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Креативный мозг. Как рождаются идеи, меняющие мир - Элхонон Голдберг




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22. H. Poincaré, «The Mathematical Creation.» In The Creative Process: Reflections on Inventions in the Arts and Sciences, Ed. B. Chiselin (Oxnard, CA: Transformational Book Circle, 1986).

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24. N. Marupaka and A. A. Minai, «Connectivity and Creativity in Semantic Neural Networks.» Neural Networks (IJCNN) (International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, July 31— August 5, 2011).

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26. B. Ghiselin, The Creative Process: Reflections on the Invention in the Arts and Sciences, 1st edn. (Oakland, CA: University of California Press, 1985), 60.

27. A. Luria, Higher Cortical Functions in Man, 2nd edn. (New York: Springer, 1980); A. Luria, The Working Brain: An Introduction to Neuropsychology (New York: Basic Books, 1976); J. M. Fuster, The Neuroscience of Freedom and Creativity: Our Predictive Brain (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2013): 176.

Глава 8. Креативен ли бабуин?

1. F. De Waal, Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are? 1st edn. (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2016).

2. J. Grainger, S. Dufau, M. Montant, J. C. Ziegler, and J. Fagot, «Orthographic Processing in Baboons (Papio Papio)», Science 336 (2012): 245–248.

3. J. Fagot and J. Vauclair, «Video-Task Assessment of Stimulus Novelty Effects on Hemispheric Lateralization in Baboons (Papio Papio)», Journal of Comparative Psychology 108 (1994): 156–163; J. Grainger, S. Dufau, M. Montant, J. C. Ziegler, and J. Fagot, «Orthographic Processing in Baboons (Papio Papio)», Science 336 (2012): 245–248.

4. P. F. MacNeilage, L. J. Rogers, and G. Vallortigara, «Origins of the Left and Right Brain», Scientific American 301 (2009): 60–67.

5. S. Klur, C. Muller, A. Pereira de Vasconcelos, T. Ballard, J. Lopez, R. Galani, U. Certa, and J. C. Cassel, «Hippocampal-dependent Spatial Memory Functions Might Be Lateralized in Rats: An Approach Combining Gene Expression Profiling and Reversible Inactivation», Hippocampus 19 (2009): 800–816.

6. K. W. Pryor, R. Haag, and J. O’Reilly, «The Creative Porpoise: Training for Novel Behavior», Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior 12 (1969): 653–661.

7. K. W. Pryor, R. Haag, and J. O’Reilly, «The Creative Porpoise: Training for Novel Behavior», Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior 12 (1969): 661.

8. A. Kilian, L. Von Fersen, and O. Güntürkün, «Left Hemispheric Advantage for Numerical Abilities in the Bottlenose Dolphin», Behavioral Processes 68 (2005): 179–184.

9. M. Sakai, T. Hishii, S. Takeda, and S. Koshima, «Laterality of Flipper Rubbing Behaviour in Wild Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops Aduncus): Caused by Asymmetry of Eye Use?» Behavioural Brain Research 170 (2006): 204–210.

10. C. Blois-Heulin, M. Crével, M. Böye, and A. Lemasson, «Visual Laterality in Dolphins: Importance of the Familiarity of Stimuli», BMC Neuroscience 13 (2012): 9; M. Siniscalchi, S. Dimatteo, A. M. Pepe, R. Sasso, and A. Quaranta, «Visual Lateralization in Wild Striped Dolphins (Stenella Coeruleoalba) in Response to Stimuli with Different Degrees of Familiarity», PLoS One 7 (2012): E30001.

11. J. Ackerman, The Genius of Birds (New York: Penguin Press, 2016).

12. M. O’Hara, A. M. Auersperg, T. Bugnyar, and L. Huber, «Inference by Exclusion in Goffin Cockatoos (Cacatua Goffini)», PLoS One 10 (2015): E0134894; A. M. Auersperg, N. Oswald, M. Domanegg, G. K. Gajdon, and T. Bugnyar, «Unrewarded Object Combinations in Captive Parrots», Animal Behavior and Cognition 1 (2014): 470–488; A. M. Auersperg, A. Kacelnik, and A. M. Von Bayern, «Explorative Learning and Functional Inferences on a Five-step Means-Means-End Problem in Goffin’s Cockatoos (Cacatua Goffini)», PLoS One 8 (2013): E68979.

13. E. D. Jarvis, O. Güntürkün, L. Bruce, A. Csillag, H. Karten, W. Kuenzel, L. Medina, G. Paxinos, D. J. Perkel, T. Shimizu, G. Striedter, J. M. Wild, G. F. Ball, J. Dugas-Ford, S. E. Durand, G. E. Hough, S. Husband, L. Kubikova, D. W. Lee, C. V. Mello, A. Powers, C. Siang, T. V. Smulders, K. Wada, S. A. White, K. Yamamoto, J. Yu, A. Reiner, A. B. Butler, and The Avian Brain Nomenclature Consortium, «Avian Brains and a New Understanding of Vertebrate Brain Evolution», Nature Reviews Neuroscience 6 (2005): 151–159.

14. M. Magat and C. Brown, «Laterality Enhances Cognition in Australian Parrots», Proceedings in Biological Sciences 276 (2009): 4155–4162; J. N. Daisley, G. Vallortigara, and L. Regolin, «Logic in an Asymmetrical (Social) Brain: Transitive Inference in the Young Domestic Chick», Society of Neuroscience 5 (2010): 309–319.

15. J. Verhaal, J. A. Kirsch, I. Vlachos, M. Manns, and O. Güntürkün, «Lateralized Reward-Related Visual Discrimination in the Avian Entopallium», European Journal of Neuroscience 35 (2012): 1337–1343.

16. B. A. Bell, M. L. Phan, and D. S. Vicario, «Neural Responses in Songbird Forebrain Reflect Learning Rates, Acquired Salience and Stimulus Novelty After Auditory Discrimination Training», Journal of Neurophysiology 113 (2015): 1480–1492.

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