📚 Hub Books: Онлайн-чтение книгИсторическая проза1000 год. Когда началась глобализация - Валери Хансен

1000 год. Когда началась глобализация - Валери Хансен




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79. Новости Гуанчжоу: Dade nanhaizhi 7:17b. Song Yuan difangzhi congshu xubian edition, p. 1412; Shiba, “Sung Foreign Trade”, 105.

80. Южно-Китайское море: Heng, Sino-Malay Trade, 136 (grading system), 138 (Guangzhou gazetteer); Dade nanhai zhi. SongYuan difangzhi congkan xubian edition (1990): 7:19a-20b.

81. «К востоку от Явы…»: Hirth and Rockhill, Chau Ru-kua, 75, 79n2; Zhao, Zhufan zhi, 54–55.

82. Чжуан-цзы: Burton Watson, Chuang Tzu: Basic Writings (1964): 97.

83. Течение Куросио: Huang Chunyan, Zao chuanye shiye xia de Songdai shehui (2017): 216–217; Joseph Needham, Science and Civilisation in China, volume 4, Physics and Physical Technology, Part III: Civil Engineering and Nautics (1971): 549.

84. «Порыв ветра …»: Zhou Qufei, Lingwai daida jiaozhu (1999): 36–37; Matthew Torck, “The Unimaginable and Immeasurable? China’s Visions of the Pacific – Needham’s Views Re-examined”, in The Perception of Maritime Space in Traditional Chinese Sources, ed. Angela Schottenhammer and Roderich Ptak (2006): 141–152, 146.

85. Династия Мин: Roderich Ptak, “Ming Maritime Trade to Southeast Asia”, in From the Mediterranean to the China Sea: Miscellaneous Notes, ed. Claude Guillot et al. (1998): 157–191, 164; Ming Shilu, 201:3008; Geoff Wade, The Ming Shi-lu, II: 133.

86. Надписи на китайском языке: J. V. G. Mills, Ying yai sheng lan: ‘The overall survey of the ocean’s shores’ [1433] (1970): 6, 11, 12, 49, 59, 138.

87. Отправная точка в Китае и на восточном побережье Африки: G. F. Hourani, Arab Seafaring in the Indian Ocean in Ancient and Early Medieval Times (1951): 61.

88. Люк Станек использовал программу Google Earth Pro для расчета этих расстояний.

89. Португальцы сосредоточились на экспорте золота: Pierre Vilar, A History of Gold and Money 1450–1920, trans. Judith White (1976): 57.


1. Малярия: Daniel Headrick, The Tools of Empire: Technology and European Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century (1981): 58–79.

2. Малемо Кана (или Канака): Sanjay Subrahmanyam, The Career and Legend of Vasco Da Gama (1997): 119–128.

3. Малинче: Stuart B. Schwartz and Tatiana Seijas, Victors and Vanquished: Spanish and Nahua Views of the Fall of the Mexica Empire, 2nd ed. (2018): 38.

4. Массовая гибель: Noble David Cook, Demographic Collapse: Indian Peru, 1520–1620 (1981): 94; Michael E. Smith, The Aztecs (1996): 62.

5. «Скванто»: Neal Salisbury, “Squanto: Last of the Patuxets”, in David G. Smith and Gary B. Nash, eds. Struggle and Survival in Early America (1982): 228–46.

6. Сера: Shaykh Mushrifuddin Sacdi of Shiraz, The Gulistan (Rose Garden) of Sacdi, trans. Wheeler M. Thackston (2008): 85; Benedikt Koehler, Early Islam and the Birth of Capitalism (2014): 185.

7. «Что нужно Китаю…»: Mark Elvin, “The High-Level Equilibrium Trap”, in Another History: Essays on China from a European Perspective, ed. Elvin (1996): 38.

8. Только после 1800 года: Kenneth Pomeranz, The Great Divergence: China, Europe, and the Making of the World Economy (2000).

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