Молодой Александр - Алекс Роусон
Hatzopoulos, Macedonian Lawgiver Kings and the Young, pp. 42–45.
Hatzopoulos, Macedonian Lawgiver Kings and the Young, p. 44 (Theopompus T31).
Polybius, Histories 12.22.5–6 (trans. W. R. Paton, F. W. Walbank, C. Habicht, Loeb 159); Plutarch, Moralia 334d (trans. F. Cole Babbitt, Loeb 305).
См.: A. Chaniotis, War in the Hellenistic World. A Social and Cultural History (Malden (MA), Oxford, Victoria (Aus.), 2005), p. 98; B. Meißner, ‘Early Greek Strategic and tactical teaching and literature’ in P. Rance and N. V. Sekunda (eds), Greek Taktika: Ancient Military Writing and its Heritage. Proceedings of the International Conference on Greek Taktika held at the University of Toruń, 7–11 April 2005 (Gdańsk, 2017), pp. 65–78.
Alexander Romance 1.13 (Александр и учебные сражения); Athenaeus, Learned Banqueters 1.19a; Plutarch, Life of Alexander 39.3, 73.7 (игра в мяч). См.: L. O’Sullivan, ‘Playing Ball in Antiquity’ in Greece and Rome, Vol. 59, No. 1 (2012), pp. 17–33.
M. B. Hatzopoulos, Cultes et rites de passage en Macédoine, Meletemata 19 (Athens, 1994), pp. 55–61.
Herodotus, Histories 5.22 (забег). Justin, Epitome to the Philippic History of Pompeius Trogus 7.2.14 – Юстин утверждает, что царь участвовал в нескольких состязаниях.
Plutarch, Moralia 331b (trans. F. Cole Babbitt, Loeb 305). Этот анекдот появляется также в других сочинениях: Moralia 179d и Life of Alexander 4.5–6. Идею об участии Александра в Олимпийских играх приписывают и Филиппу, и друзьям Александра.
О пристрастии Филиппа к борьбе см.: Polyaenus, Stratagems 4.2.6, Plutarch, Moralia 602d, Life of Eumenes 1.1.
Plutarch, Life of Alexander 4.6.
Про Александра и атлетику см.: W. L. Adams, ‘The Games of Alexander’ in W. Heckel, L. A. Tritle and P. Wheatley (eds), Alexander’s Empire: Formulation to Decay (California, 2007), pp. 125–138; T. S. Brown, ‘Alexander and Greek Athletics, in Fact and in Fiction’ in K. H. Kinzl (ed.), Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean in ancient history and prehistory. Studies presented to Fritz Schachermeyr on the occasion of his 80th birthday (Berlin and New York, 1977), pp. 76–88; D. Lunt, ‘The Thrill and the Avoidance of Defeat: Alexander as a Sponsor of Athletic Contests’ in Ancient History Bulletin (2014), pp. 119–134.
Plutarch, Life of Alexander 4.4–5.
Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers 5.1; Aelian, Historical Miscellany 3.19.
Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers 5.19 (trans. R. D. Hicks, Loeb 184).
Aristotle, The Art of Rhetoric 7.2.12 (1389a) (trans. H. C. Lawson-Tancred, Penguin).
Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers 5.18; Isocrates, Antidosis (15) 265 (острота ума и «собирание шерсти», то есть всякая ерунда).
Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers 5.20 (trans. R. D. Hicks, Loeb 184).
Alexander Romance 1.16 (trans. R. Stoneman, Penguin).
Aristocles, On Philosophy frag. 2 (Eusebius Preparation for the Gospel 15.2.4); C. Natali, Aristotle: His Life and School (Princeton, 2013), p. 43 fn 85; G. Anagnostopoulos (ed.), A Companion to Aristotle (Malden, MA, Chichester and Oxford, 2009), pp. 8–9 (несхожесть взглядов).
Plutarch, Life of Alexander 8.3.
J. A. Barnes, Cambridge Companion to Aristotle (Cambridge, 1995), p. 12.
Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers 5.2.
Vita Marciana 23 in I. Düring, Aristotle in the Ancient Biographical Tradition (Göteborg, 1957), pp. 100–101.
Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics 1.3 (1095a) (trans. J. A. K. Thomson, Penguin).
Isocrates, Letters (5) To Alexander. См.: P. Merlan, ‘Isocrates, Aristotle and Alexander the Great’ in Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte, Bd. 3, H.1 (1954), pp. 60–81.
Cicero, Tusculan Disputations 1.4.7.
Перевод И. Ф. Анненского. Прим. ред.
Plutarch, Life of Alexander 54.3 (trans. B. Perrin, Loeb 99); Euripides, Bacchae 260. Русский перевод цит. по: Еврипид. Трагедии: в 2 т. / пер. И. Ф. Анненского. – М.: Наука, Ладомир, 1999. Т. 2.
Plutarch, Life of Alexander 54.1–2 (trans. B. Perrin, Loeb 99).
Plutarch, Life of Alexander 53.4 (trans. B. Perrin, Loeb 99).
Plutarch, Life of Alexander 8.1.
См.: W. Greenwalt, ‘Macedonia’s Kings and the Political Usefulness of the Medical Arts’ in Archaia Makedonia 4 (1987), pp. 213–222; B. Antela-Bernárdez and C. Sierra Martín, ‘Alexander and the Medicine’ in Karanos 1 (2018), pp. 35–54.
Herodotus, Histories 8.135.
О зоологических исследованиях Аристотеля см.: D’A. W. Thompson, Historia Animalium (Oxford, 1910); H. D. P. Lee, ‘Place-Names and the Date of Aristotle’s Biological Works’ in The Classical Quarterly, Vol. 42, No. 3/4 (1948), pp. 61–67; A. M. Leroi, The Lagoon: How Aristotle Invented Science (London and New York, 2014). Полезный справочник по растениям предгорий Вермиона: N. Babos, Native Plants and Herbs of Mount Vermion (Thessaloniki, 2015).
Galen, 12.967; L. C. Watson, Magic in Ancient Grece and Rome (London and New York, 2019), p. 105.
17th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, Ancient Theatre of Mieza (Veria, 2014), pp. 24–25; P. Adam-Veleni, Theatre and Spectacle in Ancient Macedonia (in Greek and French) (Thessaloniki, 2010), pp. 92–95.
Dio Chrysostom, Orations 53.1 (диалоги). Про отношение Аристотеля к Гомеру см.: R. Mayhew, Aristotle’s Lost Homeric Problems (Oxford, 2019); N. J. Richardson, ‘Aristotle’s Reading of Homer and Its Background’ in R. Lamberton and J. J. Keaney (eds), Homer’s Ancient Readers: The Hermeneutics of Greek Epic’s Earliest Exegetes (Princeton, 1992).
Plutarch, Life of Alexander 8.2, 26.1–2; Pliny the Elder, Natural History 7.107–9. Strabo, Geography 13.1.27 – Страбон полагает, что Александр делал пометки на своем экземпляре «Илиады», как Анаксарх и Каллисфен. Харем из Митилены, распорядитель Александра, утверждает, что подушка царя – это на самом деле его сокровищница, стоявшая рядом с кроватью, что представляет собой персидский обычай, принятый при Иссе (Athenaeus, Learned Banqueters 12.514e – f). См.: C. Brunelle, ‘Alexander’s Persian Pillow and Plutarch’s Cultured Commander’ in Classical Journal, Vol. 112, No. 3 (2017), pp. 257–278.
Isocrates, Discourses (5) To Philip 68. (trans. G. Norlin, Loeb 209).
Aeschines, Against Ctesiphon (3) 132.
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