Dream Cities. 7 урбанистических идей, которые сформировали мир - Уэйд Грэхем
45. Thomas R. Metcalf, An Imperial Vision: Indian Architecture and Britain’s Raj (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989), 176.
46. Le Corbusier, The City of Tomorrow and Its Planning. Originally published as Urbanisme, 1929 (New York: Dover, 1987), 240–241.
Глава 3: Дома-пластины
1. J. K. Birksted, Le Corbusier and the Occult (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2009), jacket copy.
2. Ibid., 120, 231.
3. Ibid., 121.
4. Charles Jencks, Le Corbusier and the Tragic View of Architecture (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1973), 32.
5. Birksted, Le Corbusier and the Occult, 10.
6. Ibid.
7. Jencks, Le Corbusier and the Tragic View of Architecture, 24, 54.
8. Norma Evenson, Le Corbusier: The Machine and the Grand Design (New York: G. Braziller, 1970), 7.
9. Ibid., 9.
10. Stanislaus von Moos, «From the «City for 3 Million Inhabitants» to the «Plan Voisin», in Le Corbusier in Perspective, ed. Peter Serenyi (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall,1975), 135.
11. Ibid., 125–238.
12. Jean-Louis Cohen, The Future of Architecture, Since 1889 (New York: Phaidon Press, 2012), 89.
13. Mardges Bacon, Le Corbusier in America: Travels in the Land of the Timid (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2001), 155.
14. Cohen, Future of Architecture, 178–179.
15. Evenson, Le Corbusier, 10.
16. Robert Fishman, Urban Utopias in the 20th Century: Ebenezer Howard, Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1977), 14.
17. Evenson, Le Corbusier, 32.
18. Ibid., 13.
19. Reyner Banham, A Concrete Atlantis: U.S. Industrial Building and European Modern Architecture, 1900–1925 (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1986), 227.
20. Le Corbusier, The City of Tomorrow and Its Planning, 167.
21. Ibid. 179.
22. Birksted, Le Corbusier and the Occult, 304.
23. Jencks, Le Corbusier and the Tragic View of Architecture, 64.
24. http://www.fondationlecorbusier.fr/corbuweb/morpheus.aspx?sysId=13&IrisObjectId=6159&sysLanguage=en-en&itemPos=2&itemCount=2&sysParentName=Home&sysParentId=65.
25. Ibid.
26. Ibid.
27. Le Corbusier, City of Tomorrow and Its Planning, 96.
28. Le Corbusier, The Radiant City (New York: the Orion Press, 1967), 148–152.
29. Ibid.
30. Birksted, Le Corbusier and the Occult, 19, 21, 24–25; Cohen, Future of Architecture, 48, 57, 127.
31. Inaki Abalos and Juan Herreros, Tower and Office: From Modernist Theory to Contemporary Practice (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2003), 16–19.
32. Jencks, Le Corbusier and the Tragic View, 120.
33. Bacon, Le Corbusier in America, 3.
34. Le Corbusier, The City of Tomorrow and Its Planning, 76.
35. Le Corbusier, City of Tomorrow, 45, 76.
36. Evenson, Le Corbusier, 29.
37. Ibid.
38. Bacon, Le Corbusier in America, 26.
39. Ibid., 159.
40. Fogelson, Downtown: Its Rise and Fall, 1880–1950, 325.
41. Ibid., 345.
42. Ibid., 340.
43. Samuel Zipp, Manhattan Projects: The Rise and Fall of Urban Renewal in Cold War New York (New York: Oxford University Press, 2010), 15.
44. To New Horizons (General Motors film, 1940), 19:30.
45. Fogelson, Downtown, 348.
46. Ibid., 350.
47. John R. Short, Alabaster Cities: Urban U.S. Since 1950 (Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2006), 79–80.
48. Zipp, Manhattan Projects, 112.
49. Ibid, 78.
50. Ibid., 101.
51. Short, Alabaster Cities, 20.
52. Fogelson, Downtown, 271.
53. Ibid., 278.
54. Ibid., 278.
55. Hilary Ballon and Kenneth T. Jackson, eds. Robert Moses and the Modern City: The Transformation of New York (New York: W. W. Norton, 2007), 124–125.
56. Ibid., 124.
57. Ibid., 97.
58. Robert Caro, The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York (New York: Knopf, 1974), 849.
59. Ballon and Jackson, eds. Robert Moses and the Modern City, 97.
60. Ibid., 102.
61. Ibid., 47–49.
62. Ibid., 108.
63. Short, Alabaster Cities, 21–22.
64. Marshall Berman, «Falling», in Beaumont and Dary, Restless Cities, 128.
Глава 4: Усадьбы
1. Patrick J. Meehan, ed., Truth Against the World: Frank Lloyd Wright Speaks for an Organic Architecture (Washington, DC: Preservation Press, 1992), 343.
2. Ibid.
3. Aged 67 in 1935, he was best known: Fishman, Urban Utopias in the 20th Century, 94.
4. Meehan, Truth Against the World, 345.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.
7. Myron A. Marty, Communities of Frank Lloyd Wright: Taliesin and Beyond (DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 2009), 159.
8. Meehan, Truth Against the World, 345.
9. Fishman, Urban Utopias, 129.
10. Ibid., 110.
11. Frank Lloyd Wright, «Broadacre City: A New Community Plan» (1935), in Frank Lloyd Wright: Essential Texts, ed. Robert Twombly (New York: W. W. Norton, 2009), 261.
12. Alvin Rosenbaum, Usonia: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Design for America (Washington, DC: Preservation Press, National Trust for Historic Preservation, 1993), 87.
13. Meehan, Truth Against the World, 345.
14. Wright, Broadacre City, 260.
15. Meehan, Truth Against the World, 345.
16. Wright, Broadacre City, 262.
17. Ibid., 260–261.
18. Hall, Cities of Tomorrow, 89.
19. Fishman, Urban Utopias, 135.
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