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25. Michelet, IV, 295.
26. Schoenhof, History of Money and Prices, 186.
27. Nussbaum, History of Economic Institutions, 108.
28. In Acton, 179.
29. Michelet, IV, 327.
30. Guizot, IV, 173.
31. Richelieu, 152, 201.
32. Guérard, Life and Death of an Ideal, 123.
33. Tallement des Réaux, 63.
34. Belloc, Richelieu, 90.
35. Michelet, IV, 286; Boulenger, 35.
36. Retz, Secret Memoirs, 97.
37. Hefele, K. J., Life and Times of Cardinal Ximenes, 565.
38. Chesterfield, Letters, 28 (Oct. 16, 1747).
39. Lodge, Richelieu, 229.
40. Richelieu, Memoirs, 168.
41. Ibid., 125.
42. 181, 40.
43. 182.
44. 168.
45. 32.
46. 19.
47. 30.
48. 35.
49. Motteville, Mme. de, Memoirs, I, 67.
50. Tallement des Réaux, 27.
1. Charron, De la Sagesse, I, 24, in Haydn, Counter-Renaissance, 569.
2. Sichel, Catherine de’ Medici, 6; Lacroix, History of Prostitution, II, 1159.
3. Sedgwick, Henry of Navarre, 55.
4. Brantôme, Lives of Gallant Ladies, 131–2.
5. Now in the museum of the Château d’Azay-le-Rideau.
6. Michelet, IV, 222.
7. Tallement, 132.
8. Sanger, Wm., History of Prostitution, 119.
9. Ibid.; Lacroix, Prostitution, II, 1350.
10. Montaigne, Diary, 6.
11. Sully, Memoirs, I, 482, 507.
12. Brantôme, Book of the Ladies, 79.
13. Wright, Womankind in Western Europe, 305.
14. Lacroix, Arts of the Middle Ages, 164.
15. Wright, Womankind, 302.
16. Montaigne, Essays, II, 12.
17. Lowie, Are We Civilized? 34.
18. Burney, Charles, General History of Music, II, 217.
19. Ibid., 466.
20. Montaigne, Essays, III, 365.
21. Ibid., I, xxv, 185.
22. I, xxv.
23. Ill, xii, 300.
24. Ill, xii, 292.
25. I, xxxviii, 252.
26. I, xxv, 165.
27. Ibid., 163.
28. Ibid., 166, 172.
29. Ill, xiii, 324.
30. II, vi, 48.
31. Dowden, Michel de Montaigne, 45.
32. I, xxvii, 201.
33. Ibid.
34. Gide, A., The Living Thoughts of Montaigne, 14.
35. I, xxvii, 207.
36. III, x, 265.
37. III, v, 119.
38. Ibid., 105.
39. 73.
40. Cf. his paean to Paris in III, ix, 216.
41. III, v, 76.
42. II, viii, 71.
43. Gide, 12.
44. III, ix, 213.
45. III, iii, 49.
46. I, xxxviii, 253–6.
47. I, xxv, 149.
48. II, xxxii, 448.
49. Sellery, G. C, The Renaissance, 47.
50. Pater, Plato and Platonism, 174.
51. In Dowden, Montaigne, 240.
52. II, iii, 35.
53. II, xvii, 385.
54. III, v, 107.
55. III, ii, 24.
56. II, xxxvi, 523.
57. Ibid., 495.
58. III, xiii, 354.
59. Diary, 259.
60. II, xii, 256; Cicero, De vertiate, 11.
61. III, xii, 291.
62. III, xiii, 379.
63. Sainte-Beuve, Port-Royal, II, 440.
64. II, xii, 306.
65. Ibid., 317.
66. In Spencer, Theodore, Shakespeare and the Nature of Man, 36.
67. II, xii, 237.
68. Ibid., 285–7.
69. 312.
70. 202.
71. 250.
72. 324.
73. 325.
74. Sichel, E., Montaigne, 54.
75. II, xvii, 371.
76. II, xii, 180.
77. I, xl, 269; Camb. Mod. History, II, 711.
78. II, v.
79. II, viii, 72.
80. I, xxx, 219.
81. II, xii, 198, 250.
82. I, xxx, 229.
83. In Dowden, Montaigne, 63.
84. III, vi, 144.
85. III, ix, 201; v, 105.
86. II, xii.
87. II, xii, 204.
88. Ibid., 251.
89. 225, 266.
90. I, xix, 90.
91. III, v, 78.
92. III, xi, 285.
93. II, xii, 130.
94. Ibid., 217.
95. 133.
96. Sainte-Beuve, Port-Royal, II, 428.
97. I, liv, 354; Tilley, A., Studies in the French Renaissance, 280.
98. II, xii, 225.
99. III, xi.
100. Ill, ix, 198.
101. Ill, viii, 173.
102. Ill, ix, 191.
103. Ill, xii, 301; ii, 26.
104. II, xi, 121.
105. Ill, x, 263.
106. Diary, 14.
107. Ibid., 17.
108. 49.
109. 107. no. 150.
110. 150
111. Cf. Diary, 166–9.
112. Ibid., 123.
113. Essays, III, iv, 59.
114. III, xiii, 368.
115. II, i, 8.
116. Jonson, Volpone, III, ii.
117. Mme. du Deffand, Lettres à Voltaire, 41; Jan. 28, 1759.
118. Malebranche, De la Recherche de la vérité, III, v; p. 264.
119. In Gide, 3.
120. Sainte-Beuve, Port-Royal, II, 379–453.
121. In Frame, Montaigne, 139.
122. Guizot, IV, 194.
123. Van Laun, History of French Literature, II, 181.
124. Disraeli, I., Curiosities of Literature, I, 451.
125. Malherbe, in Sainte-Beuve, Portraits of the Seventeenth Century, II, 47.
126. Boileau in Malherbe, Racan, Maynard, Poésies choisies, 9n.
127. Ibid., 24–7.
128. Winegarten, French Lyric Poetry in the Age of Malherbe, 8, 18.
129. Boulenger, Seventeenth Century, 122.
130. Faguet, Literary History of France, 341.
131. Régnier, De Viau, etc., Poésies choisies, 50.
132. Guizot, Corneille and His Times, 148.
133. Corneille, Le Cid, V, i.
134. Guizot, Corneille, 168.
135. Livy, T. L., History of Rome, i, 25.
136. Corneille, Horace, I, i.
137. Ibid., II, viii.
138. Sainte-Beuve, Port-Royal, I, 124.
139. Evelyn, Diary, I, 48.
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