Календарные обычаи и обряды народов Передней Азии - Роза Шотаевна Джарылгасинова
Sungurdğlu, 1970 — Sunguroğlu I. Harput’da Nisan Yağmurlari // Türk Folklor Araştirmalari. 1970. N251.
Tarama sözlüğü, 1971 — Tarama sözlüğü. C. 5. Ankara, 1971.
Tugrul, 1973 — Tugrul M. Mahmutgazi Köyünde Yağmur Duasi // Türk Folklor Araştirmalari. 1973. N 284.
Tugrul, 1974 — Tugrul M. Mahmutgazi Koyunde Bayram, Mevlit ve Hayirla Ilgili Gelenekler // Ibid. 1974. N 294.
Turan, 1941 — Turan O. Oniki Hayvanli Türk Takvimi. Istanbul, 1941.
Turan, 1968 — Turan M. Kars’ta Koyunun 100 u. / Türk Folklor Araştirmalari. 1968. N 221.
Turan, 1970 — Turan M. Tohum Birakma / Ibid. 1970. N 249.
Tükenmez, 1975 — Tükenmez I. Eğe Bölgemizde Deve Güreşleri // Ibid. 1975. N 310.
Türkçe sözlük, 1974 — Türkçe sözlük. Istanbul, 1974.
Türker, 1943 — Türker S. Kayseri Takvimi. Kayseri, 1943.
Yalman, 1977 — Yalman (Yalkin) A.R. Cenupta Türkmen Oymaklari I. Ankara, 1977.
Yetişen, 1951 — Yetişen R. Naldöken Tahtacilari, Nevruz Ve Hidirellez IV // Türk Folklor Araştirmalari. 1951. N 2.
Yetişen, 1968 — Yetişen R. Yilin Sayili Günleri: Muharrem Ayi // Ibid. 1968. N 227.
Yilmaz, 1948 — Yilmaz A. Tahtacilarda Gelenekler. Ankara, 1948.
На арабском языке.ал-Бухари — ал-Бухари. Ас-Сахих. Каир. Б. г, т. 1.
ал-Джахиз, б/г — ал-Джахиз. Ар-расаиль. Каир. Б. г.
ат-Табари — ат-Табари. Китаб ар-русуль ва-л мулук, т. 1. Каир-Булак. Б. г.
ал-Хадж, 1975 — ал-Хадж = Хадж: (Руководство для паломников). Каир, 1975.
ал-Хауфи, 1972 — ал-Хауфи Ахмад Мухаммад. Ал-хаят, ал-арабийа аш-шир ал-аджахили = Жизнь арабов по джахилийской поэзии. Каир 1972.
Ибн Хишам — Ибн Хишам. Сирату расул Аллах, т. 1. Бейрут, 1950.
На западноевропейских языках.Abrahams, 1934 — Abrahams I. Festival Studies. L., 1934.
Agus, 1976 — Agus A. The month is for you: Observing Rosh Hodesh as a Woman’s holiday // The Jewish woman: new perspectives / Ed. E. Koltun, N.Y., 1976.
Ahitav, 1974 — Ahitav Sh. Azazel // Encyclopedia Judaica. Jerusalem, 1974, t. 9.
d’Allemagne, 1911 — d’Allemagne H.R. Du Khorassan au pays des Backhtriaris: Trois mois de voyage en Perse. Vol. 1. Paris, 1911.
Anderson, 1951 — Anderson G.W. Hebrew religion // The Old Testament and modem studies / Ed. by H.E Rowley. Oxford, 1951.
Ausubel, 1964 — Ausubel N. The Book of the Jewish Knowledge. N.Y., 1964.
Başgöz, 1967 — Başgöz I. Rain making ceremonies in Turkey and seasonal festivals // Amer. Oriental. Soc. Stud. Baltimore, 1967. Vol. 87, N 3.
Ben-Arieh, 1979 — Ben-Arieh Y. The Rediscovery of the Holy Land in the nineteenth century. Jerusalem, 1979.
Biblia Hebraica, 1913 — Biblia Hebraica / Ed. R. Kittel. 2-nd ed. Lipsiae, 1913. Стереотипное издание.
Binyon, 1928 — Binyon L. Poems of Nizami, described by L., 1928.
Bois, 1965 — Bois Th. Connaissance des kurdes. Beyrouth, 1965.
Boyce, 1979 — Boyce M. A history of Zoroastrians. L. 1979.
Catalogue, 1889 — Catalogue of the Persian, Turkish. Hindustani and Pushtu manuscripts in the Bodleian Libraty begun by Ed. Sashau… completed… by H. Ethe. Oxford, 1889.
Christensen, 1918 — Christensen A. Le premier homme et le premier roi dans l’histoire légendaire des Iranians // Archives d’etudes orientales. 1918. Vol. 14.
Cohen, 1973 — Cohen H.J. The Jews of the Middle East. Jerusalem, 1973. The Conscise Jewish Encyclopedia. 1980 — The Conscise Jewish Encyclopedia. N.Y., 1980.
Cooper, 1993 — Cooper J. Eat and be satisfied: A social history of Jewish food. L., 1993.
Creswell, 1973 — Creswell K.A.S. A bibliography of the architecture, art and crafts of Islam to the 1-st January 1960. Cairo; L., 1961; Supplement to January 1972. L., 1973.
Darmsteter, 1887 — Darmsteter M.J. Les origines de la poesie persane. P., 1887.
Delair Delchi, 1964 — Delair Delchi. Nawroz and the Legend of Kawa // The Kurdish J. 1964, N 2.
Dobrinsky, 1986 — Dobrinsky H.A. Treasury of Sefardic laws and customs. N.Y., 1986.
Dorn, 1852 — Dorn B. Catalogue des manuscripts et xylographes orientaux de la Bibliotheque Imperiale Publique de St. Petersbourg. St. Petersbourg, 1852.
Duchesne-Guilleman, 1962 — Duchesne-Guilleman J. La religion de l’Iran ancien. P., 1962.
Eliachar, 1983 — Eliachar E. Living with Jews. L., 1983.
Feitelson, 1982 — Feitelson D. Aspects of the social life of Kurdish Jews // Jewish societies in the Middle East: Community, culture and authority / Ed. by Sh. Deshen, W.P. Zenner. Wash. (D.C.), 1982.
Festivals, 1973 — Festivals // Encyclopedia Judaica. Jerusalem, 1973. Vol. 6.
Finkelstein, 1973 — Finkelstein L. The Jewish religion: Its beliefs and practices // The Jews: Their religion and culture Ed. by L. Finkelstein. N.Y., 1973.
Finn s.a. — Finn E. Reminescences of Mrs Finn. L., S.a.
Frazer, 1826 — Frazer J.B. Travel and adventures in the Persian Provinces on the south bank of the Caspian Sea. L., 1826.
Gabriel, 1974 — Gabriel A. Die Religiose Welt des Iran. Wien, Koln, 1974.
Galloway, 1958 — Galloway J.P.N.A. Kurdish village of North-East Iraq // GJ. 1958. Vol. 124, r. 3.
Gaster, 1925 — Gaster M. The Samaritans: Their history, doctrines and literature. L., 1925.
Gaster, 1934 — Gaster Th. The Combat of Aleyan-Baal and Mot // J. Royal Asiat. Soc. 1934.
Gaster, 1950 — Gaster Th. Thespis: Ritual, myth and drama in the ancient Near East. N.Y., 1950.
Ghassemlou, 1965 — Ghassemlou A. Kurdistan and the Kurds.
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