📚 Hub Books: Онлайн-чтение книгРазная литератураФилософия запаха. О чем нос рассказывает мозгу - Энн-Софи Барвич

Философия запаха. О чем нос рассказывает мозгу - Энн-Софи Барвич




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Thomas Laycock, A Treatise on the Nervous Diseases of Women (London: Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1840).


Havelock Ellis, Sexual Selection in Man: Touch, Smell, Hearing, and Vision, part 1 in Studies in the Psychology of Sex, vol. 2 (Philadelphia: F. A. Davis, 1905), 47–83; Constance Classen, David Howes, and Anthony Synnott, Aroma: The Cultural History of Smell (London: Routledge, 2002).


Иоанна Неаполитанская (1325–1382) – королева Неаполя и Прованса, героиня нескольких литературных произведений. – Прим. пер.


Ellis, Sexual Selection in Man.


Carl Maria Giessler, Wegweiser zu einer Psychologie des Geruches (Hamburg, Leipzig: Leopold Voss, 1894).


Joel Michell, Measurement in Psychology: A Critical History of a Methodological Concept (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999).


Eleanor Acheson McCulloch Gamble, The Applicability of Weber’s Law to Smell, American Journal of Psychology 10, no. 1 (1898): 93.


Hans Henning, Der Geruch (Leipzig: Verlag von Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1916).


Eleanor Acheson McCulloch Gamble, Taste and Smell, Psychological Bulletin 13, no. 3 (1916): 137. См. также Eleanor Acheson McCulloch Gamble, Review of ‘Der Geruch’ by Hans Henning, American Journal of Psychology 32, no. 2 (1921): 290–295.


E. C. Crocker and L. F. Henderson, Analysis and Classification of Odors, American Perfumer Essential Oil Review 22 (1927): 325–327.


Ralf D. Bienfang, Dimensional Characterisation of Odours, Chronica botanica 6 (1941): 249–250.


F. Nowell Jones and Margaret Hubbard Jones, Modern Theories of Olfaction: A Critical Review, Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied 36, no. 1 (1953): 207–241.


Ellis, Sexual Selection in Man. Эллис пишет о теориях Фон Вальтера (1807–1808), Звардемакера (1898), Хейкрафта (1887–1888), Резерфорда (1892), Саузердена (1903) и Вашиде и Ван Мелле (1899).


Malcolm Dyson, Some Aspects of the Vibration Theory of Odour, Perfumery and Essential Oil Record 19 (1928): 456–459; Malcolm Dyson, The Scientific Basis of Odour, Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry 57, no. 28 (1938): 647–651.


Robert H. Wright, Odor and Molecular Vibration: The Far Infrared Spectra of Some Perfume Chemicals, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 116 (1964): 552–558; Robert H. Wright, Odor and Molecular Vibration: Neural Coding of Olfactory Information, Journal of Theoretical Biology 64, no. 3 (1977): 473–474.


H. Teudt, Eine Erklärung der Geruchserscheinungen, Biologisches Zentralblatt 33 (1913): 716–724.


M. N. Banerji, Incidence of Smell: Theory of Surface Friction, Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine 6 (1930): 87–94.


Luca Turin, The Secret of Scent (London: Faber&Faber, 2006); Ann-Sophie Barwich, How to Be Rational about Empirical Success in Ongoing Science: The Case of the Quantum Nose and Its Critics, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 69 (2018): 40–51.


Lloyd H. Beck and Walter R. Miles, Some Theoretical and Experimental Relationships between Infrared Absorption and Olfaction, Science 106 (1947): 511.


A. Müller, A Dipolar Theory of the Sense of Odour, Perfumery and Essential Oil Record 27 (1936): 202.


M. Heyninx, La physiologie de l’olfaction, Revue d’Oto-Neuro-Ophthalmology 11 (1933): 10–19.


T. H. Durrans, The ‘Residual Affinity’ Odour Theory, Perfumery and Essential Oil Record 11 (1920): 391–393; C. E. Pressler, Theories on Odors, Drug and Cosmetic Industry 62 (1948): 180–182.


Gertrud Woker, The Relations between Structure and Smell in Organic Compounds, Journal of Physical Chemistry 10 (1906): 455–473.


Gösta Ehrensvärd, Über die Primärvorgänge bei Chemozeptoren-beeinflussung, Acta physiologica Scandinavica 3, suppl. 9 (1942): 151.


J. LeMagnen, Analyse d’odeurs complexes et homologues par fatigue, Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Sciences 226 (1949): 753–754; M. Ghir-landa, Sulla presenza di glicogena nella mucosa olfattoria, puo’avere il glicogeno nasale rapporto con la funzione dell’olfatto? Atti dell’Accademia delle Scienze di Siena, detta dei fisiocritici 18 (1950): 407–412.


J. H. Kremer, Adsorption de matières odorantes et de narcotiques odorants par les lipoïdes, Archives Néerlandaises de Physiologie de l’Homme et des Animaux 1 (1916–1917): 715–725.


G. B. Kistiakowsky, On the Theory of Odours, Science 112 (1950): 154–155.


John E. Amoore, Current Status of the Steric Theory of Odor, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 116, no. 2 (1964): 457–476; John E. Amoore, Recent Advances in Odor: Theory, Measurement, and Control (New York: New York Academy of Sciences, 1964), 457–476; John E. Amoore, The Molecular Basis of Odor (Springfield, IL: Thomas, 1970).


Потеря обоняния. – Прим. науч. ред.


Небольшая молекула, связывающаяся с молекулой белка, чаще всего рецептором (в этом случае лиганд является сигнальной молекулой). – Прим. ред.


Linus Pauling, Molecular Architecture and Biological Reactions, Chemical and Engineering News 24, no. 10 (1946): 1375–1377.


Robert W. Moncrieff, What Is Odor? A New Theory, American Perfumer 54 (1949): 453.


Günther Ohloff, Scent and Fragrances: The Fascination of Odors and Their Chemical Perspectives, (New York: Springer, 1994).


Günther Ohloff, Relationship between Odor Sensation and Stereochemistry of Decalin Ring Compounds, in Gustation and Olfaction, ed. G. Ohloff and A. F. Thomas (Cambridge, MA: Academic Press, 1971), 178–183.


Ohloff, Pickenhagen, and Kraft, Scent

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