Календарные обычаи и обряды народов Передней Азии - Роза Шотаевна Джарылгасинова
Gotten, 1976 — Gotten S.D. Jews and Arabs: Their contacts through the ages. N.Y., 1976.
Gotten, 1988 — Gotten S.D. A Mediterranean society: The Jewish communities of the Arab world as portayed in the documents of the Cairo Geniza. Vol. 5. Berkeley etc., 1988.
Goldstein, 1980 — Goldstein D. Jewish folklore and legend. L. etc., 1980.
Goudoever, 1961 — Goudoever J. van. Biblical calendars. Leiden, 1961.
Gressman, 1925 — Gressman H. Adonis and the Feast of Tabernacles // Expositor. Ser. 9. 1925, N 3.
Grünebaun, 1951 — Grünebaun G.E. Muhammad festivals. N.Y., 1951.
Guerrin, 1882 — Guerrin V. Laterre sainte. P., 1882.
Hanukkah, 1974 — Hanukkah // E.J. Jerusalem, 1974. Vol. 8, Col. 1280–1288.
Heaton 1956 — Heaton E.W. Everyday life in Old Testament time. L., 1956.
Hennig, 1951 — Hennig W. Zoroaster. L., 1951.
Henninger, 1975 — Henninger J. Les fetes de printemps chez les Semites et Paque Israelite. P., 1975.
Hotam, 1972 — Hotam D. The Turks. L., 1972.
Hudud al-Alam, 1970 — Hudud al-Alam. The regions of the World: A Persian geography 372 A.H. — 982 A.D. / Transl. and expl. by V. Minorsky. L., 1937; 2-nd ed. L., 1970. (GSM. N.S.; XI).
Izady, 1993 — Izady M. The Kurds and the World civilization // Kurdish life. N.Y., 1993.
Jackson, 1906 — Jackson A.V.W. Persia: Past and present. L., 1906.
Jacobs, 1974 — Jacobs L. Purim // E.J. Jerusalem, 1974. Vol. 13, Col. 1390–1395.
Jerusalem, 1993 — Jerusalem: Spirit and matter: Exhibition at ethnography and folklore pavilion / Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv. Jerusalem, 1993.
Kanof, Greenberg, 1974 — Kanof A., Greenberg M. Sabbat // E.J. Jerusalem, 1974. Vol. 14.
Kashani, 1974 — Kashani R. Maimuna // E.J. Jerusalem, 1974. Vol. 11, Col. 781–782.
Kieval, 1974 — Kieval H. Kol Nidrei // E.J. Jerusalem, 1974. Vol. 10, Col. 1166–1169.
Kurdish Life, 1993 — Kurdish life. N.Y., 1993.
Kurdish Studies, 1994 — International Journal of Kurdish Studies. N.Y., 1994. Vol. 7, N 1, 2.
Kursch, Jacobs, 1974 — Kursch E., Jacobs L. Sukkot // E.J. Jerusalem, 1974. Vol. 15, Col. 495–502.
Lehrman, 1958 — Lehrman S.A. A guide to Hanukka and Purim, L., 1958.
Loeb, 1977 — Loeb L.D. Outcaste. Jewish life in Southern Iran. N.Y., 1977.
Macdonalds, Tsedaka, 1974 — Macdonalds J., Tsedaka B. Samaritans // E.J. Jerusalem, 1974. Vol. 14.
Main, 1935 — Main E. Iraq from mandate to Independence. L., 1935.
Malcolm, 1821 — Malcolm J. The history of Persia. L., 1821.
Marcus, 1965 — Marcus J.R. The Jew in the medieval world. N.Y., 1965.
Matrin, 1962 — Martin F.B. The miniature painting and painters of Persia, India and Turkey from 8th to the 18th century. Vol. I., L., 1962.
Melikoff, 1964 — Melikoff I. Le Rituel du Helva: recherches sur une coutume des corporations de métiers dans la Turquie médiévale // Der Islam. 1964. Vol. 39.
Menaut, 1898 — Menaut D. Les Parsis. P., 1898.
Meynard, 1861 — Barbier de Meynard C. Dictionnaire géographique historyque et littéraire de la Perse et des contrées adjaeents, extrait du Mo’djem ul-Bouldan de Jaqout. P., 1861.
Milgrom, Herr, 1973 — Milgrom J., Herr M.D. The day of atonement // E.J. Jerusalem, 1973. Vol. 5, Col. 1376–1389.
Mishnah, 1988 — The Mishnah / A new transl. J. Neusner. New Haven; L., 1988.
Morgan, 1895 — Morgan G. de. Mission scientifique en Perse, t. II. Etudes géographiques. P., 1895.
Mokri, 1962 — Mokri M. Le Manage ehez Les Kurdes // Ethnographe. P., 1962.
Mokri, 1970 — Mokri M. Les rites magiques dans les fetes du «Dernier Mercredi de l’annee en Perse: Contribution scientific aux etudes iraniennes». P., 1970.
Mowinkel, 1962 — Mowinkel S. The psalms in Israel’s worship. L., 1962.
Myth and Ritual, 1935 — Myth and ritual / Ed. by S.H. Hooke. L., 1935.
North, 1951 — North C.R. Pentateuchal criticism // The Old Testament and the modern study / Ed. by H.H. Rowley. Oxford, 1951.
Patai, 1983 — Patai R. On Jewish folklore. Detroit, 1983.
Patai, 1960 — Patai R. Jewish folklore and Jewish tradition // Studies in biblical and Jewish folklore / Ed. by R. Patai et al. Bloomington, 1960.
Philo Alexandrinus, 1967 — Philo Alexandrinus. Les oeuvres de Philon d'Alexandrie. Vol. 22. De vita Mosis. P., 1967.
Raphael, 1985 — Raphael Ch. The road from Babylon: The story of Sephardi and Oriental Jews. N.Y., 1985.
Renberg, 1987 — Renberg D.H. The compleme guide to Jewish Holidays. L., 1987.
Robinson, Smith, 1856 — Robinson E., Smith E. Biblical researches in Palestine and in the adjacent regions // Journal of Travels in the Year 1832. Boston, 1856. Vol. 1–2.
Robinson, Smith, 1857 — Robinson E., Smith E. et al. Later Biblical researches in Palestine and in the adjacent regions // Journal of Travels in the Year 1852. Boston, 1857.
Robinson, 1988 — Robinson G. The origin and development of the Old Testament Sabbat. Frankfurt a./M., 1988.
Robertson, 1950 — Robertson E. The Old Testament problem, Manchester, 1950.
Rowley, 1967 — Rowley H. Worship in Ancient Israel: Its forms and meanings. L., 1967.
Rubens, 1967 — Rubens A. A history of Jewish costume. N.Y., 1967.
Rubin, 1960 — Rubin R. Some aspects of comparative Jewish folksongs // Studies in biblical and Jewish folklore / Ed.
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