Позитивные изменения. Том 3, № 3 (2023). Positive changes. Volume 3, Issue 3 (2023) - Редакция журнала «Позитивные изменения»
The Third Mission Through the Prism of Science: A Review of Russian-Language Publications from 2021 to 2023
Anna Movchan
DOI 10.55140/2782–5817–2023–3–3–84–97

In recent decades, universities worldwide have significantly transformed their recognition of their societal role. The enthusiastic interest of academic institutions in the third mission is evident in a plethora of scholarly investigations and publications. This review delves into the different aspects of universities’ social missions that have garnered the most attention from Russian-speaking researchers recently.

Anna Movchan
Junior Researcher, Federal Resource Center, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
The objective of this study is to identify the research directions (trends) that have captured the greatest interest among Russian-speaking scholars in the last three years. The analysis draws upon digests of scientific publications[154] compiled as part of the project “Building and Upscaling the Implementation Practice of the University’s Third Mission” by the Institute of Socio-Economic Design at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. In this study, we examined 56 scholarly articles published between June 2021 and August 2023, containing references to the term third mission of the university either in the title or content.
Based on our analysis, we have identified eight key research areas (trends), each of which will be explored in detail below.
According to researchers, active civic engagement and social responsibility have become pivotal elements in higher education development. The concept of the third mission of the university entails not only fulfilling research and educational roles but also actively engaging with society, students, faculty, and staff.
The implementation of this objective requires adopting a project-based approach and incorporating diverse social programs and initiatives geared toward supporting society and addressing its challenges. Examples of that are participation in urban development and cultural and educational programs, the cultivation of intercultural competence, the promotion of academic leadership, and other aspects (Vodenko, 2022; Chernysheva, 2022; Stefanovskaya, 2022; Malkovets, 2022; Urban, 2022).
Publications authored by individuals with distinct perspectives and experiences in realizing the third mission through civic engagement and social responsibility highlight the aspiration of modern universities to be active contributors to societal well-being (Molokova, 2022; Lelchitsky, 2022; Baimurzina, Petrova & Pakulina, 2022; Revutskaya, 2022; Kovyazina & Prasolova, 2022; Zakirova, 2022; Sorokin, 2021).
Within this thematic domain, some authors explore the process of humanitarization of universities, emphasizing their role in societal engagement and the resolution of social issues. “Humanitarization” in this context signifies that academic education places special emphasis on the humanities and social concerns. This approach equips students with a comprehensive education, fosters critical thinking, an understanding of social contexts, and readiness for active involvement in society. Universities’ societal engagement manifests through scientific research, partnerships with civil organizations, volunteer activities, and the development of programs aimed at addressing social challenges (Zinevich & Balmasova, 2021).
A number of works published during the period under review have explored the role of volunteerism in fulfilling the third mission and its impact on the university’s interaction with society. Volunteerism empowers university communities and students to effect positive changes in society. Participation in volunteer programs facilitates the broadening of horizons, the cultivation of leadership skills, effective teamwork, and the establishment of strong bonds with the community (Kasatkina & Aula, 2023; Makeeva, E., Makeeva, I. & Kolyosin, 2023; Zavertyaeva, 2021; Buyakova & Malkova, 2021).
As researchers have noted, universities can organize volunteer projects across various domains, such as aiding local communities, environmental conservation, social work, support for vulnerable groups, etc. These initiatives enable students to apply their knowledge and skills in practical contexts, engage in resolving specific issues, and actively contribute to society’s sustainable development.
Volunteerism lends social significance to universities, underscores their active role in society, and aids in attracting potential students. Moreover, it fosters the development of students’ social consciousness and the cultivation of civic responsibility.
While some authors focus on universities’ impact on the economy and social development of regions, others discuss the vital role of higher education institutions in preserving and passing on cultural heritage, as well as their contribution to sustainable development and the formation of environmentally responsible regions (Popova & Gorbunova, 2022; Sorokin & Chunkevich, 2022; Lubsky, 2022; Urban, 2022; Abramyan & Eletsky, 2022; Kazakova, 2022; Vodenko, 2021).
The influence of universities on urban development has also been a subject of significant research interest among Russian-speaking scholars in the reviewed period (Bocharova, 2021; Chuikina, Klyuev, Egorova, Petrova & Efremova, 2021; Kasatkina, 2022). Authors note several aspects of university engagement with cities and regions. Firstly, universities can offer educational programs tailored to meet local labor market demands, aiding graduates in successful adaptation and employment within the region. Secondly, universities often serve as research hubs addressing local issues. They conduct research in economics, social sciences, healthcare, and other fields directly impacting city and regional development. Additionally, universities can collaborate with local businesses and organizations, fostering innovation and business growth. They can participate in joint projects and research, provide student internships, and offer consultancy services.
Overall, this collaborative relationship between universities and cities/regions is mutually beneficial, fostering knowledge development, economic growth, and improved quality of life in the region.
Researchers acknowledge significant shifts in higher education, especially within an ever-evolving socio-economic context. One major trend is the transition from the traditional university model to an entrepreneurial one that places emphasis on nurturing entrepreneurial skills and capabilities in students. Such university activities may encompass the creation of programs and courses aimed at preparing future entrepreneurs and innovators, establishing incubation centers to support startups, and organizing events to cultivate entrepreneurial skills and innovative thinking (Yurevich, 2021; Afanasyeva, 2021; Shapovalov, Igropulo, Arutyunyan & Minkina, 2021; Novikova, 2022; Namkhanova, 2022).
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