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Искусство видеть. Как понимать современное искусство - Лэнс Эсплунд




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Creates Light: Studies with Hans Hofmann. Dickie, George, and Richard J. Sclafani. Aesthetics: A Critical Anthology

Goldwater R., Treves M., eds. Artists on Art: From the XIV to the XX Century.

Greenberg C. Art and Culture: Critical Essays

Greenberg C. Homemade Esthetics: Observations on Art and Taste

Groenewegen-Frankfort H. A. Arrest and Movement: An Essay on Space and Time in the Representational Art of the Ancient Near East

Hamilton G. H. 19th and 20th Century Art: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture

Harrison C., Wood P., eds. Art in Theory: 1900–1990

Hauser A. The Social History of Art

Haverkamp-Begemann E. Creative Copies: Interpretative Drawings from Michelangelo to Picasso

Herbert R. L., ed. Modern Artists on Art

Hicks S. Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault

Honour H. Romanticism

Hughes R. Nothing If Not Critical: Essays on Art and Artists. Kale, Pauline. For Keeps: 30 Years at the Movies

Kellogg R. Analyzing Children’s Art

Klee P. Diaries: 1898–1918

Klee P. Notebooks. Vol. 1, The Thinking Eye. Translated by Ralph Manheim. Edited by Jürg Spiller

Klee P. Notebooks. Vol. 2, The Nature of Nature. Translated by Heinz Norden. Edited by Jürg Spiller

Klee P. On Modern Art. Translated by Paul Findlay, with an introduction by Herbert Read

Kramer H. The Revenge of the Philistines

Kramer H. The Triumph of Modernism: The Art World, 1985–2005

Kurosawa A. Something Like an Autobiography

Léger F. The Functions of Painting

Marstine J. Critical Practice: Artists, Museums, Ethics

Matisse H. Matisse on Art

McBride H. The Flow of Art: Essays and Criticism

Meggs P. B. Meggs’ History of Graphic Design

Mercier J. Ethiopian Magic Scrolls. Translated by Richard Pevear

Mondrian P. The New Art – The New Life: The Collected Writings of Piet Mondrian / Edited and translated by Harry Holtzman and Martin S. James

Panofsky E. Tomb Sculpture: Its Changing Aspects from Ancient Egypt to Bernini

Perl J. Alexander Calder: The Conquest of Time: The Early Years, 1898–1940

Perl J., ed. Art in America, 1945–1970: Writings from the Age of Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art, and Minimalism

Perl J. New Art City: Manhattan at Mid-Century.

Perl J. Paris Without End: On French Art Since World War I. Picasso, Pablo. Picasso on Art: A Selection of Views

Porter F. Art in Its Own Terms: Selected Criticism, 1935–1975. Edited and with an introduction by Rackstraw Downes.

Renoir J. My Father

Rewald J. Cézanne: A Biography

Richardson J. A Life of Picasso. Vol. 1, The Prodigy, 1881–1906

Richardson J. A Life of Picasso. Vol. 2, The Painter of Modern Life, 1907–1917

Richardson J. A Life of Picasso. Vol. 3, The Triumphant Years, 1917–1932

Rilke R. M. Letters on Cézanne

Schapiro M. Modern Art: 19th and 20th Centuries. Selected Papers

Schapiro M. Theory and Philosophy of Art: Style, Artist, and Society. Selected Papers

Schneider P. Matisse

Spurling H. The Unknown Matisse: A Life of Henri Matisse. The Early Years, 1869–1908

Spurling H. The Unknown Matisse: A Life of Henri Matisse. The Conquest of Color, 1909–1954

Stevens M., Swan A. De Kooning: An American Master

Worringer W. Abstraction and Empathy: A Contribution to the Psychology of Style

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