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Современные яды. Дозы, действие, последствия - Алан Колок




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Putz, O., C. B. Schwartz, G. A. LeBlanc, R. L. Cooper, and G. S. Prins. "Neonatal Low– and High-Dose Exposure to Estradiol Benzoate in the Male Rat: II. Effects on Male Puberty and the Reproductive Tract." Biology of Reproduction 65 (2001): 1506–17.

Rand-Weaver, M., L. Margiotta-Casaluci, A. Patel, G. H. Panter, S. F. Owen, and J. P. Sumpter. "The Read-Across Hypothesis and Environmental Risk Assessment of Pharmaceuticals." Environmental Science and Technology 47 (2013): 11 384–95.

Rinaldi, J., J. Wu, J. Yang, C. Y. Ralston, B. Sankaran, S. Moreno, and S. S. Taylor. "Structure of Yeast Regulatory Subunit: A Glimpse into the Evolution of PKA Signaling." Structure 18 (2010): 1471–82.

Rothen, D., S. Baran, and M. Perret-Gentil. "Are Zebrafish the New Mice?" ALN magazine (2014). http://www.alnmag.com/articles/2014/06/are-zebrafish-new-mice

Vargo-Gogola, T., and J. M. Rosen. "Modeling Breast Cancer: One Size Does Not Fit All." Nature Reviews Cancer 7 (2007): 659–72.

Глава 5. Защита организма

Abbott, N. J. «Blood – Brain Barrier Structure and Function and the Challenges for CNS Drug Delivery.» Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 36 (2013): 437–49.

Pardridge, W. M. "Drug Delivery to the Brain." Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 17 (1997): 713–31.

Patel, M. M., B. R. Goyal, S. V. Bhadada, J. S. Bhatt, and A. F. Amin. "Getting into the Brain." CNS Drugs 23 (2009): 35–58.

Глава 7. Частицы-путешественницы

Blackwell, B. R., K. J. Wooten, M. D. Buser, B. J. Johnson, G. P. Cobb, and P. N. Smith. «Occurrence and Characterization of Steroid Growth Promoters Associated with Particulate Matter Originating from Beef Cattle Feedyards.» Environmental Science and Technology 49 (2015): 8796–803.

Hamra, G. B., N. Guha, A. Cohen, F. Laden, O. Raaschou-Nielsen, J. M. Samet, P. Vineis, et al. "Outdoor Particulate Matter Exposure and Lung Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis." Environmental Health Perspectives 122 (2014): 906–11. doi:10.1289 / ehp.1408092.

Jonker, M. T. O., and L. van Mourik. "Exceptionally Strong Sorption of Infochemicals to Activated Carbon Reduces Their Bioavailability to Fish." Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33 (2014): 493–99.

Liu, L., B. Urch, R. Poon, M. Szyszkowicz, M. Speck, D. R. Gold, A. J. Wheeler, et al. "Effects of Ambient Coarse, Fine, and Ultrafine Particles and Their Biological Constituents on Systemic Biomarkers: A Controlled Human Exposure Study." Environmental Health Perspectives 123 (2015): 534–40. doi:10.1289/ehp.1408387.

McEachran, A. D., B. R. Blackwell, J. D. Hanson, K. J. Wooten, G. D. Mayer, S. B. Cox, and P. N. Smith. "Antibiotics, Bacteria, and Antibiotic Resistance Genes: Aerial Transport from Cattle Feed Yards via Particulate Matter." Environmental Health Perspectives 123 (2015): 337–43. doi:10.1289/ehp.1408555.

Sandstrom, T., and B. Forsberg. "Desert Dust: An Unrecognized Source of Dangerous Air Pollution?" Epidemiology 19 (2008): 808–9.

Valavanidis, A., K. Fiotakis, and T. Vlachogianni. "Airborne Particulate Matter and Human Health: Toxicological Assessment and Importance of Size and Composition of Particles for Oxidative Carcinogenic Mechanisms." Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part C: Environmental Carcinogenesis Ecotoxicology Reviews 26 (2008): 339–62. doi:10.1080/10590500802494538.

