Голодный мозг. Как перехитрить инстинкты, которые заставляют нас переедать - Стефан Гийанэй
14 «о количестве калорий на человека»: USDA, USDA Economic Research Service—Food Availability (Per Capita).
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16 «каждый килограмм, которые человек хочет скинуть»: Ibid.
16 «в последующих главах»: Ibid.
16 с «на эту тему потрясающую работу»: Hall, Guo, Dore, and Chow, The Progressive Increase of Food Waste.
17 «по графику на рисунке 5»: S. C. Davis and S. W. Diegel, Transportation Energy Data Book: Edition 32 (US Department of Energy, 2013).
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20 «подсчитывали калории»: S. W. Lichtman, K. Pisarska, E. R. Berman, M. Pestone, H. Dowling, E. Offenbacher, et al., Discrepancy Between Self- Reported and Actual Caloric Intake and Exercise in Obese Subjects, New Eng land Journal of Medicine 327, no. 27 (December 31, 1992): 1893–98; E. Ravussin, S. Lillioja, T. E. Anderson, L. Christin, and C. Bogardus, Determinants of 24- Hour Energy Expenditure in Man: Methods and Results Using a Respiratory Chamber, Journal of Clinical Investigation 78, no. 6 (December 1986): 1568–78; L. G. Bandini, D. A. Schoeller, H. N. Cyr, and W. H. Dietz, Validity of Reported Energy Intake in Obese and Nonobese Adolescents, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 52, no. 3 (September 1, 1990): 421–5; E. Ravussin, B. Burnand, Y. Schutz, and E. Jéquier, Twenty- Four- Hour Energy Expenditure and Resting Metabolic Rate in Obese, Moderately Obese, and Control Subjects, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 35, no. 3 (March 1, 1982): 566–73.
20 «сколько ими было съедено»: Lichtman, Pisarska, Berman, Pestone, Dowling, Offenbacher, et al., Discrepancy Between Self- Reported and Actual; Bandini, Schoeller, Cyr, and Dietz, Validity of Reported Energy Intake; J. O. Fisher, R. K. Johnson, C. Lindquist, L. L. Birch, and M. I. Goran, Infl uence of Body Composition on the Accuracy of Reported Energy Intake in Children, Obesity Research 8, no. 8 (November 1, 2000): 597–603.
21 «основных блюд, закусок и напитков»: R. Rising, S. Alger, V. Boyce, H. Sea gle, R. Ferraro, A. M. Fontvieille, et al., Food Intake Mea sured by an Automated Food- Se lection System: Relationship to Energy Expenditure, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 55, no. 2 (February 1, 1992): 343–49.
21 «на тему «ресторанной диеты»: D. E. Larson, P. A. Tataranni, R. T. Ferraro, and E. Ravussin, Ad Libitum Food Intake on a Cafeteria Diet in Native American Women: Relations with Body Composition and 24- H Energy Expenditure, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 62, no. 5 (November 1, 1995): 911–17; D. Larson, R. Rising, R. Ferraro, and E. Ravussin, Spontaneous Overfeeding with a Cafeteria Diet in Men: Effects on 24- Hour Energy Expenditure and Substrate Oxidation, International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders 19, no. 5 (May 1995): 331–37.
23 «плавником на твердую почву»: S. Kumar and S. B. Hedges, A Molecular Timescale for Vertebrate Evolution, Nature 392, no. 6679 (April 30, 1998): 917–20.
23 «человеческого аналитического аппарата»: M. Stephenson- Jones, E. Samuelsson, J. Ericsson, B. Robertson, and S. Grillner, Evolutionary Conservation of the Basal Ganglia as a Common Vertebrate Mechanism for Action Se lection, Current Biology 21, no. 13 (July 12, 2011): 1081–91.
24 «только одна форсунка»: P. Redgrave, T. J. Prescott, and K. Gurney, The Basal Ganglia: A Vertebrate Solution to the Se lection Prob lem? Neuroscience 89, no. 4 (1999): 1009–23.
24с «похожие структуры у мух»: N. J. Strausfeld and F. Hirth, Deep Homology of Arthropod Central Complex and Vertebrate Basal Ganglia, Science 340, no. 6129 (April 12, 2013): 157–61; V. G. Fiore, R. J. Dolan, N. J. Strausfeld, and F. Hirth, Evolutionarily Conserved Mechanisms for the Se lection and Maintenance of Behavioural Activity, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 370, no. 1684 (December 2015).
25 «в головном мозге»: Ibid.
26 «название базальные ганглии»: Ibid.
26 «частей мозга»: Stephenson – Jones, Samuelsson, Ericsson, Robertson, and Grillner, “Evolutionary Conservation of the Basal Ganglia”; Fiore, Dolan, Strausfeld, and Hirth, “Evolutionarily Conserved Mechanisms.
26 «в базальных ганглиях»: S. Grillner, J. Hellgren, A. Ménard, K. Saitoh, and M. A. Wikström, Mechanisms for Se lection of Basic Motor Programs— Roles for the Striatum and Pallidum, Trends in Neurosciences 28, no. 7 (July 2005): 364–70; A. Ménard and S. Grillner, Diencephalic Locomotor Region in the Lamprey— Afferents and Efferent Control,” Journal of Neurophysiology 100, no. 3 (September 2008): 1343–53.
27 «отвечает за планирование»: Fiore, Dolan, Strausfeld, and Hirth, Evolutionarily Conserved Mechanisms; F. M. Ocaña, S. M. Suryanarayana, K. Saitoh, A. A. Kardamakis, L. Capantini, B. Robertson, et al., The Lamprey Pallium Provides a Blueprint of the Mammalian Motor Projections from Cortex, Current Biology 25, no. 4 (February 16, 2015): 413–23.
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