Голодный мозг. Как перехитрить инстинкты, которые заставляют нас переедать - Стефан Гийанэй
131 «не отличались от обычных детей»: I. S. Farooqi, G. Matarese, G. M. Lord, J. M. Keogh, E. Lawrence, C. Agwu, et al., Benefi cial Effects of Leptin on Obesity, T Cell Hyporesponsiveness, and Neuroendocrine/Metabolic Dysfunction of Human Congenital Leptin Defi ciency, Journal of Clinical Investigation 110, no. 8 (October 15, 2002): 1093–103.
131 «высокой концентрацией лептина»: R. V. Considine, M. K. Sinha, M. L. Heiman, A. Kriauciunas, T. W. Stephens, M. R. Nyce, et al., Serum Immunoreactive Leptin Concentrations in Normal- weight and Obese Humans, New Eng land Journal of Medicine 334, no. 5 (February 1996): 292–95.
131 «нормальный уровень лептина»: S. B. Heymsfi eld, A. S. Greenberg, K. Fujioka, R. M. Dixon, R. Kushner, T. Hunt, et al., Recombinant Leptin for Weight Loss in Obese and Lean Adults: A Randomized, Controlled, Dose- Escalation Trial, Journal of the American Medical Association 282, no. 16 (October 27, 1999): 1568–75.
132 «лучше, чем у других»: Y. Ravussin, R. L. Leibel, and A. W. Ferrante Jr., A Missing Link in Body Weight Homeostasis: The Catabolic Signal of the Overfed State, Cell Metabolism 20, no. 4 (October 7, 2014): 565–72.
134 «небольшой порции пищи»: S. Carnell and J. Wardle, Appetite and Adiposity in Children: Evidence for a Behavioral Susceptibility Theory of Obesity, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 88, no. 1 (July 2008): 22–29.
135. «низкоуглеводные диеты»: Group DPPR, 10-Year Follow-Up of Diabetes Incidence and Weight Loss in the Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study, Lancet 374, no. 9702 (November 20, 2009): 1677–86; I. Shai, D. Schwarzfuchs, Y. Henkin, D. R. Shahar, S. Witkow, I. Greenberg, et al., Weight Loss with a LowCarbohydrate, Mediterranean, or Low- Fat Diet, New Eng land Journal of Medicine 359, no. 3 (July 17, 2008): 229–41.
135 «сдавало гипоталамусу захваченные у ожирения позиции»: Biggest Loser Winner Admits She’s Gained Back All the Weight, Mail Online, 2016, cited April 22, 2016, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article–3550257/I-feel-like-failure-Biggest-Loser-winner-dropped-112lbs-shares-shame-embarrassment-admitting-gained-nearly-weight-lost.html.
135 «мы все снова стали жирными»: Former Biggest Loser Contestants Admit ‘We Are All Fat Again!’ Mail Online, 2015, cited April 22, 2016, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2927207/We-fat-Former-Biggest-Loser-contestants-admit-controversial-regained-weight-endure-lasting-health-issues.html.
136 «в современной реальности»: Stokes, Using Maximum Weight; Stokes and Preston, Revealing the Burden of Obesity Using Weight Histories; S. S. Du Plessis, S. Cabler, D. A. McAlister, E. Sabanegh, and A. Agarwal, The Effect of Obesity on Sperm Disorders and Male Infertility, Nature Reviews Urology 7, no. 3 (March 2010): 153–61; C. J. Brewer and A. H. Balen, The Adverse Effects of Obesity on Conception and Implantation, Reproduction (Cambridge, Eng land) 140, no. 3 (September 2010): 347–64.
136 «над крысами»: B. E. Levin and A. A. Dunn- Meynell, Defense of Body Weight Against Chronic Caloric Restriction in Obesity- Prone and – Resistant Rats, American Journal of Physiology— Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 278, no. 1 (January 2000): R231–R237
137 «влияние трех разных типов диет»: B. E. Levin and A. A. Dunn-Meynell, Defense of Body Weight Depends on Dietary Composition and Palatability in Rats with DietInduced Obesity, American Journal of Physiology— Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 282, no. 1 (January 2002): R46–R54.