Vignati, D. A., T. Dworak, B. Ferrari, B. Koukal, J. L. Loizeau, M. Minouflet, M. I. Camusso, S. Polesello, and J. Dominik. "Assessment of the Geochemical Role of Colloids and Their Impact on Contaminant Toxicity in Freshwaters: An Example from the Lambro-Po System (Italy)." Environmental Science and Technology 39 (2005): 489–97.

Von Essen, S. G., and B. W. Auvermann. "Health Effects from Breathing Air Near CAFOs for Feeder Cattle or Hogs." Journal of Agromedicine 10 (2005): 55–64.

Глава 8. Природные яды: растительные и животные токсины

Fry, B. G. «From Genome to 'Venome': Molecular Origin and Evolution of the Snake Venom Proteome Inferred from Phylogenetic Analysis of Toxin Sequences and Related Body Proteins.» Genome Research 15 (2005): 403–20.

Глава 9. Металлы: дар и проклятие

Clarkson, T. W. «The Three Modern Faces of Mercury.» Environmental Health Perspectives 110 (2002): 11–23.

Diamond, G. L., P. E. Goodrum, S. P. Felter, and W. L. Ruoff. "Gastrointestinal Absorption of Metals." Drug and Chemical Toxicology 21 (1998): 223–51.

Hakim, J. "The Story of the Atom." American Federation of Teachers (2002): 12–25.

Le, T. T., W. J. Peijnenburg, A. J. Hendriks, and M. G. Vijver. "Predicting Effects of Cations on Copper Toxicity to Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) by the Biotic Ligand Model." Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 31 (2012): 355–59.

Lessler, M. A. "Lead and Lead Poisoning from Antiquity to Modern Times." Ohio Journal of Science 88 (1988): 78–84.

Nicole, W. "Evolutionary Selection for Arsenic Resistance: The Case of the Atacamenos of the Andes Highlands." Environmental Health Perspectives 121 (2013): A31.

Niyogi, S., and C. H. Wood. "Biotic Ligand Model, a Flexible Tool for Developing Site-Specific Water Quality Guidelines for Metals." Environmental Science and Technology 38 (2004): 6177–92.

Paquin, P. R., J. W. Gorsuch, S. Apte, G. E. Batley, K. C. Bowles, P. G. C. Campbell, C. G. Delos, et al. "The Biotic Ligand Model: A Historical Overview." Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 133 (2002): 3–35.

Przygoda, G., J. Feldmann, and W. Cullen. "The Arsenic Eaters of Styria: A Different Picture of People Who Were Chronically Exposed to Arsenic." Applied Organometallic Chemistry 15 (2001): 457–62.

Глава 10. Горение

Ashby, J., and D. Paton. «The Influence of Chemical Structure on the Extent and Sites of Carcinogenesis for 522 Rodent Carcinogens and 55 Different Human Carcinogen Exposures.» Mutation Research 286 (1993): 3–74.

Creton, S., M. J. Aardema, P. L. Carmichael, J. S. Harvey, F. L. Martin, R. F. Newbold, M. R. O'Donovan, et al. "Cell Transformation Assays for Prediction of Carcinogenic Potential: State of the Science and Future Research Needs." Mutagenesis 27 (2012): 93–101.

DeVita, V. T. Jr., and E. Chu. "A History of Cancer Chemotherapy." Cancer Research 68 (2008): 8643–53.

Melicow, M. M. "Percivall Pott (1712–1788): 200th Anniversary of First Report of Occupation-Induced Cancer of Scrotum in Chimney Sweepers (1775)." Urology 6 (1975): 745–49.

Miller, E. C. "Some Current Perspectives on Chemical Carcinogenesis in Humans and Experimental Animals: Presidential Address." Cancer Research 38 (1978): 1479–96.

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