Почему существует наш мир? - Джим Холт
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146 Searle J. R. The Mystery of Consciousness. N. Y.: New York Review of Books, 1997. P. 156.
147 Larry Kaufman, www.hostagechess.com.
148 James. Principles of Psychology. Vol. 1. P. 276.
149 Mackie. Miracle of Theism. Р. 232.
150 Russell. History of Western Philosophy. P. 417.
151 Interview with Father Robert E. Lauder // Commonweal. 2010. April 15.
152 Russell. History of Western Philosophy. P. 417.
153 Шопенгауэр А. О четверояком корне закона достаточного основания.
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155 Parfit D. Why Anything? Why This? // London Review of Books. 1998. January 22; February 5.
156 Parfit D. Reasons and Persons. Oxford University Press, 1984. P. 281.
157 Pyke S. Philosophers. Distributed Art Publishing, 1995. P. 43.
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159 Greene B. The Hidden Reality. Allen Lane, 2011. P. 296.
160 Updike J. The Dogwood Tree // Assorted Prose. Fawcett, 1966. P. 146.
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163 Atkins P. The Creation. W. H. Freeman, 1981. P. 111.
164 Amis M. The War Against Cliché. Vintage, 2002. P. 384.
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166 Сартр Ж.-П. Экзистенциализм – это гуманизм / Пер. М. Н. Грецкого.
167 Russell. History of Western Philosophy. P. 417.
168 Dennett D. Consciousness Explained. Boston: Little, Brown & Co, 1991. P. 423.
169 Strawson G. Selves: An Essay in Revisionary Metaphysics. Oxford University Press, 2011. P. 246.
170 Nagel T. The View from Nowhere. Oxford University Press, 1986. P. 42.
171 Цит. по: The Oxford Companion to Philosophy / ed. Ted Honderich. Oxford University Press, 1995. P. 817.
172 Витгенштейн Л. Из тетрадей 1914–1916 / Пер. с нем. В. Руднева.
173 Parfit. Reasons and Persons. P. 52.
174 Юм Д. Трактат о человеческой природе / Пер. С. И. Церетели.
175 Parfit. Reasons and Persons. P. 280.
176 Nozick. Philosophical Explanations. P. 87.
177 Scruton R. Modern Philosophy. L.: Penguin, 1994. P. 484.
178 Гуссерль Э. Картезианские размышления / Пер. Д. Скляднева; науч. ред. Я. А. Слинин. СПб.: Наука, 2006.
179 Витгенштейн Л. Логико-философский трактат.
180 Nagel T. The View from Nowhere. Oxford University Press, 1986. P. 61.
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184 Critchley S. The Book of Dead Philosophers. Vintage, 2009. P. 176.
185 Nagel T. Mortal Questions. Cambridge University Press, 1979. P. 4.
186 Wollheim R. The Thread of Life. Yale University Press, 1999. P. 269.
187 Johnston M. Surviving Death. Princeton University Press, 2010. P. 138.
188 Nagel. The View from Nowhere. P. 228.
189 Parfit. Reasons and Persons. P. 280.
190 Scruton. Modern Philosophy. P. 378.
191 Scruton. Modern Philosophy. P. 464.
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