Сергей Александрович Ушакин
Inside the Rainbow: Gorgeous Vintage Russian Children’s Book Illustrations from the 1920s – 1930s / J. Rothenstein, O. Budashevskaya (Eds.). London: Redstone Press, 2013.
The Itinerant Languages of Photography / E. Cadava and G. Nouzeiolles (Eds.). New Haven: Yale University Press, 2013.
Janecek G. The Look of Russian Literature: Avant-Garde Visual Experiments, 1900–1930. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984.
Jay M. Downcast Eyes: The Denigration of Vision in Twentieth-Century French Thought. Berkeley: Universiity of California Press, 1993
Kachurin P. Making Modernism Soviet: The Russian Avant-Garde in the early Soviet Era, 1918–1928. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2013.
Kiaer C. Imagine No Possessions: The Socialist Object and Russian Constructivism. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2005.
King D. Red Star over Russia: A Visual History of the Soviet Union from the Revolution to the Death of Stalin. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 2009.
King D. Russian Revolutionary Posters: From Civil War to Socialist Realism, From Bolshevism to the End of Stalinism. London: Tate Publishing, 2015.
Kudryavtseva T. Circling the Square: Avant-Garde Porcelain from Revolutionary Russia. St. Petersburg: Fontanka, 2004.
Kunichika M. The Camel and Caboose: Viktor Shkovsky’s Turk-sib and the Pedagogy of Uneven Development // The Pedagogy of Images: Depicting Communism for Children / M. Balina, S. Oushakine (Eds.). Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020. Leiderman D., Sokolovskaia M. «Poor, Poor Il’ich»: Visualizing Lenin’s Death for Children // The Pedagogy of Images: Depicting Communism for Children / M. Balina, S. Oushakine (Eds.). Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020.
Lenoe M. Closer to the Masses: Stalinist Culture, Social Revolution, and Soviet Newspapers. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2004.
Ladder C. Gustav Klucis and Constructivism // Gustavs Klucis: Complete Catalogue of Works in the Latvian National Museum of Art / I. Derkusova (Ed.). Riga: Latvijas Nacionalais makslas muzejs, 2014. Vol. 1.
Merleau-Ponty M. An Unpublished Text by Maurice Merleau-Ponty: A Prospectus of His Work // M. Merleau-Ponty. The Primacy of Perception and Other Essays on Phenomenological Psychology, the Philosophy of Art, History and Politics. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1964.
Nikolajeva M., Scott C. How Picturebooks Work. London: Garland, 2001.
Nikolajeva M. Picturebooks and Emotional Literacy // The Reading Teacher. 2013. № 67 (4).
Oushakine S. Translating Communism for Children: Fables and Posters of the Revolution // boundary. 2016. August. Vol. 43 (3). Oushakine S., Balina M. Primers of Soviet Modernity: Depicting Communism for Children in Early Soviet Russia // The Pedagogy of Images: Depicting Communism for Children / M. Balina, S. Oushakine (Eds.). Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020. The Oxford Handbook of Communist Visual Cultures / A. Skrodzka, X. Lu, K. Marciniak (Eds.). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020.
Palme R. Combining the Rhythms of Comics and Picturebooks: Thoughts and Experiments // Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics. 2014. Vol. 5 (3).
Pankenier Weld, S. Voiceless Vanguard: The Infantilist Aesthetic of the Russian Avant-Garde. Evanston, Northwestern University Press, 2014.
Parikka J. What is Media Archaeology? Cambridge: Polity Press, 2012.
The Pedagogy of Images: Depicting Communism for Children / M. Balina, S. Oushakine (Eds.). Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020.
Perchik L. The Reconstruction of Moscow. Moscow: Co-operative publishing society of foreign workers in the U.S.S.R., 1936. Photography in the Modern Era: European Documents and Critical Writings, 1913–1940 / C. Phillips (Ed.). New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art: Aperture. 1989. P. 211.
Poole D. Vision, Race, and Modernity: A Visual Economy of the Andean Image World. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1997 Rakitin V. Gustav Klucis: Between the Non-Objective World and World Revolution. // The Avant-Garde in Russia. 1910–1930: New Perspectives / S. Barron and M. Tuchman (Eds.). Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1980.
Reischl K. Photographic Literacy: Cameras in the Hands of Russian Authors. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2018.
Romanenko K. Photomontage for the Masses: The Soviet Periodical Press of the 1930s // Design Issues. 2010. Vol. 26 (1).
Rosen M. Workers’ Tales: Socialist Fairy Tales, Fables, and Allegories from Great Britain. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2018.
Rosenfeld A. Figuration Versus Abstraction in Soviet Illustrated Children’s Books, 1920–1930 // Defining Russian Graphic Art 1898–1934: From Diaghilev to Stalin / A. Rosenfeld (Ed.). New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1999.
Russell R. Red Pinkertonism: An Aspect of Soviet Literature of the 1920s // Slavonic and East European Review. 1982. Vol. 60 (3).
Russian and Soviet Collages. 1920s – 1990s. St. Petersburg: Palace Editions, 2005
Silina M. The Struggle Against Naturalism: Soviet Art from the 1920s to the 1950s // RACAR: revue d’art canadienne / Canadian Art Review. 2016. Vol. 41 (2).
Silina M. «Immortal Ilyich» as an Industry: Practices of Commemorating Vladimir Lenin in the USSR // Lenin Lives. Davidson: Van Emery/Smith Galleries. 2017.
The Soviet Photobook 1920–1941 / M. Karasik, M. Heiting (Eds.). Gottingen: Steidl, 2015;
Steinberg M. D. Proletarian Imagination: Self, Modernity, and the Sacred in Russia, 1910–1924. Ithaca: Cornell University Press 2002.
Tagg J. The Burden of Representation. Essays on Photography and History. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1993
Tenen D. Stalin’s PowerPoint // Modernism/modernity. 2014. Vol. 21 (1).
Tumarkin N. Lenin Lives: The Lenin Cult in Soviet Russia. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1983.
Tupitsyn M. The Soviet Photography 1917–1937. New Haven: Yale University Press. 1996.
Tupitsyn M. Gustav Klutsis and Valentina Kulagina: Photography and Montage after Constructivism. New York: International Center of Photography; Gottingen: Steidl, 2004
Vision in Context: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Sigh. / T. Brennan and M. Jay (Eds.). New York: Routledge, 1996. Widdis E. Visions of a New Land: Soviet Film from the Revolution to the Second World War. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2003.
Wolf E. Koretsky: The Soviet Photo Poster. New York: The New Press, 2012.
Wolf E. Foto-glaz: Children as Photo-Correspondents in early Soviet Pioneer Magazines// The Pedagogy of Images: Depicting Communism for Children / M. Balina, S. Oushakine (Eds.). Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020.
Zipes J. Recovering the Utopian Spirit of Fairy Tales and Fables from the Weimar Republic // Fairy Tales and Fables from Weimar Days / J. Zipes (Ed.). Cham: Palgrave, 2018.
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