📚 Hub Books: Онлайн-чтение книгДомашняяКраткая история всех, кто когда-либо жил. История человечества, рассказанная через наши гены - Адам Резерфорд

Краткая история всех, кто когда-либо жил. История человечества, рассказанная через наши гены - Адам Резерфорд




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Hughey M. W., Goss D. R. A Level Playing Field? Media Constructions of Athletics, Genetics, and Race, // The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. Vol. 661: 1 (2015). Р. 182–211.

Vancini R. L., et al. Genetic aspects of athletic performance: the African runners phenomenon // Open Access J Sports Med. 5: (2014). Р. 123–7.

Глава 5. Самая удивительная карта, созданная человеком

ENCODE Project Consortium

Birney E., et al. Identification and analysis of functional elements in 1 % of the human genome by the ENCODE pilot project // Nature. Vol. 447: 7146 (2007). Р. 799–816.

О причинах гемофилии А и ее описании в Талмуде

Rosner F., Pierce G. F. Correspondence: Hemophilia A // The New England Journal of Medicine. Vol. 330: 1617 (1994).

Waller J. C. The birth of the twin study – a commentary on Francis Galton’s «The History of Twins» // International Journal of Epidemiology. 41: 4 (2012). Р. 913–17.

Martinez-Frias M. L., Bermejo E. Prevalence of congenital anomaly syndromes in a Spanish Gypsy population // Journal of Medical Genetics. 29 (1992). Р. 483–486.

Vanscoy L. L., et al. Heritability of lung disease severity in cystic fibrosis // American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. Vol. 175 (2007). Р. 1036.

Manolio T. A., et al. Finding the missing heritability of complex diseases // Nature. Vol. 461: 7265 (2009). Р. 747.

О методе GWAS

Klein R. J., et al. Complement Factor H Polymorphism in Age-Related Macular Degeneration // Science. Vol. 308: 5720 (2005). Р. 385–9.

The Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium, Genome-wide association study of 14,000 cases of seven common diseases and 3,000 shared controls // Nature. Vol. 447 (2007). Р. 661–78.

Sturm R. A., Larsson M. Genetics of human iris colour and patterns //Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research. 5 (2009). Р. 544.

Физики шутят: Статья Альфера-Бете-Гамова

Alpher R. A., Bethe H., Gamow G. The Origin of Chemical Elements // Physical Review. Vol. 73: 7 (1 April 1948). Р. 803–4.

Об умении сворачивать язык трубочкой

Matlock P. Identical twins discordant in tongue-rolling // Journal of Heredity. Vol. 43 (1952). Р. 24.

Sturtevant A. H. A new inherited character in man // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. Vol. 26 (1940). Р. 100–2.

Latham J. The failure of the genome, Guardian, 17 April 2011.

James O. Sorry, but you can’t blame your children’s genes // Guardian, 30 March 2016.

Глава 6. Судьба

Штат Теннесси против Дэвиса Брэдли Уолдроупа-мл. (2011) Результаты судебного разбирательства в округе Полк (State of Tennessee v. Davis Bradley Waldroup, Jr. (2011). Criminal Court for Polk County. № 08-101).

Brooks-Crozier J. The nature and nurture of violence: early intervention services for the families of MAOA-LOW children as a means to reduce violent crime and the costs of violent crime // Connecticut Law Review. 44: 2 (2011).

Lenders J.W. M., et al. Specific genetic deficiencies of the A and B isoenzymes of monoamine oxidase are characterized by distinct neurochemical and clinical phenotypes // Journal of Clinical Investigation. Vol. 97: 4 (1996). Р. 1010–19.

Frazzetto G., et al. Early trauma and increased risk for physical aggression during adulthood: the moderating role of MAOA genotype // PLOS ONE. 2: 5 (2007).

Gibbons A. Tracking the Evolutionary History of a «Warrior» Gene // Science. Vol. 304: 5672 (2004). Р. 818.

Caspi A., et al. Role of genotype in the cycle of violence in maltreated children // Science. Vol. 297: 5582 (2002). Р. 851–4.

Lea R., Chambers G. Monoamine Oxidase, Addiction, and the «Warrior» Gene Hypothesis // The New Zealand Medical Journal. Vol. 120: 1250 (2007).

McDermott R., et al., Monoamine oxidase A gene (MAOA) predicts behavioral aggression following provocation // PNAS. Vol. 106: 7 (2009). Р. 2118–23.

Beaver K. M., et al. Monoamine oxidase A genotype is associated with gang membership and weapon use // Comprehensive Psychiatry. Vol. 51: 2 (2010). Р. 130–4.

Tiihonen J., et al. Genetic background of extreme violent behavior // Journal of Molecular Psychiatry. 20: 6 (2015). Р. 786–92.

Hogenboom M. Two genes linked with violent crime // BBC Online, 28 October 2014.

Hunter P.The Psycho Gene // EMBO Reports. 11: 9 (2010). Р. 667–9.

«Ruthlessness gene» discovered by Michael Hopkin // Nature, 4 April 2008.

Об Адаме Лэнзе

Kolata G. Seeking Answers in Genome of Gunman // New York Times, 24 December 2012.

Etchells P. J., et al. Prospective Investigation of Video Game Use in Children and Subsequent Conduct Disorder and Depression Using Data from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children // PLOS ONE. 11: 1 (2016).

Myers P. Z. Fishing for meaning in a dictionary of genes // Pharyngula, 27 December 2012.

О «голодной зиме» в Голландии

Banning C. Food Shortage and Public Health, First Half of 1945 // The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. Vol. 245: The Netherlands during German Occupation (May 1946). Р. 93–110.

Stein A. D., Lumey L. H. The relationship between maternal and offspring birth weights after maternal prenatal famine exposure: the Dutch Famine Birth Cohort Study // American Journal of Human Biology. Vol. 72: 4 (2000). Р. 641–54.

Kaati G., et al. Cardiovascular and diabetes mortality determined by nutrition during parents’ and grandparents’ slow growth period // European Journal of Human Genetics.10: 11 (2002). Р. 682–8.

Pembrey M., et al. Human transgenerational responses to early-life experience: potential impact on development, health and biomedical research // Journal of Medical Genetics. Vol. 51: 9 (2014). Р. 563–72.

Chopra Deepak,Tanzi R. You Can Transform Your Own Biology www.chopra.com/ccl/you-can-transform-your-own-biology

Глава 7. Краткое введение в будущее человечества

Fu W., O’Connor T. D., et al. Analysis of 6,515 exomes reveals the recent origin of most human protein-coding variants // Nature. Vol. 493 (2013). Р. 216–20.

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