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Энциклопедия специй. От аниса до шафрана - Джон А. О'Коннелл




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320. Visscher Jacobus Canter. Letters from Malabar. – Adelphi Press, 1862. – P. 153

321. Travels of Peter Mundy, in Europe and Asia, 1608–1667. – Hakluyt Society, 1919. – P. 79.

322. Heal Carolyn, Allsop Michael. Cooking with Spices. – Granada, 1983. – P. 244.

323. David Elizabeth. Spices, Salts and Aromatics in the English Kitchen. – Penguin, 1970. – P. 151.

324. Vietnam Pepper Output Likely to be 150,000 Tonnes, India’s 45,000 // Business Standard. – 19 November 2013.

325. Freedman Paul. Out of the East: Spices and the Medieval Imagination. – Yale University Press, 2008. – P. 4.

326. Standage Tom. An Edible History of Humanity. – Atlantic, 2012. – P. 65.

327. The Roman Cookery of Apicius: Trans. and adapted by John Edwards. – Rider, 1985. – P. xxi.

328. MacGregor Neil. A History of the World in 100 Objects. – Allen Lane, 2010. – P. 216.

329. Pliny. Natural History, XII; 14. – P. 29.

330. Grandpre’s Voyage to Bengal // Annual Review and History of Literature. – Longman and Rees, 1804. – P. 49.

331. Isidore of Seville. Etymologiae, Book 17 / Ed. J. Andre. – Paris, 1981. – P. 147–149.

332. Dioscorides. De Materia Medica. – IBIDIS Press, 2000. – Book II. – P. 319.

333. Pomet Pierre et al. A Complete History of Drugs. – J. and J. Bonwicke, S. Birt etc., 1748. – P. 123.

334. Collingham Lizzie. Curry: A Tale of Cooks and Conquerors. – Chatto & Windus, 2005. – P. 120.

335. Kenney-Herbert A. R. Culinary Jottings from Madras. – 1878; Prospect, 1994. – P. 186.

336. David Elizabeth. Spices, Salts and Aromatics in the English Kitchen. – Penguin, 1970. – P. 48.

337. Burke Jason. Kashmir Saffron Yields Hit by Drought, Smuggling and Trafficking // The Guardian Diamond Jared, Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies. – Norton, 1997. – 19 July 2010.

338. Douglass James. An Account of the Culture and Management of Saffron in England // Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. – January 1753.

339. Quoted in Hartley Dorothy. The Land of England: English Country Customs through the Ages (Macdonald, 1979), P. 354.

340. Hakluyt Richard. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffics and Discoveries of the English Nation. – Vol. 5. – Cambridge University Press, 1904. – P. 240.

341. Willard Pat. Secrets of Saffron. – Souvenir Press, 2001. – P. 112.

342. Meet the Producer – David Smale // The Guardian. – 16 November 2013.

343. David Elizabeth. Spices, Salts and Aromatics in the English Kitchen. – Penguin, 1970. – P. 46.

344. Collingham Lizzie. Curry: A Tale of Cooks and Conquerors. – Chatto & Windus, 2005. – P. 27–28.

345. Roden Claudia. The Book of Jewish Food. – Penguin, 1996. – P. 384.

346. Gerard John. Herball. – Norton & Whittakers, 1636. – P. 152.

347. В одном из примечаний в книге A Quaker Woman’s Cookbook: The Domestic Cookery of Elizabeth Ellicott Lea: Ed William Woys Veaver (Stackpole Books, 2004) объясняется, что в Средние века немецкий термин latwerge мог относиться к любому густому и частично обезвоженному продукту, получающемуся путем медленного отваривания фруктов. Поскольку в это время фрукты в основном отваривали с сахаром, а сахар считался лекарством для употребления внутрь, то latwerge можно было купить только у аптекарей. Однако к XVI веку latwerge стал продовольственным продуктом и частью немецкой народной кухни.

348. Strong Roy. Feast: A History of Grand Eating. – Cape, 2002. – P. 72.

349. Something Smells Odd in the Lucrative World of Saffron // The Independent. – 10 January 2011.

350. McCann James C. Stirring the Pot: A History of African Cuisine. – Ohio University Press, 2009. – P. 73.

352. Ortiz Elisabeth Lambert. Encyclopedia of Herbs, Spices and Flavourings. – Dorling Kindersley, 1992. – P. 150.

354. Jaffrey M. Ultimate Curry Bible. – Ebury Press, 2003. – P. 16.

354. Kuper Jessica (ed.). The Anthropologists’ Cookbook (1977). – Routledge, 1997. – P. 110.

355. Terry Tan. The Thai Table. – Singapore: Marshall Cavendish, 2007. – Р. 128.

356. Ottolenghi Yotam, Tamimi Sami. Jerusalem. – Ebury Press, 2012. – P. 302.

357. Grigson J. Charcuterie and French Pork Cookery. – Publ. Grub Street, 2008. – P. 41.

358. Collingham Lizzie. Curry: A Tale of Cooks and Conquerors. – Chatto & Windus, 2005. – P. 115.

359. Beeton Isabella. Book of Household Management. – Beeton, 1861. – P. 3.

360. Livingstone David. Expedition to the Zambesi. – John Murray, 1894. – P. 143.

361. Castell Hazel, Griffin Kathleen (eds). Out of the Frying Pan: Seven Women Who Changed the Course of Postwar Cookery. – BBC Books, 1993. – P. 135.

362. Rosengarten Frederic. The Book of Spices. – Pyramid, 1969. – P. 423.

363. Stobart T. Herbs, Spices and Flavourings. – Woodstock, N.Y.: The Overlook Press. – P. 71.

364. Davidson A. (ed.). Oxford Companion to Food. – Oxford University Press, 1999. – P. 672.

365. Jaffrey M. Ultimate Curry Bible. – Ebury Press, 2003. – P. 326.

366. Ottolenghi Y., Tamimi S. Jerusalem. – Ebury Press, 2012. – P. 34.

367. Woolley Hannah. The Gentlewoman’s Companion. – Maxwell, 1675. – P. 146.

368. Snodgrass Mary Ellen. Encyclopedia of Kitchen History. – Routledge, 2004. – P. 256.

369. A—Z of Unusual Ingredients: Ras el hanout // Daily Telegraph. – 20 November 2013.

Избранная библиография

Adams Jad. Hideous Absinthe: A History of the ‘Devil in a Bottle’. – I. B. Tauris, 2004.

Arber Agnes. Herbals. – Cambridge University Press, 1912.

Ayrton Elisabeth. The Cookery of England. – Penguin, 1974.

Başan Ghillie. Tagine: Spicy Stews from Morocco. – Ryland: Peters & Small, 2007.

Başan Ghillie. The Food and Cooking of Lebanon, Jordan and Syria. – Lorenz, 2011.

Başan Ghillie. The Complete Book of Turkish Cooking. – Hermes House, 2013.

Black Maggie. A Heritage of British Cooking. – Letts, 1978.

Boxer Arabella. Book of English Food. – Hodder, 1991.

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