138 «через трубочку»: Hashim and Van Itallie, Studies in Normal and Obese Subjects; Campbell, Hashim and Van Itallie, Studies of Food- Intake Regulation.
138 «расширила результаты предыдущего опыта»: Cabanac and Rabe, Infl uence of a Monotonous Food.
140 «полноты тела с течением времени»: K. H. Schmitz, D. R. Jacobs, A. S. Leon, P. J. Schreiner, and B. Sternfeld, Physical Activity and Body Weight: Associations over Ten Years in the CARDIA Study. Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults, International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders 24, no. 11 (November 2000): 1475–87; A. J. Littman, A. R. Kristal, and E. White, Effects of Physical Activity Intensity, Frequency, and Activity Type on 10- Y Weight Change in Middle- Aged Men and Women, International Journal of Obesity 29, no. 5 (January 11, 2005): 524–33.
140 «и питались по той же диете»: B. E. Levin and A. A. Dunn- Meynell, Chronic Exercise Lowers the Defended Body Weight Gain and Adiposity in Diet- Induced Obese Rats, American Journal of Physiology— Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 286, no. 4 (April 2004): R771–R778.
140 «противостоят набору лишней массы»: C. Bouchard, A. Tchernof, and A. Tremblay, Predictors of Body Composition and Body Energy Changes in Response to Chronic Overfeeding, International Journal of Obesity 38, no. 2 (February 1, 2014): 236–42.
140 «почему-то не худеет»: W. C. Miller, D. M. Koceja, and E. J. Hamilton, A Meta-Analysis of the Past 25 Years of Weight Loss Research Using Diet, Exercise or Diet Plus Exercise Intervention, International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders 21, no. 10 (October 1997): 941–47.
140 «соблюдение этих рекомендаций»: C. A. Slentz, B. D. Duscha, J. L. Johnson, K. Ketchum, L. B. Aiken, G. P. Samsa, et al., Effects of the Amount of Exercise on Body Weight, Body Composition, and Mea sures of Central Obesity: STRRIDE— A Randomized Controlled Study, Archives of Internal Medicine 164, no. 1 (January 12, 2004): 31–39; N. A. King, M. Hopkins, P. Caudwell, R. J. Stubbs, and J. E. Blundell, Individual Variability Following 12 Weeks of Supervised Exercise: Identifi cation and Characterization of Compensation for Exercise- Induced Weight Loss, International Journal of Obesity 32, no. 1 (January 2008): 177–84; J. E. Donnelly, J. J. Honas, B. K. Smith, M. S. Mayo, C. A. Gibson, D. K. Sullivan, et al., Aerobic Exercise Alone Results in Clinically Signifi cant Weight Loss for Men and Women: Midwest Exercise Trial 2, Obesity (Silver Spring, MD) 21, no. 3 (March 2013): E219–E228.
141 «в течение двенадцати недель»: King, Hopkins, Caudwell, Stubbs, and Blundell, Individual Variability Following 12 Weeks.
142 «за год»: M. Hession, C. Rolland, U. Kulkarni, A. Wise, and J. Broom, Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials of LowCarbohydrate vs. Low- Fat/Low- Calorie Diets in the Management of Obesity and Its Comorbidities, Obesity Reviews 10, no. 1 (January 1, 2009): 36–50.
142 «подтверждением этих слов»: S. M. Nickols- Richardson, M. D. Coleman, J. J. Volpe, and K. W. Hosig, Perceived Hunger Is Lower and Weight Loss Is Greater in Overweight Premenopausal Women Consuming a Low- Carbohydrate/HighProtein vs. High- Carbohydrate/Low- Fat Diet, Journal of the American Dietetic Association 105, no. 9 (September 2005): 1433–37.
142 «объем потребляемых ими калорий снижается»: B. J. Brehm, S. E. Spang, B. L. Lattin, R. J. Seeley, S. R. Daniels, and D. A. D’Alessio, The Role of Energy Expenditure in the Differential Weight Loss in Obese Women on Low-Fat and Low-Carbohydrate Diets, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 90, no. 3 (March 1, 2005): 1475–82.
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