Наука мудрости - Ли Росс
11. Материальная помощь другим и счастье. Aknin, L.B., Barrington-Leigh, C.P., Dunn, E.W., Helliwell, J.F., Burns, J., Biswas-Diener, R., Norton, M.I. (2013). Prosocial spending and well-being: Cross-cultural evidence for a psychological universal. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 104, 635–652. Dunn, E.W., Aknin, L.B. & Norton, M.I. (2009). Spending money on others promotes happiness. Science, 319, 1687–1688. Lyubomirsky, S., Sheldon, K.M. & Schkade, D. (2005). Pursuing happiness: The architecture of sustainable change. Review of General Psychology, 9, 111–131. Myers, D. G. & Diener, E. (1995). Who is happy? Psychological Science, 6, 10–19.
12. Счастье и снятие диссонанса после принятия решения. Lyubomirsky, S. & Ross, L. (1999). Changes in attractiveness of elected, rejected, and precluded alternatives: A comparison of happy and unhappy individuals. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 76, 988–1007.
13. Счастье и социальные сравнения. Lyubomirsky, S. & Ross, L. (1997). Hedonic consequences of social comparison. A contrast of happy and unhappy people. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 73, 1141–1157.
14. Счастье и восприятие прошлого. Liberman, V., Boehm, J.K., Lyubomirsky, S. & Ross, L. (2009). Happiness and memory: Affective significance of endowment and contrast. Emotion, 9, 666–680.
15. Популярная литература по счастью. Много полезного можно почерпнуть в книгах Эда Динера: «Счастье: Открытие тайн психологического богатства» (Ed Diener’s Happiness: Unlocking the Mysteries of Psychological Wealth), Дэна Гилберта: «Случайно наткнуться на счастье» (Dan Gilbert’s Stumbling on Happiness), Джона Хейдта: «Гипотеза счастья» (Jon Haidt’s The Happiness Hypothesis), Сони Любомирски: «Счастье: не что, а как» (Sonja Lyubormirsky’s The How of Happiness), и Дэвида Майерса: «Поиски счастья» (David Myers’s The Pursuit of Happiness). Также рекомендуем изложение в журналистском ключе, например «География блаженства» Эрика Уайнера (Eric Weiner’s The Geography of Bliss) и «Счастливый город» Чарлза Монтгомери (Charles Montgomery’s Happy City).
16. Правило пика и финала. Fredrickson, B.L. & Kahneman, D. (1993). Duration neglect in retrospective evaluations of affective episodes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 65, 45–55. Kahneman, D., Fredrickson, D.L., Schreiber, C.A. & Redelemeier, D.A. (1993). When more pain is preferred to less: Adding a better end. Psychological Science, 4, 401–405.
17. Колоноскопия. Redelmeier, D.A. & Kahneman, D. (1996). Patients’ memories of painful medical treatments: Real-time and retrospective evaluations of two minimally invasive procedures. Pain, 66, 3–8.
18. Удовлетворение от приобретения материальных благ либо впечатлений. Gilovich, T. & Kumar, A. (2015). We’ll always have Paris: The hedonic payoff from experiential and material investments. In: M.P. Zanna & J.M. Olson (eds.), Advances in experimental social psychology (vol. 51, pp. 147–187). Orlando, FL: Academic Press. Van Boven, L. & Gilovich, T. (2003). To do or to have: That is the question. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85, 1193–1202.
19. Различная адаптация в случае приобретения материальных благ либо впечатлений. Carter, T.J. & Gilovich, T. (2010). The relative relativity of experiential and material purchases. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 98, 146–159. Mitchell, T. R., Thompson, L., Peterson, E. & Cronk, R. (1997). Temporal adjustments in the evaluation of events: The “rosy view.” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 33, 421–488. Nicolao, L. Irwin, J.R. & Goodman, J.K. (2009). Happiness for sale: Do experiential purchases make consumers happier than material purchases? Journal of Consumer Research, 36 (2), 188-198. Sutton, R.I. (1992). Feelings about a Disneyland visit: Photographs and reconstruction of bygone emotions. Journal of Management Inquiry, 1, 278–287.
20. Рассмотрение одного и того же приобретения как материального блага либо источника впечатлений. Carter & Gilovich. (2010). Rosenzweig, E. & Gilovich, T. (2012). Buyer’s remorse or missed opportunity? Differential regrets for material and experiential purchases. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 102, 215–223.
21. Социальное сравнение в случае приобретения материальных благ либо впечатлений. Carter & Gilovich (2010).
22. Гедонистическая беговая дорожка. Brickman, P. & Campbell, D. (1971). Hedonic relativism and planning the good society. In: M.H. Appley (ed.), Adaptation-level Theory: A Symposium (pp. 287–302). New York: Academic Press.
23. Не меняющийся во времени уровень счастья. Easterlin, R.A. (1974). Does economic growth improve the human lot? Some empirical evidence. In: P.A. David & M.W. Reder (eds.), Nations and households in economic growth: Essays in honor of Moses Abramovitz (pp. 89–125). New York: Academic Press. Easterlin, R.A., McVey, L.A., Switek, M., Sawangfa, O. & Zweig, J.S. (2010). The happiness–income paradox revisited. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107 (52), 22463–22468.
24. Истории. Kumar, A. & Gilovich, T. (в печати). Some “thing” to talk about? Differential story utility from experiential and material purchases. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Van Boven, L., Campbell, M.C. & Gilovich, T. (2010). The social costs of materialism: On people’s assessments of materialistic and experiential consumers. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 36, 551–563.
25. Связь нашего «я» с материальными вещами и впечатлениями. Carter, T. & Gilovich, T. (2012). I am what I do, not what I have: The differential centrality of experiential and material purchases to the self. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 102, 1304–1317.
26. Сожаление. Gilovich, T. & Medvec, V. H. (1995). The experience of regret: What, when, and why. Psychological Review, 102, 379–395. Gilovich, T., Medvec, V.H. & Kahneman, D. (1998). Varieties of regret: A debate and partial resolution. Psychological Review, 105, 602–605. Gilovich, T., Wang, R.F., Regan, D. & Nishina, S. (2003). Regrets of action and inaction across cultures. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 34, 61–71.
27. Генри Джеймс о сожалении. Henry James. (n.d.) Brainy Quote.com Retrieved June 21, 2015, from Brainy Quote.com website: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/h/henryjames109178.html. Letter to Hugh Walpole, 21 Aug. 1913. Edel, L. (ed.) (1987) Henry James: Selected Letters. Cambridge, Mass, and London: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
28. Цитата из Ликкена. Lykken, D.T. The heritability of happiness. Harvard Mental Health Letter. (no date). Download able from www.psych.umn.edu/psylabs/happiness/hapindex.htm.
29. Потоковое состояние. Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1990). Flow: The psychology of optimal experience. New York: Harper.
30. Корреляция между телесмотрением и психологическим благополучием. Frey, B.S., Benesch, C. & Stutzer, A. (2007). Does watching TV make us happy? Journal of Economic Psychology, 28, 283–313.
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