📚 Hub Books: Онлайн-чтение книгДрамаOperational bachelorette party. Comedy. А play for 5 people - Николай Владимирович Лакутин

Operational bachelorette party. Comedy. А play for 5 people - Николай Владимирович Лакутин




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the merry trio). Hey, nipples! Come on, stop! All around! And rushed quickly here!

The trio turns around, look at Lisa unfriendly.

Angelina (from the floor, cautiously, to Lisa). Lee, I'm asking you, just don't be nervous!

Lisa calms her friend, putting her palms forward, saying, "everything is fine."

Xana (Bela and Damire). Girls, do the three of us have sound hallucinations? Or was I the only one who heard it?

Lisa (defiantly, to Xane). You didn't hear that. Come here, chicken, I need to grind something!

Xana (with bold irony, Bela and Damire). Did she call me a chicken?

Bela and Damira nod cautiously to Xana.

Xana leaves her friends, boldly goes to Lisa.

Xana (to Lisa, boldly, arrogantly). Listen, girl. I have something to tell you. But… to make my speech sound most eloquent, perhaps I will express myself like this.

Xana begins to clear her throat thoroughly and sonorously and suck "into a bunch" everything she can pick up from the nasopharynx, after which she massively spits "all collected" in Lisa's face.

Angelina, Damira and Bela frown in disgust.

Angelina begins to rise.

Angelina (with resignation). Well, that's it! Kaaaaaabzdets!

Lisa (calmly, judiciously, slowly wiping her face). Oh…, yeah! The message is very eloquent. Emok, is thorough and reasoned! But I, perhaps, will provide my counterargument to this argument. And it will look something like this.

Angelina, being in amazing calm, covers her face with her hands, in anticipation of what will happen now (and she knows what will happen now.)

Lisa with a sharp swing of her foot to the jaw (if stretching does not allow the actress, then it is possible from the hand) "takes out" Xana.

Xana flies past Bela and Damira and falls. He lies motionless, silent, modest. Eyes closed.

Damira and Bela, having assessed the situation, roll up their sleeves.

Damira (to Lisa, boldly, boldly, sarcastically). That's it, fairy, hold on. Now I'm going to fix your hair!

Damira belligerently steps on Lisa, and even makes several swings, from which Lisa easily and professionally dodges, after which she also casually knocks Damira out.

Damira falls next to Xana. He lies amicably, side by side, silently, with his eyes closed.

Lisa (complacently). From the age of twelve in Aikido!

Lisa "steps" on Bela. Bela runs away. Lisa, seeing Bela's weakness, smiles triumphantly. Turns around and goes to Angelina. Friends beat off "pyatyunya".

But as it turned out — it's too early!

With the belligerent cry of non-contact Indians (this is when you shout, and cover your mouth with your palm every second, you get an intermittent scream), Bela flies at Lisa and Angelina with a brick in her hand.

Angelina and Lisa take off. They run away.

All three of them disappear from sight.

There is a throw and a resounding fall of a brick, accompanied by Lisa's screeching.

Angelina runs out, and Bela rushes after her, every now and then, hanging "podzhopniki" to Angelina.

Bela (in the process of enthusiastically hanging "pendels"). From the age of six in Biryulyovo!

The girls disappear from view.

A musical theme sounds.


Scene 3. Debriefing

In Xana's apartment.

The musical theme continues to sound.

The light turns on smoothly.

Xana and Damira are sitting on the floor next to the lying Lisa, putting their hands to the bruised places on their bodies, Lisa begins to recover, rises, sits down immediately on the floor, is surprised to find that she is in an unknown place, in the company of someone with whom she did not expect to see herself.

The music ends.

Lisa (relatively calmly). Where am I?

Xana (with a certain wariness). In my house. Welcome. And this… Chur, I can't take out the jaw anymore! (Xana adjusts her lower jaw with her hand.) I didn't like it!

Damira (with Xana's support). Me, too, by the way.

Damira stretches her jaw, opening her mouth wide every now and then.

Lisa (looking at the girls, trying to remember them)…. So. (Xane.) Oh, so it was you who spat in my face yesterday!

Xana (to Lisa). Yes, because you publicly insulted me.

Lisa (to Xane). Yes, because you and your girlfriends knocked down my girlfriend and almost knocked me down.

Xana (to Lisa). A…. because we didn't notice you. It wasn't on purpose.

Lisa (to Xane). Well, it wasn't on purpose, so it was necessary to apologize, and the conflict would have been settled.

Xana (to Lisa). How to apologize when you didn't let me say a word, I immediately switched to insults. What kind of apologies are there?

Lisa (to Xane). And how was I supposed to behave? To say in a pleading tone: Dear girls, would you deign to hold your friendly race in order to apologize to us for the embarrassment you have done?

Ksana and Damira look at each other, a smile slips on their faces.

Xana lets go of the situation. He extends a friendly hand to Lisa.

Xana (to Lisa, extending her hand for acquaintance and reconciliation). Okay, it's fine. I'm Xana, you can have Xia. This is Damira. (He points to Damira.) You can be a King. (Looks at Damira.) Can I?

Damira (dismissing the situation). Can.

Lisa (shaking hands with Xana and shaking hands with Damira). Let's get acquainted. I'm Lisa. My friends' name is Lee.

Xana (looking at the girls). So what? Peace, friendship, gum?

Lisa and Damira (chorus). Yes!

Xana (looking at the girls). Let's have pinky fingers then.

The girls are all three grappling with their little fingers.

Lisa and Damira, Xana (chorus). Put up! Put up! And don't fight anymore!

They open their little fingers, smile.

Lisa (with interest). Listen, girls, how did I get here in the first place?

Xana (to Lisa). Missis and I dragged you in.

Lisa (with interest). I don't understand! From where? What for?

Damira (calmly explaining). A.. m…, after you knocked us out with Ksyu, we came to our senses, and there is no Squirrel

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