Вера в свободу. Практики психиатрии и принципы либертарианства - Томас Сас
Michael Polanyi, “Life’s Irreductible Structures” [1968], в Michael Polanyi, Knowing and Being, edited by Marjorie Greene (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1968), p. 238; см. также: Michael Polanyi, Personal Knowledge: Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy (Сhicago: University of Chicago Press, 1958) <Полани М. Личностное знание: На пути к посткритической философии. М.: Прогресс, 1985>; Science, Faith and Society (Chicago: Phoenix Books/University of Chicago Press, 1964).
Введение: свобода от психиатрии
John Crammer, “1941‒1960” в Hugh Freeman, editor, A Century of Psychiatry (London: Mosby-Wolfe/Harcourt Publishewrs, 1999), p. 416. Курсив добавлен. — Т. С.
John Crammer, Asylum History: Buckinghamshire County Pauper Lunatic Asylum — St. John’s (London; Gaskell, 1990), p.x.
См.: Thomas Szasz, Law, Liberty and Psychiatry: an Inquiry into the Social Uses of Psychiatry [1963] (Siracuse: Siracuse University Press, 1989) и Psychiatric Justice [1965] (Siracuse: Siracuse University Press, 1988).
SpicyQuotes.com http://www.theuseful.com/p_pitch.htm?record_promo_id=894
Mary L. Durham, “Civil Commitment of the Mentally Ill: Research, Policy, and Practice”, in Bruce D. Sales and Saleem A. Shah, editors, Mental Health and Law: research, Policy and Services (Durham, N. C.: Carolina Academic Press, 1996), pp. 17‒40; p. 17).
Robert M. Levy and Leonard S. Rubenstein, The Rights of People with Mental Disabilities: The Authoritative ACLU Guide to the Rights of People with Mental Illness and Mental Retardation (Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinjois University Press, 1996), p. 302
Thomas Szasz: Liberation By Oppression: A Comparativee Study of Slavery and Psychiatry (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 2002).
John E.E.D. Acton, Selected Writings of Lord Acton: Essays in the Study and Writing of History, edited by J. Rufus Fears, 3 Vols. (Indianapolis: Liberty Classics, 1988), vol. 3, pp. 491, 490.
Gilbert K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy (London: John Lane, 1909), p. 32.
Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Rrevolution in France [1790] (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1999), pp. 94, 93. <См.: Бёрк Э. Размышления о революции во Франции и заседаниях некоторых обществ в Лондоне, относящихся к этому событию. М.: Рудомино, 1993.>
John E.E.D. Acton, Selected Writings of Lord Acton, op. cit., vol. 3, p. 495. <См.: Актон, лорд. Очерки становления свободы. М.; Челябинск: Социум, 2020.>
Benito Mussolini, цит. по: Michael J. Oakeshott, The Doctrine of Fascism, by Benito Mussolini в The Social and Political Doctrines of Contemporary Europe (Cambridge: Cambridge Univercity Press, 1939).
Jacob L. Talmon, The Origin of Totalitarian Democracy (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1960); Thomas Szasz, Pharmacracy: Medicine and Polytics in America [2001] (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2003).
Roger Scruton, “The political problem of Islam”, Intercollegiate Rerview, 38: 3‒15 (Fall), 2002, pp. 5, 9.
G. Brock Chisholm, “The psychiatry of enduring peace and social progress”, Psychiatry, 9:3‒9 1946; p. 9; G. Brock Chischolm, цит. по: Daniel Callahan, “The WHO Defi nition of Health”, в Rem B. Edwards & Glenn Garber, editors, Bio Ethics (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1988), pp. 257‒266; pp. 259‒260.
Thomas Szasz, Pharmacracy.
Albert Camus, The Rebel: An Essay on Man in Revolt [1951] translated by Antony Bower (New York: Vintage Books, 1956), p. 4. <См.: Камю А. Бунтующий человек. М.: ТЕРРА-Книжный клуб; Республика, 1999.>
См. главу 10.
Официальный вебсайт либертарианской партии, www.lp.org
National Platform of the Libertarian Party. Adopted in Convention, July 2002, Indianapolis, Indiana. http://www.lp.org/issues/platform/platform_all.html
James Madison, “Letter to William Bradford”, April 1, 1774, quoted in “James Madison’s vision of liberty”, CATO Policy Report, 23: 1 and 10‒12 (March/April), 2001, p. 12.
Albert Camus, “The Wager of Our Civilization” [1957], in Resistance, Rebellion, and Death, translated by Justin O’Brien (New York: Knopf, 1961), p. 240.
Francis Fukuyama, “The fall of the libertarians: Sept. 11 might have also brought down a political movement”, OpinionJournal, 2 September, 2003. http://opinionjournal.com/editorial/feature.html?id=105002013
Edmund Burke, “A letter from Mr. Burke to a Member of the National Assmebly in answer to some objections to his book on French Aff airs” [1791], в Edmund Burke, The Works of the Right Honorable Edmund Burke, 12 Vols. (Boston: Wells & Lilly, 1826), vol. 3, p. 315.
John E. D. D.Acton, Selected Writings of Lord Acton, op. cit., 490.
Thomas Szasz, Ideology and Insanity: Essays on the Psychiatric Dehumanization of Man [1970] (Siracuse: Siracuse University Press, 1991)
Thomas Szasz, Law, Liberty and Psychiatry, op. cit.; Сас Т. Фабрика безумия: сравнительное исследование инквизиции и движения за душевное здоровье. Екатеринбург: Ультракультура, 2008; Insanity: Idea and Its Consequences [1987] (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1997); Cruel Compassion: The Psychiatric Control of Society’s Unwanted [1994] (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1998); Pharmacracy, op. cit.; Liberation By Oppression, op. cit.
Lawrence Kootnikoff, “Victims kin can sue psychiatrists”, Los Angeles Daily Journal, August 19, 2003, p. 2.
Leoni Lamont and Miguel Holland, “Judge awards woman’s insane killer $300,000”, Sidney Morning Herald (Australia), August 20, 2003. http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/08/19/1061261156746.html
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