Как выжить женщине в Средневековье. Проклятие Евы, грех выщипывания бровей и спасительное воздержание - Элеанор Янега
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Asaf Levanon, Paula England, and Paul Allison, “Occupational Feminization and Pay: Assessing Causal Dynamics Using 1950–2000 U. S. Census Data,” Social Forces 88, no. 2 (December 2009): 865–91.
Источники иллюстраций
11 Ladies hunting from BL YT 13, f. 81v. The British Library, United Kingdom (Public Domain). 14 Ms. Ludwig IX 8 (83.ML.104), fol. 137. J. Paul Getty Museum. 18 Library of Congress, Rare Book and Special Collections Division. 23 Wikimedia Commons. 25 Everett Collection / Shutterstock. 29 The Hague, MMW, 10 A 11. fol. 388v © Koninklijke Bibliotheek (National Library of the Netherlands). 30, 36 Wikimedia Commons. 40 Detail: Teacher and students from BL YT 19, f. 3 by Brunetto Latini. The British Library, United Kingdom (Public Domain). 41 Astronomy from BL Burn 275, f. 390v by Priscian, Cicero, and Pseudo- Cicero, Boethius, Aristotle, Euclid, Adelard of Bath, Ptolemy, translated by Gerard of Cremona. The British Library, United Kingdom (Public Domain). 43 Biblioteca Digital Hispánica. 47 Ms. 10 (85.ML.80), fol. 35. J. Paul Getty Museum. 49 Geometry from BL Burn 275, f. 293 by Priscian, Cicero, and Pseudo- Cicero, Boethius, Aristotle, Euclid, Adelard of Bath, Ptolemy, translated by Gerard of Cremona. The British Library, United Kingdom (Public Domain). 52 Фотография: Dnalor_01 / Wikimedia Commons (по лицензии CC-BY-SA 3.0). 56 Thomas Aquinas holding a book by Jean le Tavernier — 1454 — KB, National Library of the Netherlands, Netherlands. (Public Domain). 58 Wikimedia Commons. 59 Liber Scivias by Hildegard of Bingen. Heidelberg University Library, Germany (по лицензии CC BY-SA). 60 Library of Congress, World Digital Library. 64 Ms. 50 (93.MS.19). J. Paul Getty Museum. 70 J. Paul Getty Museum. 72 The Wife of Bath's Prologue Tale, from the Ellesmere manuscript of Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales / Wikimedia Commons. 73 Lancelot and Guinevere from BL Add 10293, f. 325v. The British Library, United Kingdom (Public Domain). 75 Ms. Ludwig XV 7 (83.MR.177), fol. 2v. J. Paul Getty Museum. 80 Wikimedia Commons. 83 Helen and Paris from BL Royal 16 G V, f. 39v by Giovanni Boccaccio. The British Library, United Kingdom (Public Domain). 84 Neoptolemus and Polyxena from BL Royal 16 G V, f. 36v by Giovanni Boccaccio. The British Library, United Kingdom (Public Domain). 88 Ms. 121 (2021.7), fol. 53. J. Paul Getty Museum. 94 Ms. 121 (2021.7), fol. 21. J. Paul Getty Museum. 97 Ms. Ludwig XV 7 (83.MR.177), fol. 8. J. Paul Getty Museum. 103 Andrew W. Mellon Collection. The National Gallery of Art. 107 Metropolitan Museum of Art. 109 Widener Collection. The National Gallery of Art. 113 Metropolitan Museum of Art. 115 Ms. Ludwig XV 7 (83.MR.177), fol. 3v. J. Paul Getty Museum. 118 Metropolitan Museum of Art. 119 Charles H. and Mary F. S. Worcester Collection. Art Institute of Chicago. 120 Metropolitan Museum of Art. 122 Bequest of John L. Severance. Cleveland Museum of Art. 123 Pygmalion and the statue from BL Harley 4425, f. 178v. The British Library, United Kingdom (Public Domain). 124 Zeuxis and nude models from BL Harley 4425, f. 142 by Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meun. The British Library, United Kingdom (Public Domain). 127 Die Codices Palatini germanici in der Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg. The University Library of Heidelberg. 129 Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Überstellung 1843 Schloss Ludwigsburg. 131 Rosenwald Collection. The National Gallery of Art. 133 Biblioteca Digital Hispánica. 135 Ms. Ludwig III 1 (83.MC.72), fol. 35v. J. Paul Getty Museum. 136 Ms. Ludwig XV 3 (83.MR.173), fol. 78. J. Paul Getty Museum. 138 Metropolitan Museum of Art. 140 Library of Congress, Rare Book and Special Collections Division. 141 Metropolitan Museum of Art. 143 Woman combing her hair by Master of Catherine of Cleves — 1460 — KB, National Library of the Netherlands, Netherlands. (Public Domain). 145 Woman with death head from BL YT 7, f. 174. The British Library, United Kingdom (Public Domain). 148 Ms. 68 (2001.45), fol. 8. J. Paul Getty Museum. 149, 150, 152 Metropolitan Museum of Art. 157 Lust from BL YT 3, f. 172v.
The British Library, United Kingdom (Public Domain). 161 Adam and Eve from BL Royal 14 E V, f. 13v by Giovanni Boccaccio, translated by Laurent de Premierfait. The British Library, United Kingdom (Public Domain). 164 The ALBERTINA Museum. 170 Austrian National Library / Wikimedia Commons. 173 Vulcan, Venus and Mars from BL Harley 4425, f. 122v by Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meun. The British Library, United Kingdom (Public Domain). 175 Mordrain and Giseult in bed from BL Royal 14 E III, f. 32. The British Library, United Kingdom (Public Domain). 179 The old man in bed with his young woman and the thief; (Chapter V: Von den Raben and the Aars) — Heidelberg University Library, Germany. (Public Domain). 184 Cognoscere uxorem (Conjugal intercourse) from BL Royal 6 E VI, f. 323. The British Library, United Kingdom (Public Domain). 186 Ms. Ludwig XV 7 (83.MR.177), fol. 62v. J. Paul Getty Museum. 191 Library of Congress, Rare Book and Special Collections Division. 194 Universitäts-bibliothek Heidelberg, Cod. Pal. germ. 848. Große Heidelberger Liederhandschrift (Codex Manesse). 196 Court of Love from BL Royal 16 F II, f. 1 by Charles, duke of Orléans; Pseudo- Heloise. The British Library, United Kingdom (Public Domain). 199 Wilhelm von Orlens declares his love to Princess Amelie in a chapel by Workshop of Diebold
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