Как почти честно выиграть выборы - Ник Чизмен
OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights. “Lack of Equal Opportunities, One-sided Media Coverage and Limitations on Fundamental Freedoms Created Unlevel Playing Field in Turkey’s Constitutional Referendum, International Observers Say” (2017); http://www.osce.org/odihr/elections/turkey/311726 (дата обращения – 18 ноября 2017).
Carol Morello. “Trump Calls Erdogan to Congratulate Him on Contested Referendum, Turkey says”, Washington Post, 17 April 2017; https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/trump-calls-turkeys-erdogan-to-congratulate-him-on-contestedreferendum/2017/04/17/f997d306–2397–11e7-a1b3-faff0034e2de_story.html (дата обращения – 18 ноября 2017).
Подробнее об использовании миротворчества как стратегии получения международных рычагов власти см.: Kasaija Philip Apuuli. “Uganda in Regional and International Peacekeeping Operations”, The Round Table 106, no. 5 (2017): 505–15. О выборах 2016 года см.: Ty McCormick. “Is the U. S. Military Propping up Uganda’s ‘Elected’ Autocrat?”, Foreign Policy, 18 February 2016; http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/02/18/is-the-usmilitary-propping-up-ugandas-elected-autocrat-museveni-elections/ (дата обращения – 17 декабря 2017).
Freedom House (2017), “Freedom in the World 2017: Uganda”.
“Ugandan Opposition Leader Under House Arrest to Stop Him Holding Rallies”, Guardian, 15 October 2015; https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/oct/15/uganda-opposition-leader-besigye-house-arrest-stop-rallies (дата обращения – 18 ноября 2017).
Stephen Wandera. “Uganda: Besigye not Presidential Material – Kiggundu”, Monitor, 17 February 2016; http://allafrica.com/stories/201602171025.html (дата обращения – 18 ноября 2017).
Nelson Wesonga. “Lumumba Shoot-to-kill Threat Sparks Outrage”, Daily Monitor, 1 February 2016; http://www.monitor.co.ug/SpecialReports/Elections/Lumumba-shoot-to-kill-threat-sparks-outrage/859108–3056812-blgevl/index.html (дата обращения – 18 ноября 2017).
Nic Cheeseman. “Besigye’s Campaign and the Lessons for Africa’s Opposition Parties”, Daily Nation, 21 February 2016; http://www.nation.co.ke/oped/Opinion/Besigye-campaign-and-lessons-for-Africa-opposition-parties/440808–3086048-ou88iuz/index.htm (дата обращения – 18 ноября 2017).
См.: “Rules of Conduct for International Observers” // “Electoral Integrity Section of the Encyclopedia of the Administration and Cost of Elections (ACE) Electoral Knowledge Network”, http://aceproject.org/aceen/topics/ei/eid/eid06/eid06a (дата обращения – 17 декабря 2017).
Nic Cheeseman, Gabrielle Lynch and Justin Willis. “How Election Monitors are Failing”, Foreign Policy (2015); http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/04/29/how-election-monitors-are-failing-uganda (дата обращения – 18 ноября 2017).
Alan Barber. “CEPR Examines OAS Report on Haiti’s Election, Finds it ‘Inconclusive, Statistically Flawed, and Indefensible’”, Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), 2011.
David Rosnik. “The Organization of American States in Haiti: Election Monitoring on Political Interventions”, Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR), 2010; http://cepr.net/documents/publications/haiti-oas-2011–10.pdf (дата обращения – 18 ноября 2017).
European Union External Action. “EU Election Observation Mission to Kenya in 2007” (2017); https://eeas.europa.eu/headquarters/headquarters-homepage/26127/eu-election-observation-mission-kenya-2007_en (дата обращения – 18 ноября 2017).
Arturo Santa-Cruz. International Election Monitoring, Sovereignty, and the Western Hemisphere: The Emergence of an International Norm (New York: Routledge, 2013): 3.
Susan D. Hyde. “Catch Us if You Can: Election Monitoring and International Norm Diffusion”, American Journal of Political Science 55, no. 2 (2011): 356–69.
Hyde (2017), The Pseudo-Democrat’s Dilemma.
См., например: Ursula E. Daxecker. “All Quiet on Election Day? International Election Observation and Incentives for Pre-election Violence in African Elections”, Electoral Studies 34 (2014): 232–43.
Judith Green Kelley. “The More the Merrier? The Effects of Having Multiple International Election Monitoring Organizations”, Perspectives on Politics 7, no. 1 (2009): 59–64.
Judith Green Kelley. Monitoring Democracy: When International Election Observation Works, and Why It Often Fails (Princeton University Press, 2012): 48.
Как в Кении в 2017 году, так и в Нигерии в 2015-м Ник Чизман общался с наблюдательскими командами, которые не смогли попасть в некоторые регионы страны, считавшиеся горячими точками из-за хронической преступности и террористических угроз.
Joseph Asunka, Sarah Brierley, Miriam Golden, Eric Kramon and George Ofosu. “Electoral Fraud or Violence: The Effect of Observers on Party Manipulation Strategies”, British Journal of Political Science (2017): 1–23. DOI: 10.1017/S0007123416000491. См. также: Joseph Asunka, Sarah Brierley, Miriam Golden, Eric Kramon and George Ofosu. “Protecting the Polls: The Effect of Observers on Election Fraud” (неопубликованная рукопись, University of California, 2014): 8–9.
Ursula E. Daxecker. “The Cost of Exposing Cheating: International Election Monitoring, Fraud, and Post-election Violence in Africa”, Journal of Peace Research 49, no. 4 (2012): 503–16.
Thomas Carothers. “The Observers Observed”, Journal of Democracy 8, no. 3 (1997): 17–31.
Брайан Клаас, интервью с анонимным чиновником администрации, Минск, Беларусь, 11 декабря 2015.
Patrick Merloe. “Election Monitoring vs. Disinformation”, Journal of Democracy 26, no. 3 (2015): 79–93.
Cooley (2015), “Countering Democratic Norms”.
Sarah S. Bush and Lauren Prather. “The Promise and Limits of Election Observers in Building Election Credibility”, Journal of Politics 79, no. 3 (2017): 921–35.
Lauren Crothers. “China and Hungary Call National Election ‘Free and Fair’”, Cambodia Daily, 31 July 2013; https://www.cambodiadaily.com/elections/china-and-hungary-call-national-election-free-and-fair-37664 (дата обращения – 18 ноября 2017).
Abby Phillip and David Nakamara. “Autocrats Hear a Clear Message During Trump trip: US Will Not ‘Lecture‘ on Human Rights”, Washington Post, 22 May 2017; https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/autocrats-hear-a-clear-message-during-trump-trip-us-will-not-lecture-onhuman-rights/2017/05/22/1c7328b4–3f0c-11e7–8c25–44d09ff5a4a8_story.html (дата обращения – 18 ноября 2017).
Ellen Hinsey and Rafal Pankowski. “Poland’s Illiberal Challenge”, New England Review 37, no. 4 (2016): 73–88. См. также: Ishaan Tharoor. “Poland’s War on Democracy Was Aided by Trump”, Washington Post, 24 July 2017; https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2017/07/24/polands-war-on-democracy-was-aided-by-trump (дата обращения – 18 ноября 2017).
На момент русской публикации в Америке у руля уже Джо Байден. – Прим. ред.
См., например: Aijan Sharshenova and Gordon Crawford. “Undermining Western Democracy Promotion in Central Asia: China’s Countervailing Influences, Powers and Impact”, Central Asian
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