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Christie Barron and Dany Lacombe (2005). Moral panic and the nasty girl.Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology42(1), 51–69.


A. L. Mayet al.(2006). Parent-adolescent relationships and the development of weight concerns from early to late adolescence.International Journal of Eating Disorders39(8), 729–740.


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Ciara McEwen and Eirini Flouri (2009). Fathers’ parenting, adverse life events, and adolescents’ emotional and eating disorder symptoms: the role of emotion regulation.European Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry18(4), 206–216.


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Англ. Armed Offenders Squad – новозеландский аналог ОМОНа. – Примеч. пер.


Terrie E. Moffittet al.(2001).Sex Differences in Antisocial Behaviour: conduct disorder, delinquency, and violence in the Dunedin longitudinal study.Cambrige University Press: Cambridge.


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Mieke Van Houtte and An Jacobs (2004). Consequences of the sex of the custodial parent on three indicators of adolescents’ well-being: evidence from the Belgian data.Journal of Divorce and Remarriage41, 143–163.


Kyrre Breivik and Dan Olweus (2006). Adolescent’s adjustment in four post-divorce family structures: single mother, stepfather, joint physical custody and single father families.Journal of Divorce and Remarriage44, 99–124.


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