Вымершие люди: почему неандертальцы погибли, а мы — выжили - Клайв Финлейсон
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С. M. Pond, The Fats of Life (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998); F. W. Booth, M. V. Chakravarty, and E. E. Spangenburg, ‘Exercise and Gene Expression: Physiological Regulation of the Human Genome through Physical Activity’, J. Physiol. 543(2002): 399–411; L. Cordain et al., ‘Origins and Evolution of theWestern Diet: Health Implications for the 21st Century’, Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 81(2005): 341–54; P. Gluckman and M. Hanson, MisMatch. Why Our World No Longer Fits Our Bodies (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006).
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