Одурманивание Маньчжурии. Алкоголь, опиум и культура в Северо-Восточном Китае - Норман Смит
Shengjing shibao 1938b – “Jie yan geyao” [Quit smoking ballad]. Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times], 17 November 1938, 4.
Shengjing shibao 1938c – “Jiu ke wuli nao” [Drunkard is a nuisance]. Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times], 4 October 1938, 5.
Shengjing shibao 1938d – “Pang!” [Fat!]. Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times], 22 April 1938, 3.
Shengjing shibao 1938e – Shen rong hugu yanshou jiu [Ginseng, Antler, Tiger Bone Prolong Life Wine] ad. Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times], 21 July 1938, 3.
Shengjing shibao 1938f – “Yinzhe denglu jiang jiezhi” [Addict registry about to be cut off]. Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times], 11 June 1938, 9.
Shengjing shibao 1939a – “Jie yan qike da mayao zhen” [Quit smoking should not involve morphine injections]. Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times], 24 October 1939, 4.
Shengjing shibao 1939b – “Putaojiu yu putaojiu zhi shuo” [Grape wine and talk of grape wine]. Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times], 30 April 1939, supplement.
Shengjing shibao 1939c – Zhenhua yiyuan [China Rise with Force and Spirit Hospital] ad. Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times], 9 July 1939, 2.
Shengjing shibao 1940a – “Chedi yapian duanjin” [Thoroughly prohibit opium]. Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times], 1 March 1940, 2.
Shengjing shibao 1940b – “Duanjin zhengce jiji” [Vigorous prohibition policy]. Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times], 1 July 1940, 2.
Shengjing shibao 1940c – “Huo baobei: Tianmi de wen” [Live baby: Sweet kiss]. Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times], 28 June 1940, 5.
Shengjing shibao 1940d – Itō Ryōichi. “Yinzhe zhiliao zhi genben linian, si” [The basic theory of curing addicts, four]. Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times], 19 December 1940, 8.
Shengjing shibao 1940e – “Ji shi kangsheng yuan da gexin” [Jilin city Healthy Life Institute innovation]. Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times], 24 May 1940, 4.
Shengjing shibao 1940f – “Jie yin zhi huanxin zuotan hui, er” [Exultant Forum on Resolving Addiction, two]. Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times], 22 October 1940, 4.
Shengjing shibao 1940g – “Jie yin zhi huanxin zuotan hui, san” [Exultant Forum on Resolving Addiction, three]. Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times], 23 October 1940, 4.
Shengjing shibao 1940h – “Jie yin zhi huanxin zuotan hui, si” [Exultant Forum on Resolving Addiction, four]. Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times], 24 October 1940, 4.
Shengjing shibao 1940i – “Jie yin zhi huanxin zuotan hui, yi” [Exultant Forum on Resolving Addiction, one]. Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times], 20 October 1940, 4.
Shengjing shibao 1940j – “Jiu, yanpao, tangtou: Suitong shuilu tigao jiage, ershi ba qian suo zhe buxu zhangti” [Alcohol, tobacco, and sugar: Following taxes, prices rise: Those before the 28th are not allowed to raise prices]. Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times], 28 December 1940, 7.
Shengjing shibao 1940k – “Paichu yapian mayao liudu” [Eliminate the pernicious influence of opium and morphine]. Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times], 27 October 1940, 4.
Shengjing shibao 1940l – “Wei baoquan jiu lei, shi shi xuke ji” [To protect various kinds of alcohol, implementation of permit system]. Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times], 28 December 1940, 7.
Shengjing shibao 1940m – “Yan, jiu, cha, xiangliao gei ni de haochu?” [Smoke, alcohol, tea, and perfume give you a benefit?]. Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times], 12 October 1940, 4.
Shengjing shibao 1940n – “Yan, jiu, cha yu jiankang de yinxiang” [The influence of tobacco, alcohol, and tea on health]. Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times], 9 January 1940, 2.
Shengjing shibao 1940o – “Yinzhe fuyin” [Glad tidings for addicts]. Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times], 24 May 1940, 4.
Shengjing shibao 1940p – Yong Shanqi. “Jin yan judu zhi juti fangce, qi” [Concrete directives for banning smoking and refusing poison, seven]. Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times], 5 December 1940, 8.
Shengjing shibao 1940q – Yong Shanqi. “Jin yan judu zhi juti fangce, xu” [Concrete directives for banning smoking and refusing poison, continued]. Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times], 19 December 1940, 8.
Shengjing shibao 1940r – “Zi su ri: Jiu zheng ainao lixing jieyue, yan jin yan jiu du” [Self-respect time: Solemnly encouraging economizing: A serious ban on smoking, alcohol, and gambling]. Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times], 10 January 1940, 4.
Shengjing shibao 1941a – “Jiu shou wai jiu yingxiang: Jiu jia yi pi zai pi” [Alcohol influenced by nonlocal alcohol: Alcohol prices lower again and again]. Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times], 20 July 1941, 6.
Shengjing shibao 1941b – “Jiu wei xing Ya zhi di” [Alcohol is the enemy of a prospering Asia]. Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times], 2 September 1941, 7.
Shengjing shibao 1941c – “Jiu yu shensi” [Alcohol and development of the state of mind]. Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times], 26 February 1941, 3.
Shengjing shibao 1941d – “Nü yinzhi: Xing xing ba!” [Female addicts: Wake up!]. Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times], 5 September 1941, 5.
Shengjing shibao 1941e – “Pijiu peiji fangfa gaishan: Yi minzhong xuyong wei zhudian” [Beer ration method improvements: The main point is the needs of the common people]. Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times], 1 July 1941, 5.
Shengjing shibao 1941f – “Qudi de juewu” [Understanding the ban]. Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times], 10 April 1941, 7.
Shengjing shibao 1941g – “Xiang guomin zhuwei ji ju hua” [A few words to citizens]. Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times], 10 April 1941, 7.
Shengjing shibao 1941h – “Xin shui fa shi yi, di’jiu” [New tax laws explanation, part nine]. Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times], 10 September 1941, 1.
Shengjing shibao 1941i – “Zhengli yinzhe suqing si yan guan: Wei jin yan zhengci de yaowu, Yu Sheng, weisheng chuzhang fabiao tanhua” [Straighten out addicts, eliminate private opium dens: Important items for the government policies of prohibiting opium, Yu Sheng, section chief of the hygiene department, publishes a statement]. Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times], 2 September 1941, 11.
Shengjing shibao 1941j – “Zhuyi!! Yan du, jiu du, cha du: Yingdang zenyang jiuzhi” [Attention!! You ought to know how to cure tobacco poison, alcohol poison, and tea poison]. Shengjing shibao [Shengjing times], 5 April 1941, 4.
Shengjing shibao 1942a – “‘Ci Liu Ling’: Zui jiu shou fu chi yi nu jiu huazuo diaosigui” [‘Female Liu Ling’: Intoxicated and reprimanded by husband, suddenly angry and becomes a hung
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