Обман в науке - Бен Голдакр
267 ‘Естественная частота’: Butterworth et al. Statistics: what seems natural? Science (4 May 2001): 853.
268 ‘Другие методы’: Hoffrage U., Lindsey S., Hertwig R., Gigerenzer G. Communicating statistical information // Science. 2000. № 290 (5500) (22 December). P. 2261–2262.
268 ‘есть исследования’: Hoffrage U., Gigerenzer G. Using natural frequencies to improve diagnostic inferences // Acad. Med. 1998. № 73. P. 538–540.
280 ‘тот же самый тест’: Gigerenzer G. Adaptive Thinking: Rationality in the Real World. Oxford University Press, 2000.
281 ‘Давайте свяжем это с насилием’: Szmukler G. Risk assessment: ‘numbers’ and ‘values’ // Psych. Bull. 2003. № 27. P. 205–207.
284 ‘некоторые статистические данные’: www.qurl.com/lucia
Глава 15. Медицинские страхи
289 ‘Статья известного микробиолога’: Manning N., Wilson А.Р., Ridgway G.L. Isolation of MRSA from communal areas in a teaching hospital // J. Hosp. Infect. 2.004 (March). № 56 (3). P- 250–251.
295 ‘Крюгер и Даннинг’: Kruger J., Dunning D. Unskilled and unaware of it: how difficulties in recognizing one’s own incompetence lead to inflated self-assessments’ // J. Pers. Soc. Psych. 1999. № 77; 6. P. 121–134.
296 ‘B 1957 году’: Brynner R., Stephens T.D. Dark Remedy: The Impact of Thalidomide and its Revival as a Vital Medicine. Perseus Books, 2001.
296 ‘Филипп Найтли’: Excerpted in Pilger J. (ed.). Tell me no Lies. Cape, 2004.
297 ‘Много лет спустя’: Thalidomide hero found guilty of scientific fraud // New Scientist. 1993 (27 February).
Глава 16. Вакцина против кори, свинки и краснухи и большой обман в средствах массовой информации
305 ‘Были исследованы 12 детей’: Wakefield A.J., Murch S.H., Anthony A. et al. Ileallymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, nonspecific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children // Lancet. 1998. № 351 (9103). P. 637–641.
307 ‘одна из немногих’: e.g. Chess S. Autism in children with congenital rubella // J. Autism. Child. Schizophr. 1971. № 1 (1) (Januaiy-March). P. 33–47.
307 ‘расследуется’: http://briandeer.com/wakefield/vaccine- patent.htm
309 ‘включая работников BBC’: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/7392510.stm
315 ‘согласно опросу’: Schmidt К., Ernst Е., Andrews. Survey shows that some homoeopaths and chiropractors advise against MMR // BMJ. 2002. № 325 (7364) (14 September). P. 597.
316 ‘32 %’: Hargreaves I., Lewis J., Speers T. Towards a better map: science, the public and the media // Economic and Social Research Council. 2003. http://www.esrc.ac.uk/ESRCInfoCentre/ Images/Mapdocfinal_tcm6-5505.pdf
316 ‘максимального освещения’: Boyce T. Health, Risk and News: The MMR Vaccine and the Media. Peter Lang Publishing Inc., 2007.
317 ‘опубликовал статью’: Ibid.
317 ‘ни одна’: Durant J., Lindsey N. GM foods and the media. Select Committee on Science and Technology, Third Report, Appendix 5; www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld199900/ldselect/ ldsctech/38/3810.htm
322 ‘систематический обзор’: Smeeth L., Cook C., Fombonne E., Heavey L., Rodrigues L.C., Smith P.G. et al. MMR vaccination and pervasive developmental disorders: a case-control study // Lancet. 2004. № 364 (9438). P. 963–969.
324 ‘Это исследование было очень большим’: Madsen К.М., Hviid A.,Vestergaard М., Schendel D., Wohlfahrt J., Thorsen P. et al. A population-based study of measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination and autism // N. Eng. J. Med. 2002. № 347 (19). P. 1477–1482.
326 ‘Ученые в США’: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main. jhtml?xml=/news/2002/06/23/nmmr23.xml
329 ‘подобном тому’: Afzal М.А., Ozoemena L.C., O’Hare A. et al. Absence of detectable measles virus genome sequence in blood of autistic children who have had their MMR vaccination during the routine childhood immunization schedule of UK // J. Med. Virology. 2006. № 78; 5: P. 623–630.
330 ‘Еще одно исследование’: D’Souza Y. et al. No evidence of persisting measles virus in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from children with autism spectrum disorder // Pediatrics. 2006. № 118 (4 October). P. 1664–1675.
333 ‘В некоторых районах’: http://www.westminsterpct.nhs. uk/news/mmr0405.htm; Pearce et al. Factors associated with uptake of measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine (MMR) and use of single antigen vaccines in a contemporary UK cohort: prospective cohort study // BMJ. 2008. № 336 (7647). P- 754-
334 ‘систематический обзор’: Chapman S. et al. // Med. J. Aust. 2005. № 183 (5) (5 September). P. 247–250. Grffli R. et al. // Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2001. № 4. CD000389.
334 ‘Шутливый обзор’: Phillips D.P. et al. // N. Engl. J. Med. 1991. № 325. P. 1180–1183.
335 ‘систематические количественные обзоры’: Schwitzer // G PLoS Med. 2008. № 5 (5). P. e95 Protection Report (2008); accessed 9 April 2008; 2 (8). Available at: http://www.hpa. org.uk/hpr/archives/2008/hpr0808.pdf
336 ‘Синдром врожденной краснухи’: Fitzpatrick M. MMR: risk, choice, chance // Brit Med Bulletin. 2004. № 69. P-143-153.
339 ‘эпидемии 2005’: Gupta R.K., Best J., MacMahon E. Mumps and the UK epidemic // BMJ. 2005 (14 May). № 330. P. 1132–1135.
И еще кое-что
347 ‘Истинная цена чего-либо’: http://www.economist.com/ research/Economics/alphabetic.cfm?letter=O
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