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Современные яды. Дозы, действие, последствия - Алан Колок




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Miller, J. A. "Carcinogenesis by Chemicals: An Overview – G. H. A. Clowes Memorial Lecture." Cancer Research 30 (1970): 559–76.

Triolo, V. A., and I. L. Riegel. "The American Association for Cancer Research, 1907–1940. Historical Review." Cancer Research 21 (1961): 137–67.

Глава 11. Лекарства, наркотики и токсикология зависимости

Blum, K., J. G. Cull, E. R. Braverman, and D. E. Comings. «Reward Deficiency Syndrome.» American Scientist 84 (1996): 132–45.

Blum, K., A. L. C. Chen, J. Giordano, J. Borsten, T. J. H. Chen, M. Hauser, T. Simpatico, J. Femino, E. R. Braverman, and D. Barh. "The Addictive Brain: All Roads Lead to Dopamine." Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 44 (2012): 134–43.

De Pasquale, A. "Pharmacognosy: The Oldest Modern Science." Journal of Ethnopharmacology 11 (1984): 1–16.

Glander, K. E. "Nonhuman Primate Self-Medication with Wild Plants." Chap. 12 in Eating on the Wild Side: The Pharmacologic, Ecologic, and Social Implications of Using Noncultigens. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 1994.

Hardy, K., S. Buckley, M. J. Collins, A. Estalrrich, D. Brothwell, L. Copeland, A. Garcнa-Tabernero, et al. "Neanderthal Medics? Evidence for Food, Cooking, and Medicinal Plants Entrapped in Dental Calculus." Naturwissenschaften 99 (2012): 617–26. doi:10.1007 / s00114-012-0942-0. Epub 2012 Jul 18.

Huffman, M. A. "Current Evidence for Self-Medication in Primates: A Multidisciplinary Perspective." Yearbook of the Journal of Physical Anthropology 40 (1997): 171–200.

Jones, A. W. "Early Drug Discovery and the Rise of Pharmaceutical Chemistry." Drug Testing and Analysis 3 (2011): 337–44.

Nichols, D. E. "Hallucinogens." Pharmacology and Therapeutics 101 (2004): 131–81.

Quaglio, G., A. Fornasiero, P. Mezzelani, S. Morechini, F. Lugoboni, and A. Lechi. "Anabolic Steroids: Dependence and Complications of Chronic Use." Internal and Emergency Medicine 4 (2009): 289–96.

Sullivan, R. J., and E. H. Hagen. "Psychotropic Substance-Seeking: Evolutionary Pathology or Adaptation?" Addiction 97 (2002): 389–400.

Tan, R. S., and M. C. Scally. "Anabolic Steroid-Induced Hypogonadism: Towards a Unified Hypothesis of Anabolic Steroid Action." Medical Hypotheses 72 (2009): 723–28.

Westermeyer, J. "The Pursuit of Intoxication: Our 100-Century-Old Romance with Psychoactive Substances." American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 14 (1988): 175–87.

Wood, R. I. "Reinforcing Aspects of Androgens." Physiology and Behavior 83 (2004): 279–89.

Глава 12. 70 000 лет пестицидов

Bouwman, H., H. van den Berg, and H. Kylin. «DDT and Malaria Prevention: Addressing the Paradox.» Environmental Health Perspectives 119 (2011): 744–47.

Dunlap, T. R. "Science as a Guide in Regulating Technology: The Case of DDT in the United States." Social Studies of Science 8 (1978): 265–85.

McWilliams, J. E. "'The Horizon Opened Up Very Greatly': Leland O. Howard and the Transition to Chemical Insecticides in the United States, 1894–1927." Agricultural History 82 (2008): 468–95.

O'Shaughnessy, P. T. (2008) "Parachuting Cats and Crushed Eggs: The Controversy over the Use of DDT to Control Malaria." American Journal of Public Health 98: 1940–48.

Smith, A. E., and D. M. Secoy. "Forerunners of Pesticides in Classical Greece and Rome." Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 23 (1975): 1050–55.

Глава 13. История регуляторных мер

Botting, J. «The History of Thalidomide.» Drug News & Perspectives 15 (2002): 604–11.

Gaughan, A. "Harvey Wiley, Theodore Roosevelt, and the Federal Regulation of Food and Drugs." Студенческая работа, Harvard Law School, 2004. http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:8852144

Herbst, A. L., D. C. Poskanzer, S. J. Robboy, L. Friedlander, and R. E. Scully. "Prenatal Exposure to Stilbestrol: A Prospective Comparison of Exposed Female Offspring with Unexposed Controls." New England Journal of Medicine 292 (1975): 334–39.

Herbst, A. L., H. Ulfelder, and D. C. Poskanzer. "Adenocarcinoma of the Vagina." New England Journal of Medicine 284 (1971): 878–81.

Janssen, W. F. "The Story of the Laws behind the Labels." FDA Consumer. US Food and Drug Administration, 1981. http://www.fda.gov/AboutFDA/WhatWeDo/ History/Overviews/ucm056044.htm

Klimko, K. "FDA's Contradictory Decisions Related to the Delaney Clause." Студенческая работа, Harvard Law School, 2011. http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3: HUL.InstRepos:8963872

Neltner, T. G., N. R. Kulkarni, H. M. Alger, M. V. Maffini, E. D. Bongard, N. D. Fortin, and E. D. Olson. "Navigating the U. S. Food Additive Regulatory Program." Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 10 (2011): 342–68.

Nicole, W. "Secret Ingredients: Who Knows What's in Your Food?" Environmental Health Perspectives 121 (2013): A126–33.

Quinn, R. "Rethinking Antibiotic Research and Development: World War II and the Penicillin Collaborative." American Journal of Public Health 103 (2013): 426–34.

US Food and Drug Administration. "Guidance for Industry: Frequently Asked Questions about GRAS." US Department of Health and Human Services, 2004. http://www.fda.gov/Food/GuidanceRegulation/ GuidanceDocumentsRegulatoryInformation/ IngredientsAdditiveGRASP-ackaging/ucm061846.htm

Wax, P. M. "Elixirs, Diluents, and the Passage of the 1938 Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act." Annals of Internal Medicine 122 (1995): 456–61.

Глава 14. Низкодозированные химические канцерогены

Asch, P. «Food Safety Regulation: Is the Delaney Clause the Problem or Symptom?» Policy Sciences 23 (1990): 97–110.

Baker, M. "Insights from the Structure of Estrogen Receptor into the Evolution of Estrogens: Implications for Endocrine Disruption." Biochemical Pharmacology 82 (2011): 1–8.

Blair, R. M., H. Fang, W. S. Branham, B. S. Hass, S. L. Dial, C. L. Moland, W. Tong, L. Shi, R. Perkins, and D. M. Sheehan. "The Estrogen Receptor Binding Affinities of 188 Natural and Xenochemicals: Structural Diversity of Ligands." Toxicological Sciences 54 (2000): 138–53.

Creton, S., M. J. Aardema, P. L. Carmichael, J. S. Harvey, F. L. Martin, R. F. Newbold, M. R. O'Donovan, et al. "Cell Transformation Assays for Prediction of Carcinogenic Potential: State of the Science and Future Research Needs." Mutagenesis 27, no. 1 (Jan 2012): 93–101. doi:10.1093/mutage/ger053.

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