Вымершие люди: почему неандертальцы погибли, а мы — выжили - Клайв Финлейсон
G. V. Glazko and M. Nei, ‘Estimation of Divergence Times for Major Lineages of Primate Species’, Mol. Biol. Evol. 20(2003): 424–34.
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Р. Van Peer, ‘The Nile Corridor and the Out-of-Africa Model’, Curr. Anthropol. 39(suppl.) (1998): S115–40.
Szabo et al., ‘Ages of Quaternary Pluvial Episodes’; Fleitmann et al., ‘Changing Moisture Sources’; Osmond and Dabous, ‘Timing and Intensity of Groundwater Movement’; Smith et al., ‘A Reconstruction of Quaternary Pluvial Environments’; Vaks et al., ‘Desert Speleothems Reveal ClimaticWindow’.
Van Peer, ‘The Nile Corridor’.
В отсутствие ископаемых мы не можем быть уверены в идентичности этих людей. Учитывая очевидное отсутствие неандертальцев где-либо к югу от Леванта, предполагается, что они являются протопредками или предками или и тем и другим. Возможно, одна группа была связана с протопредками Схула и Кафзеха (гл. 3).
Van Peer, ‘The Nile Corridor’.
M. D. Petraglia and A. Alsharekh, ‘The Middle Palaeolithic of Arabia: Implications for Modern Human Origins, Behaviour and Dispersals’, Antiquity 77(2003): 671–84.
Там же.
D. Schmitt and S. E. Churchill, ‘Experimental Evidence Concerning Spear Use in Neandertals and Early Modern Humans’, J. Archaeol. Sci. 30(2003): 103–14.
M. Cremaschi et al., ‘Some Insights on the Aterian in the Libyan Sahara: Chronology, Environment, and Archaeology’, Afr. Archaeol. Rev. 15(1998): 261–86; A. Debenath, ‘Le peuplement prEhistorique du Maroc: donnees recentes et problemes’, L’Anthropol. 104(2000): 131–45; A. Bouzouggar et al., ‘Etude des ensembles lithiques ateriens de la grotte d’El Aliya a Tanger (Maroc)’,L’Anthropol. 106(2002): 207–48; A. C. Haour, ‘One Hundred Years of Archaeology in Niger’, J. World Prehist. 17(2003): 181–234; E. A. A. Garcea, ‘Crossing Deserts and Avoiding Seas: Aterian North African-European Relations’, J. Anthropol. Res. 60(2004): 27–53; В. Е. Barich et al., ‘Between the Mediterranean and the Sahara: Geoarchaeological Reconnaissance in the Jebel Gharbi, Libya’, Antiquity 80(2006): 567–82; A. Bouzouggar et al., ‘82,000-Year-Old Shell Beads from North Africa and Implications for the Origins of Modern Human Behaviour’, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104(2007): 9964–9; N. Mercier et al., ‘The Rhafas Cave (Morocco): Chronology of the Mousterian and Aterian Archaeological Occupations and Their Implications for Quaternary Geochronology Based on Luminescence (TL/OSL) Age Determinations’, Quat. Geochronol. 2(2007): 309–313.
D. Geraads, ‘Faunal Environment and Climatic Change in the Middle/Late Pleistocene of North-western Africa’, Abstracts of Modern Origins: A North African Perspective (Leipzig: Max Planck, 2007).
J.-J. Hublin et al., ‘Dental Evidence from the Aterian Human Populations of Morocco’, ibid.
Van Peer, ‘The Nile Corridor’.
H. V. A. James and M. D. Petraglia, ‘Modern Human Origins and the Evolution of Behavior in the Later Pleistocene Record of South Asia’, Curr. Anthropol. 46(suppl.)(2005): 23–27.
Barnabas, ‘High-Resolution mtDNA Studies’.
К. O. Pope and J. E. Terrell, ‘Environmental Setting of Human Migrations in the Circum-Pacific Region, J. Biogeogr. 35(2008): 1–21.
J. S. Field et al., ‘The Southern Dispersal Hypothesis and the South Asian Archaeological Record: Examination of Dispersal Routes through GIS Analysis’, J. Anthropol. Archaeol. 26(2007): 88–108.
Период очень низкой численности популяции, уменьшивший генетическое разнообразие человека. Н. С. Harpending et al., ‘The Genetic Structure of Ancient Human Populations’, Curr. Anthropol. 34(1993): 483–96.
S. H. Ambrose, ‘Late Pleistocene Human Population Bottlenecks, Volcanic Winter, and Differentiation of Modern Humans’, J. Hum. Evol. 34(1998): 623–51.
Pope and Terrell, ‘Environmental Setting of Human Migrations’.
Bird, ‘Palaeoenvironments of Insular Southeast Asia’.
Barker et al., ‘The «Human Revolution»’.
S. S. Barik et al., ‘Detailed mtDNA Genotypes Permit a Reassessment of the Settlement and Population Structure of the Andaman Islands’, Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 136(2008): 19–27.
G. Hudjashov et al., ‘Revealing the Prehistoric Settlement of Australia by Y Chromosome and mtDNA analysis’, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104(2007): 8726–30.
P. Clarke, Where the Ancestors Walked (Crow’s Nest, NSW: Allen and Unwin, 2003); J. Flood, Archaeology of the Dreamtime: The Story of Prehistoric Australia and Its People (Marleston, South Australia: JB Publishing, 2004).
J. Bowler et al., ‘New Ages for Human Occupation and Climatic Change at Lake Mungo, Australia’, Nature 421(2003): 837–40.
Взрослый мужчина весил примерно 43,2 кг, а женщина — 28,7 кг; L. R. Berger et al., ‘Small-Bodied Humans from Palau, Micronesia’, PLoS One 3(2008/): e1780, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0001780.
C. Finlayson, Neanderthals and Modern Humans: An Ecological and Evolutionary Perspective (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004).
Об определении последовательностей ДНК неандертальцев впервые было заявлено в 1997-м: М. Krings et al., ‘Neandertal DNA Sequences and the Origin of Modern Humans’, Cell 90(1997): 19–30.
R. E. Green et al., ‘Analysis of One Million Base Pairs of Neanderthal DNA’, Nature 444(2006): 330–6; J. P. Noonan et al., ‘Sequencing and Analysis of Neanderthal Genomic DNA’, Science 314(2006): 1113–18.
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