Перенастройте свой встревоженный мозг - Кэтрин М. Питтмен
«Anxiety and Avoidance: A Universal Treatment for Anxiety, Panic, and Fear». Michael Tompkins.
«The Anxiety and Worry Workbook: The Cognitive Behavioral Solution». David Clark and Aaron Beck.
«The Cognitive Behavioral Workbook for Anxiety: A Step-by-Step Program». William J. Knaus.
«The PTSD Workbook: Simple, Effective Techniques for Overcoming Traumatic Stress». Mary Beth Williams and Soili Poijula.
«Prisoners of Belief: Exposing and Changing Beliefs That Control Your Life». Matthew McKay and Patrick Fanning.
«Stop Obsessing! How to Overcome Your Obsessions and Compulsions». Edna Foa and Reid Wilson.
«When Perfect Isn’t Good Enough: Strategies for Coping with Perfectionism». Martin Antony and Richard Swinson.
«Calming the Rush of Panic: A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Guide to Freeing Yourself from Panic Attacks and Living a Vital Life». Bob Stahl and Wendy Millstine.
«Calming Your Anxious Mind: How Mindfulness and Compassion Can Free You from Anxiety, Fear, and Panic». Jeffrey Brantley.
«The Mindfulness and Acceptance Workbook for Anxiety: A Guide to Breaking Free from Anxiety, Phobias, and Worry Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy». Georg Eifert and John Forsyth.
«A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook for Anxiety». Bob Stahl, Florence Meleo-Meyer, and Lynn Koerbel.
«The Mindfulness Code: Keys for Overcoming Stress, Anxiety, Fear, and Unhappiness». Donald Altman.
«Mindfulness for Beginners: Reclaiming the Present Moment and Your Life». Jon Kabat-Zinn.
«The Mindfulness Workbook for OCD: A Guide to Overcoming Obsessions and Compulsions Using Mindfulness and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy». Jon Hershfield and Tom Corboy.
«The Mindful Path Through Worry and Rumination: Letting Go of Anxious and Depressive Thoughts». Sameet Kumar.
«The Mindful Way Through Anxiety: Break Free from Chronic Worry and Reclaim Your Life». Susan Orsillo and Lizabeth Roemer.
«Things Might Go Terribly, Horribly Wrong: A Guide to Life Liberated from Anxiety». Kelly Wilson and Troy DuFrene.
«The Worry Trap: How to Free Yourself from Worry and Anxiety Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy». Chad LeJeune.

Addis, M. E., C. Hatgis, E. Cardemile, K. Jacob, A. D. Krasnow, and A. Mansfield. 2006. «Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Panic Disorder Versus Treatment as Usual in a Managed Care Setting: 2-Year Follow-Up». Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 74: 377–385.
Ahmed, M., H. A. Westra, and S. H. Stewart. 2008. «A Self-Help Handout for Benzodiazepine Discontinuation Using Cognitive Behavior Therapy». Cognitive and Behavioral Practice 15: 317–324.
Amano, T., C. T. Unal, and D. Paré. 2010. «Synaptic Correlates of Fear Extinction in the Amygdala». Nature Neuroscience 13: 489–495.
Anderson, E., and G. Shivakumar. 2013. «Effects of Exercise and Physical Activity on Anxiety». Frontiers in Psychiatry 4: 1–4.
Armony, J. L., D. Servan-Schreiber, J. D. Cohen, and J. E. LeDoux. 1995. «An Anatomically Constrained Neural Network Model of Fear Conditioning». Behavioral Neuroscience 109: 246–257.
Barad, M. G., and S. Saxena. 2005. «Neurobiology of Extinction: A Mechanism Underlying Behavior Therapy for Human Anxiety Disorders». Primary Psychiatry 12: 45–51.
Bequet, F., D. Gomez-Merino, M. Berhelot, and C. Y. Guezennec. 2001. «Exercise-Induced Changes in Brain Glucose and Serotonin Revealed by Microdialysis in Rat Hippocampus: Effect of Glucose Supplementation». Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 173: 223–230.
Bourne, E. J., A. Brownstein, and L. Garano. 2004. Natural Relief for Anxiety: Complementary Strategies for Easing Fear, Panic, and Worry. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.
Brantley, J. 2007. Calming Your Anxious Mind, 2nd ed. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.
Broman-Fulks, J. J., and K. M. Storey. 2008. «Evaluation of a Brief Aerobic Exercise Intervention for High Anxiety Sensitivity». Anxiety, Stress, and Coping 21: 117–128.
Broocks, A., T. Meyer, C. H. Gleiter, U. Hillmer-Vogel, A. George, U. Bartmann, and B. Bandelow. 2001. «Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Behavioral and Neuroendocrine Responses to Meta-chlorophenylpiperazine and to Ipsapirone in Untrained Healthy Subjects». Psychopharmacology 155: 234–241.
Busatto, G. F., D. R. Zamignani, C. A. Buchpiguel, G. E. Garrido, M. F. Glabus, E. T. Rocha, et al. C. 2000. «A Voxel-Based Investigation of Regional Cerebral Blood Flow Abnormalities in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Using Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT)». Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 99: 15–27.
Cahill, S. P., M. E. Franklin, and N. C. Feeny. 2006. «Pathological Anxiety: Where We Are and Where We Need to Go». In: Pathological Anxiety: Emotional Processing in Etiology and Treatment, edited by B. O. Rothbaum. New York: Guilford.
Cain, C. K., A. M. Blouin, and M. Barad. 2003. «Temporally Massed CS Presentations Generate More Fear Extinction Than Spaced Presentations». Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 29: 323–333.
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Compton, R. J., J. Carp, L. Chaddock, S. L. Fineman, L. C. Quandt, and J. B. Ratliff. 2008. «Trouble Crossing the Bridge: Altered Interhemispheric Communication of Emotional Images in Anxiety». Emotion 8: 684–692.
Conn, V. S. 2010. «Depressive Symptom Outcomes of Physical Activity Interventions: Meta-analysis Findings». Annals of Behavioral Medicine 39: 128–138.
Cotman, C. W., and N. C. Berchtold. 2002. «Exercise: A Behavioral Intervention to Enhance Brain Health and Plasticity». Trends in Neurosciences 25: 295–301.
Crocker, P. R., and C. Grozelle. 1991. «Reducing Induced State Anxiety: Effects of Acute Aerobic Exercise and Autogenic Relaxation». Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 31: 277–282.
Croston, G. 2012. The Real Story of Risk: Adventures in a Hazardous World. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books.
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