Кто мы и как сюда попали. Древняя ДНК и новая наука о человеческом прошлом - Дэвид Райх
13 Prüfer et al. “Complete Genome”.
14 C. B. Stringer and I. Barnes. “Deciphering the Denisovans”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 112 (2015): 15542–15543.
15 G. A. Wagner et al. “Radiometric Dating of the Type-Site for Homo Heidelber-gensis at Mauer, Germany”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 107 (2010): 19726–19730.
16 C. Stringer. “The Status of Homo heidelbergensis (Schoetensack 1908)”, Evolutionary Anthropology 21 (2012): 101–107.
17 A. Brumm et al. “Age and Context of the Oldest Known Hominin Fossils from Flores”, Nature 534 (2016): 249–253.
18 Reich et al. “Denisova Admixture”.
19 Prüfer et al. “Complete Genome”.
20 Там же; Sankararaman et al. “Combined Landscape”.
21 E. Huerta-Sánchez et al. “Altitude Adaptation in Tibetans Caused by Introgression of Denisovan-like DNA”, Nature 512 (2014): 194–197.
22 F. H. Chen et al. “Agriculture Facilitated Permanent Human Occupation of the Tibetan Plateau After 3600 B.P.”, Science 347 (2015): 248–250.
23 S. Sankararaman et al. “The Genomic Landscape of Neanderthal Ancestry in PresentDay Humans”, Nature 507 (2014): 354–357; B. Vernot and J. M. Akey. “Resurrecting Surviving Neandertal Lineages from Modern Human Genomes”, Science 343 (2014): 1017–1021.
24 Prüfer et al. “Complete Genome”.
25 G. P. Rightmire. “Homo erectus and Middle Pleistocene Hominins: Brain Size, Skull Form, and Species Recognition”, Journal of Human Evolution 65 (2013): 223–252.
26 M. Martinón-Torres et al. “Dental Evidence on the Hominin Dispersals During the Pleistocene”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 104 (2007): 13279–13282; M. Martinón-Torres, R. Dennell, J. M. B. de Castro. “The Denisova Hominin Need Not Be an Out of Africa Story”, Journal of Human Evolution 60 (2011): 251–255; J. M. B. de Castro, M. Martinón-Torres. “A New Model for the Evolution of the Human Pleistocene Populations of Europe”, Quaternary International 295 (2013): 102–112.
27 De Castro, Martinón-Torres. “A New Model”.
28 J. L. Arsuaga et al. “Neandertal Roots: Cranial and Chronological Evidence from Sima de los Huesos”, Science 344 (2014): 1358–1363; M. Meyer et al. “A Mitochondrial Genome Sequence of a Hominin from Sima de los Huesos”, Nature 505 (2014): 403–406.
29 M. Meyer et al. “Nuclear DNA Sequences from the Middle Pleistocene Sima de los Huesos Hominins”, Nature 531 (2016): 504–507.
30 Meyer et al. “A Mitochondrial Genome”; Meyer et al. “Nuclear DNA Sequences”.
31 Krause et al. “Unknown Hominin”; Reich et al. “Genetic History”.
32 Posth et al. “Deeply Divergent Archaic”.
33 Там же.
34 Prüfer et al. “Complete Genome”.
35 S. McBrearty, A. S. Brooks. “The Revolution That Wasn’t: A New Interpretation of the Origin of Modern Human Behavior”, Journal of Human Evolution 39 (2000): 453–563.
36 M. Kuhlwilm et al. “Ancient Gene Flow from Early Modern Humans into Eastern Neanderthals”, Nature 530 (2016): 429–433.
Глава 4. Призраки человечества
1 Charles R. Darwin. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life (London: John Murray, 1859).
2 C. Becquet et al. “Genetic Structure of Chimpanzee Populations”, PLoS Genetics 3 (2007): e66.
3 R. E. Green et al. “A Draft Sequence of the Neandertal Genome”, Science 328 (2010): 710–722.
4 N. J. Patterson et al. “Ancient Admixture in Human History”, Genetics 192 (2012): 1065–1093.
5 Ernst Mayr. Systematics and the Origin of Species from the Viewpoint of a Zoologist (New York: Columbia University Press, 1942).
6 J. K. Pickrell, D. Reich. “Toward a New History and Geography of Human Genes Informed by Ancient DNA”, Trends in Genetics 30 (2014): 377–389.
7 A. R. Templeton. “Biological Races in Humans”, Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Science 44 (2013): 262–271.
8 M. Raghavan et al. “Upper Palaeolithic Siberian Genome Reveals Dual Ancestry of Native Americans”, Nature 505 (2014): 87–91.
9 I. Lazaridis et al. “Ancient Human Genomes Suggest Three Ancestral Populations for Present-Day Europeans”, Nature 513 (2014): 409–413.
10 I. Lazaridis et al. “Genomic Insights into the Origin of Farming in the Ancient Near East”, Nature 536 (2016): 419–424.
11 Там же.
12 F. Broushaki et al. “Early Neolithic Genomes from the Eastern Fertile Cres cent”, Science 353 (2016): 499–503; E. R. Jones et al. “Upper Palaeolithic Genomes Reveal Deep Roots of Modern Eurasians”, Nature Communications 6 (2015): 8912.
13 B. M. Henn et al. “Genomic Ancestry of North Africans Supports Back-to Africa Migrations”, PLoS Genetics 8 (2012): e1002397.
14 Lazaridis et al. “Genomic Insights”.
15 O. Bar-Yosef. “Pleistocene Connections Between Africa and Southwest Asia: An Archaeological Perspective”, African Archaeological Review 5 (1987): 29–38.
16 Lazaridis et al. “Genomic Insights”.
17 Lazaridis et al. “Ancient Human Genomes”.
18 Q. Fu et al. “The Genetic History of Ice Age Europe”, Nature 534 (2016): 200–205.
19 Q. Fu et al. “Genome Sequence of a 45,000-Year-Old Modern Human from Western Siberia”, Nature 514 (2014): 445–449.
20 Q. Fu et al. “An Early Modern Human from Romania with a Recent Neanderthal Ancestor”, Nature 524 (2015): 216–219.
21 F. G. Fedele, B. Giaccio, I. Hajdas. “Timescales and Cultural Process at 40,000 BP in the Light of the Campanian Ignimbrite Eruption, Western Eurasia”, Journal of Human Evolution 55 (2008): 834–857; A. Costa et al. “Quantifying Volcanic Ash Dispersal and Impact of the Campanian Ignimbrite Super-Eruption”, Geophysical Research Letters 39 (2012): L10310.
22 Fedele et al. “Timescales and Cultural Process”.
23 A. Seguin-Orlando et al. “Genomic Structure in Europeans Dating Back at Least 36,200 Years”, Science 346 (2014): 1113–1118.
24 Fu et al. “Ice Age Europe”.
25 Andreas Maier. The Central European Magdalenian: Regional Diversity and Inter-nal Variability (Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer, 2015).
26 Fu et al. “Ice Age Europe”.
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