📚 Hub Books: Онлайн-чтение книгДомашняяХимия навсегда. О гороховом супе, опасности утреннего кофе и пробе мистера Марша - Ларс Орстрём

Химия навсегда. О гороховом супе, опасности утреннего кофе и пробе мистера Марша - Ларс Орстрём




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2. Russell P. Faces of the Hindenburg. 2013. URL: http://facesofthehindenburg.blogspot.com.

3. The Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program // U.S. Department of Energy. 2013. URL: http://www.hydrogen.energy.gov/.

4. Личное общение. Рихард Ван Тройрен пользовался данными из Schiller H.V. Zeppelin, Wegbereiter des Weltluftverkehrs. Kirschbaum Verlag, 1966.

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7. Woolley J.T., Peters G. Herbert Hoover, Statement About the Export of Helium at the President’s News Conference, October 10, 1930. The American Presidency Project, 1930. URL: https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/the-presidents-news-conference-773.

8. Shute N. Slide Rule. Heinemann, 1954.

9. White G.J., Maze J.R. Harold Ickes of the New Deal: His Private Life and Public Career. Harvard University Press, 1985.

10. Woolley J.T., Peters G. Recommendation on a Policy for Helium Export, May 25, 1937. The American Presidency Project, 1937. URL: https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/recommendation-policy-for-helium-export.

11. Helium to Germany // Time Magazine. 17 January 1938.

12. Ickes H.L. The Secret Diary of Harold L. Ickes: The Inside Struggle: 1936–1939. Simon and Schuster, 1955. Vol. 2.

4. Шпион и сарацинский секрет

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3. Berg, Background and Biography.

4. Ibidem.

5. Чтобы узнать больше о более поздних попытках шпионажа против Хантсмана, см. путешествия Йохана Людвига Робзама в книге Rydberg S. Svenska studieresor till England under frihetstiden. Almquist & Wiksells boktryckeri, 1951. P. 170–187.

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7. Reibold M., Paufler P., Levin A.A., Kochmann W., Patzke N., Meyer D.C. Materials – Carbon nanotubes in an ancient Damascus sabre // Nature, 444 (286). 2006.

8. Mader S. Scott’s “Talisman”, Damask Salad and Nano-wires – Observations to the Fundamental Natural Scientific Studies of Phantoms. Waffen-Und Kostumkunde 49, 45. 2007.

9. Fornander M. Biografi // R.R. Angersteins resor genom Ungern och Österrike 1750. Jernkontorets bergshistoriska utskott, 1992; Naumann E. Reinhold Rüdker Angerstein // Svenskt biografiskt lexikon. Riksarkivet, 1918. Vol. 1. P. 792.

10. Palmer M. Introduction // R.R. Angerstein’s Illustrated Travel Diary, 1753–1755: Industry in England and Wales from a Swedish Perspective. Science Museum, 2001.

11. Farrell S.M. Wentworth, Mary Watson, marchioness of Rockingham (bap. 1735, d. 1804) // Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press, 2004.

5. Биопиратство, или Проклятие мускатного ореха

1. Пруст М. В сторону Свана: В поисках утраченного времени. Academia, 1927; оригинал впервые опубликован в 1913 г.

2. Milton G. Nathaniel’s Nutmeg. Penguin Books, 1999.

3. International Trade Centre, World Markets in the Spice Trade 2000–2004 // UNCTAD/WTO. 2005.

4. Конвенция ООН о биоразнообразии: The Convention on Biological Diversity, 120901. URL: http://www.cbd.int/

5. Milton, Nathaniel’s Nutmeg.

6. Смерть в доме № 29

1. Andersson H. Från dygdiga Dorothea till bildsköne Bengtsson berättelser om brott i Sverige under 400 år. Vulkan, 2009.

2. Горнопромышленный район Большой Медной горы в Фалуне, объект Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО (2001). URL: http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1027.

3. Mwakikagile G. Africa 1960–1970: Chronicle and Analysis. New Africa Press, 2009.

4. Chilean President Salvador Allende Committed Suicide, Autopsy Confirms // The Guardian, 20 July 2011.

5. Borger J. New Inquiry Set Up Into Death of UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld // The Guardian, 18 July 2012.

7. Камни голубых кровей и узник в клетке из кристаллов

1. Finlay V. Colour: Travels Through the Paintbox. Sceptre, 2003.

2. Polo M., Benedetto L.F. The Travels of Marco Polo: Translated into English from the Text of L.F. Benedetto. Asian Educational Services, 1931.

3. Wood J. A Personal Narrative of a Journey to the Source of the River Oxus. John Murray, 1841.

4. Finlay, Colour.

5. Perry T. Afghan Commander Massoud, Killed on Eve of 9/11 Attacks, is a National Hero Proclaimed September 9 as Massoud Day // Los Angeles Times, 22 September 2010.

6. Некролог Ahmad Shah Massoud // The Telegraph, 17 September 2001.

7. Dupee M. Afghanistan’s Conflict Minerals: The Crime—State—Insurgent Nexus // United States Military Academy, 2012. URL: https://www.ctc.usma.edu/afghanistans-conflict-minerals-the-crime-state-insurgent-nexus/.

8. Hildebrandt G. The Discovery of the Diffraction of X-rays in Crystals – A Historical Review // Crystal Research and Technology, 28 (747). 1993.

9. Hassan I., Peterson R.C., Grundy H.D. The Structure of Lazurite, Ideally Na6Ca2(A16 Si6O24) S2, a Member of the Sodalite Group // Acta Crystallographica, 41 (827). 1985; Arieli D., Vaughan D.E. W., Goldfarb D. New Synthesis and Insight into the Structure of Blue Ultramarine Pigments // Journal of the American Chemical Society, 126 (5776). 2004.

10. Fleet M.E., Liu X. Absorption Spectroscopy of Ultramarine Pigments: A New Analytical Method for the Polysulfide Radical Anion S3 – chromophore // Spectrochimica Acta Part B, 65 (75). 2010.

11. Perry, Afghan Commander Massoud.

8. Бриллианты навсегда, а также цирконий для подводных лодок

1. Smith A.M. Tears of the Giraffe. Polygon Books, 2000.

2. Delaney F. Simple Courage: A True Story of Peril on the Sea. Random House, 2006.

3. Bekker B. Flying Enterprise & Captain Carlsen. Bekkers forlag, 2011.

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