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Одурманивание Маньчжурии. Алкоголь, опиум и культура в Северо-Восточном Китае - Норман Смит




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1989 – Zhi Yuan. “Bai tenghua” [White vine flower]. Huawen Daban meiri [Chinese Osaka daily], 1943. Reprinted in Liang Shanding, ed., Zhuxin ji [Candlewick collection], 349–62. Shenyang: Chunfeng wenyi chubanshe, 1989.

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Zhou 1994b – Zhou Zuoren. “Tan jiu” [Talk alcohol]. In Yi Yuan, ed., Jiumo: Jiufengqing xiaopinji [Alcohol mystics: Collection of essays on amorous feelings for alcohol], 18–21. Taibei: Yeqiang chuban, 1994.

Zhu 1933 – Zhu Jiqing. “Canjia Meiguo gonggong weisheng xuehui di’liushi ci nianhui gan yan” [Moving words on participating in the American Public Health Association’s 60th annual meeting]. Dongfang yixue zazhi [Far Eastern medical journal] 11, 1 (1933): 18–31.

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